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候课内容: Please read the passage of Lesson1 Unit13! Unit 13 Lesson1 EQ : IQ Language Points.

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Presentation on theme: "候课内容: Please read the passage of Lesson1 Unit13! Unit 13 Lesson1 EQ : IQ Language Points."— Presentation transcript:

1 候课内容: Please read the passage of Lesson1 Unit13! Unit 13 Lesson1 EQ : IQ Language Points

2 By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Have a further understanding of the passage. Master the usage of the important language points: deserve; doubt; end up; in terms of; it’s believed that. Apply what we’ve learnt to specific context( 语境 ), especially in writing. Learning aims

3 大声朗读课文一遍, 感知语篇文本, 3 分钟 后检测阅读效果 ; 语篇中感悟

4 New research into EQ suggests that success _____________________ ( 不仅仅是 … 结果 ) a high IQ.______( 尽 管 )your IQ tells you ________________( 你是多么智慧 ),your EQ tells how well you use your intelligence. At work, it is IQ that ____________ ( 使你被录用 ),but it is EQ that ________________ ( 是你被提升 ). Have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students who you think _________ ( 应得 ) good grades, sometimes __________( 结果 ) failing exames? _____________________( 人们一致认为 ) people with high EQs have positive attitudes towards life. ___________________ ( 无容置疑 ) people with low EQs often have probloms______________( 与人相处 ) other people and ___________ ( 处理 ) difficult situations. However, scientists agree that people can improve their EQ, especially _____________( 在 … 方面 ) “people skills”. 语篇中提炼 ________

5 New research into EQ suggests that success _____________________ ( 不仅仅是 … 结果 ) a high IQ.______( 尽 管 )your IQ tells you ___________________( 你是多么智慧 ),your EQ tells how well you use your intelligence. At work, it is IQ that ____________ ( 使你被录用 ),but it is EQ that ________________ ( 是你被提升 ). Have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students who you think _________ ( 应得 ) good grades, sometimes __________( 结果 ) failing exames? ________________________( 人们一致认为 ) people with high EQs have positive attitudes towards life. _____________________( 无容置疑 ) people with low EQs often have probloms__________________( 与人相处 ) other people and ___________ ( 处理 ) difficult situations. However, scientists agree that people can improve their EQ, especially _____________( 在 … 方面 ) “people skills”. 语篇中提炼 isn’t simply the result ofWhile how intelligent you are gets you hired gets you promoted deserve end up It’s generally believed that There’s no doubt that getting along with dealing with in terms of ________ consequence 考点拓展 & 运用 自学指导 : 读记金版单词细解 5 & 短语聚焦 2-3 & 句型突破 1-2 。 自学目标 : 掌握以上重点词汇、句型的含义 & 用法, 并能学以致用。 自学时间: 4 分钟

6 走近高考 : Time: (1’) 1.________ in the regulations is that you should not tell other people the password of your e - mail account. A.What is required B.As it is required C.It is required D.People are required 2. It is said that the old coins ________ under the earth for about 100 years by the time they were discovered. (2011 重庆 ) A. had buried B. had been buried C. buried D. were buried 3. All the books donated by the students from urban schools are said ___to the students in the rural areas the other day. (2012 太原 ) A. to be sent B. being sent C. having been sent D. to have been sent

7 Time: (1’) 4. It is ______ you are very tired; you’ve been walking for hours. [ 2011 杭州模拟] A. no doubt B. no wonder C. no need D. no point 5.The eight peacekeeping police officers, who lost their lives in the Haiti earthquake, deserve _______ forever. A. remembered B. to be remembered C. to remember D. being remembered 6. I feel sure that ________ qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. need of B. in terms of favor of face of

8 情景创设:高三 (10) 班就 IQ 与 EQ 谁更重要展开了一场激烈的辩论。 两种不同观点 ( 大纲 ) 如下: 1. 一方观点:毫无疑问,高智商的人更容易考上一所好大学,获得 一份满意的工作,并且 ( 在工作岗位上 ) 有能力为社会做大贡献, 尤其是在科研领域。 2. 另一方观点:智商固然很重要,但从长远来看,情商更重要;很 多在学校成绩优异的学生,步入社会后结果并非我们期待的那样 成功,这也许是因为 EQ 低的原因。 运用中升华 ( 节节有作文 ) There is no doubt that people with high IQ can be more easily admitted to a key university and get a rather satisfying job where they are capable of making great contributions to society, especially in the field of science. While IQ is of great importance / significance, EQ is more important in the long term / run. Many smart students who get good grades in school end up failing in society / are not as excellent in society as they are expected, which is perhaps due to their low EQ. Team work: Group1: 讨论一方观点 Group2: 讨论另一方观点 2 分钟后选一代表板书讨论成果 欣赏 / 点评角度 : 1: 书写(字体、卷面) 2: 表达准确性(选词、句式)

9 最近,我班就 IQ 与 EQ 谁更重要展开了一场激烈的辩论。双方 各执己见。 There is no doubt that people with high IQ can be more easily admitted to a key university and get a rather satisfying job where they are capable of making great contributions to society, especially in the field of science. while IQ is of great importance / significance, EQ is mor important in the long term / run. Many smart students who get good grades in school end up failing in society / are not as excellent in society as they are expected, which is perhaps due to their low EQ. 运用中升华 ( 节节有作文 ) Personally,_____________________________________ ______________________________________________. Recently, our class has held a heated debate on which is more important, IE or EQ. Both sides have their own opinions. 一部分学生观点如下: Some students held the views as follows: 其他学生认为 Others think that

10 Homework: 1. Voice your own opinion on IQ and EQ to finish the composition with about 120 words. 2. To consolidate the important language points by doing the exercises in your reference book “JinBan”.


12 考点拓展 & 运用: deserve deserve doing=deserve to be done, doing 主动形 式表示被动含义,该用法与 _____ _____ ______ 等用 法相同。 needwantrequire 小结: deserve + n(praise/ punishment).________________ _____________ 值得做 …… ;应该做 …… ______________________ 值得被做 deserve to do 值得表扬 ; 应受惩罚 deserve doing/to be done

13 1. You'll _________________( 住院 )if you go on like this. 2. His speech a famous saying: Where there is a will, there is a way. 3. Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and____________a manager. (10 天津 ) 4. I read so much about a movie in advance that I often ended up not go to see it at all. ( 纠错回顾 ) 考点拓展 & 运用: end up with/ as/ in/doing end up in hospital ended up with ___ going ended up as

14 It’s generally believed that people with high EQs have positive attitudes towards life. 句型转换: ①含不定式: ② what 主从: ③ as 定从: People with high EQs are generally believed to have positive attitudes towards life. What is generally believed is that people with high EQs have positive attitudes towards life. As is generally believed, people with high EQs have positive attitudes towards life. 高频句式

15 that 考点拓展 & 运用: doubt 1. Some researchers believed that there is no doubt ______ a cure for AIDs will be found. 2. There is some some doubt_________he can win the first prize. 3. I doubt____________the new one will be any better. 4. I don’t doubt ______Chinese diet is the healthiest in the world. thatwhetherif/ whether 小结: ( 否 ) there is no/little doubt_______ sb don’t doubt________ ( 肯 ) sb doubt_____________ there is some doubt________ ( 疑问句 ) Do you doubt_______ ( 类似 ) : sb be sure_______sb be not sure__________ that if/ whether whether that if/ whether that

16 考点拓展 & 运用: in terms of 1. 学习并不总是那么简单,但从长远来看他总是有益的。 2. 就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。 Learning is not always easy, but it is always beneficial /of benefit in the long term/run. In terms of money, he’s quit rich, but not in terms of happiness.

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