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網路行銷 楊子青 1 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) Strategies 參考資料: Judy Strauss, Adel I. El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost, E-Marketing, Prentice Hall,

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Presentation on theme: "網路行銷 楊子青 1 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) Strategies 參考資料: Judy Strauss, Adel I. El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost, E-Marketing, Prentice Hall,"— Presentation transcript:

1 網路行銷 楊子青 1 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) Strategies 參考資料: Judy Strauss, Adel I. El-Ansary, and Raymond Frost, E-Marketing, Prentice Hall, 2006. Chap 8: Segmentation and Targeting Strategies. Chapter 9: Differentiation and Positioning Strategies.

2 網路行銷 楊子青 2 尋找市場機會

3 網路行銷 楊子青 3 Link E-Business with E-Marketing Strategy E-marketing strategic planning occurs in two highly interrelated tiers: Segmentation Targeting Value Positioning Differentiation Communication Distribution Offer E-Marketing Strategy Tier 1 tasks Tier 2 tasks

4 網路行銷 楊子青 4 目標行銷: STP 三步驟 Marketing Segmentation 市場區隔 the process of aggregating individuals or businesses along similar characteristics that pertain ( 關於 ) to the use, consumption, or benefits of a product or service. Targeting 目標區隔選擇 the process of selecting the market segments that are most attractive to the firm Positioning 產品定位 針對選定的目標市場,尋求、發展、傳達定位概念

5 網路行銷 楊子青 5 1.Market Segmentation Bases and Variables

6 網路行銷 楊子青 6 The MyKindaPlace Story MyKindaPlace Target to teenage (11-18 years old) girls. The site sports bright pink, blue, and purple colors. Age-appropriate language: link names on the site are labeled: Showbiz (show business 之略的變形 ) ( 演藝事業 ) Chill in ( 好冷 ), Cringe ( 討厭 ), Agony ( 苦惱 )…

7 網路行銷 楊子青 7 The MyKindaPlace Story Target to teenage (11-18 years old) girls. (Cont.) Play “Virtual Boyfriend”, Take fun quizzes ( 惡作劇 ), chat, and send e-cards to friends. Site managers monitor chat rooms so parents don’t pull the plug ( 拔掉插頭 ). Revenues from: Sponsorship ( 贊助 ) Site’s 10 channels are sponsored by brands targeting teens. Merchandise sales Payment: smart cards, and parents’ credit cards.

8 網路行銷 楊子青 8 BabyBoss

9 網路行銷 楊子青 9 BabyBoss

10 網路行銷 楊子青 10 Behavior Segments Two behavioral segmentation variables are: Benefit segmentation ( 利益區隔 ) : based on the benefits consumers desire from the product. “70% of online shoppers can be segmented into two groups: Bargain hunters, and Convenience shoppers. Product usage ( 產品使用 ) Light, medium and heavy product usage. Brand loyal, loyal to the competitive product, switchers (who don’t care which brand they use), and nonusers of the product.

11 網路行銷 楊子青 11 省油

12 網路行銷 楊子青 12 NISSAN TIIDA 大玩魔術空間

13 網路行銷 楊子青 13 Nissan 的新產品: 100 %的電動車 LEAF → 環保

14 網路行銷 楊子青 14 2. Targeting Online Customers Marketers must select the best potential segments for targeting: Consider findings from the SWOT analysis Look for the best fit between the market environment and the firm’s expertise and resources. To be attractive, an online segment must be accessible through the Internet, sizable, growing, and hold great potential for profit.

15 網路行銷 楊子青 15 Four Targeting Strategies (1) Mass marketing ( 大量行銷 ) Undifferentiated targeting ( 無差異化行銷 ) Offers one marketing mix for the entire market. 市場行銷組合

16 網路行銷 楊子青 16 Four Targeting Strategies (2) Multi-segment marketing ( 區隔化行銷 ) Selects two or more segments and designs marketing mix strategies specifically for each. 市場區隔一行銷組合一 市場區隔二行銷組合二 市場區隔三行銷組合三

17 網路行銷 楊子青 17 中廣

18 網路行銷 楊子青 18 靜宜資管專業學程

19 網路行銷 楊子青 19 Four Targeting Strategies (3) Niche marketing ( 利基行銷 ) Selects one segment and develops one or more marketing mixs to meet the needs of that segment. 市場區隔一 市場區隔二行銷組合 市場區隔三

20 網路行銷 楊子青 20 好家庭連播網

21 網路行銷 楊子青 21 Four Targeting Strategies (4) Individualized targeting ( 個人化行銷 ) The Internet’s big promise: giving individual consumers exactly what they want at the right time and place.

22 網路行銷 楊子青 22 市場區隔的運用實例

23 網路行銷 楊子青 23 市場區隔的運用實例

24 網路行銷 楊子青 24 3. Differentiation Differentiation is what a company does to the product. The process of adding a set of meaningful and valued differences to distinguish the company’s offering from competitors’ offerings. “A company can differentiate its market offering along five dimensions: product, services, personnel, channel, and image.”

25 網路行銷 楊子青 25 Internet-Specific Differentiation Strategies 1. Site Environment 2. Tangibilize ( 可見 化 ) the Intangible 3. Trust  Look and feel of site  User friendly  Accurate portrayal ( 精確描 述 ) of company and product  3-D images  Trial downloads  Customer reviews  Clearly state privacy policy  Use encryption for secure transactions 4. Efficiency and Timeliness ( 及時 ) 5. Pricing6. CRM  Deliver what is promised to customers  Deliver in a timely manner  Be aware of competitor pricing  Potential customer savings  Customer tracking  Customer-driven personalization and convenience

26 網路行銷 楊子青 26 The J.Peterman Story

27 網路行銷 楊子青 27 The J.Peterman Story J.Peterman A classic example of successfully combining clever differentiation with powerful positioning. J.Peterman’s statement of philosophy: People want things that are hard to find. Things that have romance ( 羅曼蒂克 ), but a factual ( 有事實根據的 ) romance, about them. Clearly, people want things that make their lives the way they with they were.

28 網路行銷 楊子青 28 The J.Peterman Story Every clothing and accessory ( 配件 ) item offered comes: with a narrative ( 故事 ) setting the stage in the customer’s mind for romantic travel.

29 網路行銷 楊子青 29 Product Example of J.Peterman I always wanted to cross the Sahara ( 撒哈拉沙漠 ), and the Gobi ( 戈壁 ), by foot. But I didn’t. I did not swim the Hellespont ( 海峽名 ). Didn’t ascend Mont Blanc ( 白朗峰 ). Didn‘t read all the books I had to read. Didn’t spend even one night at Shepheard‘s Hotel in Cairo ( 開羅 ). Not one. Shepheard‘s burned ( 燒毀 ) to the ground before I could afford to check in. That night, it became my code word for everything unobtained, undone. In case there are a few things in your life you wanted but didn‘t get, I offer as consolation( 慰藉 ). The Impossibly- Perfect-Night-at-Shepheard's-Hotel-in-Cairo Bath robe( 長袍 ). Shepheard‘s Hotel Robe (No. 1148), for men and women. Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL.

30 網路行銷 楊子青 30 4. Positioning The process of creating a desired image for a company and its products in the minds of a chosen user segment. Concerns brands, the company itself, or individual products. The concept is simple: To be successful, a company must: Differentiate itself and its products from all other competitors.

31 網路行銷 楊子青 31 4.1 Bases for Positioning Firms can position on the basis of: Product or service attributes (“the smallest cell phone”), High-tech image (“our cell phones handle e-mail”), Benefits (“fits in your pocket”), User categories (“best cell phone for college students”), Comparison with competitors (“our phone is less expensive than the Nokia”), Take an integrator position (“a full range of electronic products and services”).

32 網路行銷 楊子青 32 網站定位實例 產品定位:雄師旅遊:真正全國最大出團中心雄師旅遊:真正全國最大出團中心 使用者類別、利益定位: MOOK 自遊自在旅遊網: 華文旅遊內容網 MOOK 自遊自在旅遊網: 華文旅遊內容網 科技定位:任逍遙:任逍遙市民網任逍遙:任逍遙市民網 科技、使用者類別定位:夜市通:找夜市到夜市通夜市通:找夜市到夜市通 使用者類別定位:旅遊王:網路訂房旗艦旅遊王:網路訂房旗艦 使用者類別定位:民宿王:最多人瀏覽的民宿網站民宿王:最多人瀏覽的民宿網站 產品定位:年代售票網:最大的藝文售票系統年代售票網:最大的藝文售票系統 競爭者定位:元碁售票網:滿足您訂票的需要元碁售票網:滿足您訂票的需要 整合定位:東森購物網路商城:關心你的每件事東森購物網路商城:關心你的每件事

33 網路行銷 楊子青 33 4.2 Repositioning on the Web Is the process of creating a new or modified brand, company, or product position. Positioning alone won't make a product successful. A company must be flexible enough to react. Is a long-term challenge when attempting to change the way customers perceive their brands. Example: Originally Amazon was positioned as “the world’s largest bookstore”. Today it promises the “Earth’s biggest selection” of a variety of products from music to electronics and more.

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