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Unit 4 Growing up Welcome to the unit. Objectives To get familiar with the topic of growing up. As the topic is quite common. To use the new words to.

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1 Unit 4 Growing up Welcome to the unit

2 Objectives To get familiar with the topic of growing up. As the topic is quite common. To use the new words to tell a story about growing up.

3 2. What comes in your mind when talking about “growing up”?

4 3. Growing up also means that you learn more about the world. How do you learn about the world?

5 A Mr Wu is asking the Class 7, Grade 9 students to do a survey on how they learn about the world. Tick (√) three boxes that you think are the most important ways you learn about the world. How do you learn about the world?

6 a Parents and relatives b Teachers c Friends d Travelling e Books f TV and films g The Internet √ √ √

7 B Simon and Millie are talking about how they like to learn about the world. Work in pairs and talk about your ideas. Use the conversation below as a model. Simon: How do you learn about the world, Millie? Millie: I like to learn about the world from books. Simon: Why do you like to learn that way?

8 Millie: Books allow me to learn about people in different times and places, and I can read them whenever I want to. What about you? Simon: I like to learn about the world through the Internet. Millie: Is that so? Simon: Yes. It's quick. As soon as you click the mouse, there's a great deal of information. Millie: That's true

9 Millie Simon The way to learn about the world Reasons books Fill in the blanks according to the conversation. Internet 1. know people in different times and places 2. can read in any time 1. quick and easy 2. plenty of information

10 Words Review on one’s mind time whenever through as soon as deal a great deal (of) 挂在心上;惦念 n. 时期;时代 conj. 无论何时 prep. 以,凭借 一 …… 就 n. 很多 大量,许多


12 Repeat the comic strip after the tape. And fill in the blanks. Hobo: What’s ___ your mind, Eddie? Eddie: I’m worried. Growing up is hard! Hobo: _________? You’ve been happy since I first met you. Eddie: I’m growing too big for my house now. on What’s up

13 Hobo: That’s all right. Build ________ one for yourself. Eddie: That won’t be easy, Hobo. Please help me. Don’t ___________ until you finish building it. another wake me up

14 1. What’s on your mind, Eddie? 你想啥呢,埃迪? on one’s mind 意思是 “( 有事 ) 挂在心上 ; 烦 恼 ” Don’t bother him. He’s got a lot on his mind. 别打扰他了,他烦心事够多了。 Language points

15 2. Don’t wake me up until you finish building it. 直到你把房子盖好再叫醒我。 (1) wake up 醒 来 ; 叫 醒, 唤 醒 I usually wake up at six in the morning. 我经常在早上六点想来。 My mother wakes me up at seven in the morning. 妈妈常常在早上七点把我叫醒。

16 (2) until 此处用作连词, 意为 “ 直到 … 时为止 ” 。 用于否定句中,构成 “not…until” 结构, 意为 “ 直到 …… 才 ” I hadn’t realized she was foreign until she spoke. 直到她说话我才意识到她是个外国人。 I won’t stop shouting until you let me go. 你不放我走, 我就一直喊叫。 注意:作连词的 until 用于否定句中,从句动 作先发生,主句动作再发生。

17 (3) finish 动词,意为 “ 完成 ” 其后跟名 词、代词或动词 -ing 形式作宾语。 I finished my homework half an hour ago. 我半小时前就做完作业了。 Have you finished cooking? 你把饭做好了吗?

18 后面跟动词 -ing 形式的常见动词及短语: enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事 practice doing sth. 练习做某事 keep (on) doing sth. 继续 / 一直做某事 mind doing sth. 介意做某事 be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事 have fun doing sth. 高兴做某事 feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 kook forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事 can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事

19 4. As soon as you click the mouse, there's a great deal of information. 你一点击鼠标,就会有大量的信息呈现。 (1) as soon as 意为 “ 一 …… 就 ……” ,引导 时间状语从句,若主句用一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时表将来;若主句用过 去时,从句也要用过去时。 I will call you as soon as I get to Shanghai. 我一到上海就给你打电话。 As soon as I went in, he cried out with pleasure. 我一进门,他就高兴地叫起来。

20 (2) a great deal of 大量,许多,也可说 成 a good deal of ,后 面只能跟不可 数名词。 I spent a great deal of my time on this work. 我在这项工作上花了不少时间。 a (large/good) number of 也表示 “ 大量, 许多 ” 后面只能跟可数名词的复数形式。 A number of accidents always occur on rainy days. 雨天常常有许多事故发生。

21 1. The film takes us back to the _______ of the American War of Independence. 2. I’ll discuss it with you ________ you like. 3. I heard of the job _______ a newspaper advertisement. I. 用方框中词的适当形式填空。 whenever through time time through whenever Exercises

22 II. 根据汉语及提示翻译下列句子。 1. 萨拉,你看起来很焦虑。有什么事吗? (on one’s mind) __________________________________ _______________________________ 2. 我一见到他就告诉他。 (as soon as) __________________________________ 3. 出现了很多变化。 (a great deal of) __________________________________ You look worried, Sarah. Is there something on your mind? I will tell him as soon as I see him. There has been a great deal of change.

23 Unit 4 Growing up Reading

24 Objectives To learn about Spud Webb’s life and the NBA To master the key language points and learn how to use them in context

25 What do you know about Spud Webb?

26 He is 170cm tall. He is the shortest player in the NBA

27 What makes a person a wonderful basketball player? Height? Skill? Which is more important to a basketball player? Why? Let’s read the article — The shortest player in the NBA

28 Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n. 初级中学 参加 … 选拔 ( 或试演 ) 泄气,灰心 vt.&vi. 得分 n. 高级中学 n. 看台 改变主意 n. 领导者 vt. 命名

29 university simply junior college national championship succeed succeed in doing sth. scholarship n. 大学 adv. 仅仅;简直 n. 两年制专科 学校 adj. 国家的 n. 锦标赛,大赛 vi. 成功 成功地做某事 n. 奖学金

30 although graduate force league remain take notice of achievement prove matter conj. 尽管,虽然 vi. 毕业 vt. 强迫,迫使 n. 联盟,社团 vi. 逗留;保持不变 注意,察觉 n. 成就,成绩 vt. 证明 vi. 要紧, 有重大影响

31 A Never give up David likes basketball. He is reading on article about Spud Webb, a retired American NBA player. Here is the article. The shortest player in the NBA Spud Webb was born in Texas, the USA, in 1963. He was very small—much smaller than the other kids at school.

32 However, he had a big dream—he wanted to play in the NBA. While attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was too small. He did not lose heart. When he finally got the chance, he scored 20 points in his first game. From then on, he was the star of the team.

33 In senior high, Spud often had to sit in the stands because of his height. He practised even harder and got the coach to change his mind. Spud went on to become leader of the team. In his last year of senior high, he was named Player of the Year in Texas. However, no university would invite him to play basketball simply

34 because he was only 170 cm tall. He decided to play at a junior college. There he led his team to the national championship. This brought him to the attention of North Carolina State University. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship.

35 Although he was a great player at university, the NBA was not interested in him because all its players were more than 20 cm taller than he was. After he graduated, he was forced to play in another basketball league. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. In 1985, he joined the Atlanta Hawks and became Although he was a great player at university, the NBA was not interested in him because all its players were more than 20 cm taller than he was. After he graduated, he was forced to play in another basketball league. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. In 1985, he joined the Atlanta Hawks and became

36 the shortest player in the NBA at that time. He had many great achievements, but his proudest moment came in 1986 —he won the Slam Dunk Contest. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter—you can do almost anything if you never give up. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter—you can do almost anything if you never give up.

37 Language points

38 1.He was very small—much smaller than the other kids at school. 他很矮 — 比学校里的其他孩子要矮不少。 比较级前可以加 much, a little, quite, even 等副词表示程度或加强比较。 Shanghai is much bigger than my hometown. 上海比我的家乡大多了。 He practised even harder and got the coach to change his mind. 他训练更加刻苦,终于使教练改变了看法。

39 2. Spud tried out for the school team… 斯巴德争取参加校队 …… try out for 报名参加;争取参加;参加 选拔 These teams are going to try out for the Olympic Games. 这些队伍要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔 赛. Over fifty boys came to try out for the football team. 五十多个男孩来竞争参加足球队.

40 3. He did not lose heart. 他没有泄气。 lose heart 失去信心;心灰意冷; 垂头 丧气 Although he failed in this entrance examination, he didn't lose heart. 这次入学考试他虽名落孙山, 但他并不气馁. I'll never lose heart even if I should fail ten times. 即使失败 10 次, 我也不灰心.

41 4. When he finally got the chance, he scored 20 points in his first game. scored v. & n. 得分 Kelly had scored an average of 147 on three separate IQ tests... 凯利在 3 项不同的智商测试中平均得分 147 。 They beat the Giants by a score of 7 to 3. 他们以 7 比 3 的比分击败了巨人队。

42 5. In senior high, Spud often had to sit in the stands because of his height. 在高中,因为身高,斯巴德常常不得 不坐在看台上。 senior high 高中 junior high 初中 sit in the stands 坐在看台上

43 6. There he led his team to the national championship. 在那里他带领他的球队赢得了全国冠军。 lead to 意为 “ 把 … 带到;导致;通向 ” Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. 过量的工作和过少的休息经常会引起疾病。 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

44 7. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship. 因此,他成功获得奖学金。 succeed 是不及物动词。 succeed in doing sth. 成功做成某事 They succeeded in persuading me to stay at home. 他们成功地说服了我留在家里.

45 8. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. before the NBA took notice of him. 在 NBA 注意他之前,他在那里呆了一年。 took notice of 注意,觉察 took notice of 注意,觉察 Nobody took particular notice of her. Nobody took particular notice of her. 没有人特别注意她. 没有人特别注意她. I warned him, but he took no notice of it. I warned him, but he took no notice of it. 我警告过他, 但他置若罔闻. 我警告过他, 但他置若罔闻.

46 9. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter that size and body type does not matter —you can do almost anything if you —you can do almost anything if you never give up. never give up. 通过努力,斯巴德. 韦伯证明高矮胖瘦不重要 — 只要 永不放弃,几乎没有什么你做不到的。 (1) matter 要紧 ; 有关系 ; 有影响 It does not matter! 常用于别人向你道歉 It does not matter! 常用于别人向你道歉 时,用此来回答,表示 “ 没关系 ” 。 时,用此来回答,表示 “ 没关系 ” 。 The job matters to him more than The job matters to him more than anything. anything. 对他来说,这份工作比其他什么都重要。 对他来说,这份工作比其他什么都重要。

47 (2) give up 意为 “ 放弃 ” 后接名词、代词或 动词 -ing 形式。后接代词作宾语时,须将 代词置于 give 和 up 之间。 It was a difficult time, but we never It was a difficult time, but we never gave up hope. gave up hope. 那是一段艰难的时期,但我们从没有放 那是一段艰难的时期,但我们从没有放 弃希望。 弃希望。 You should give up smoking. It’s bad You should give up smoking. It’s bad for your health. for your health. 你应该戒烟,吸烟对健康有害。 你应该戒烟,吸烟对健康有害。

48 a. achieve something that you have been trying to do b. use facts to show that something is true c. a place where people stand or sit to watch sports d. be important e. of a whole country f. money given to somebody so that he or she can continue study 1.stand ___ 2. national ___ 3. succeed ___ 4. scholarship ___ 5. prove ___ 6. matter ___ ce a f b d

49 Exercises

50 I. 单项选择 1. — Zhang Hang became____ Chairman of the Students’ Union last week. — That’s great! Is this his ____first time to get this position? A. the; the B. /; / C. a; / D. /; the 2. Jane is more active in class than ____ girls in her class. A. othersB. another C. the otherD. the others B C

51 3. — Do you enjoy the foreign song? — Yes, ____I don’t quite understand it. A. because B. so C. althoughD. when 4. I have ____two clubs in my school this term, so I have _____ more chances to develop my hobbies. A. joined; lots of B. joined in; a lot C. joined in; a great deal of D. joined; much C D

52 5. The woman often ____ her 9-year-old son to water the flowers in the garden at weekends. A. makes B. brings C. sees D. gets 6. — You look a little nervous. What’s wrong? — I will ___the school football team in half an hour, but I’m not sure if I can be accepted. A. try out forB. try on C. work out D. work on D A

53 7. Hard work and right methods can ____ one to success. So, don’t lose heart. You’ll make progress soon. A. take B. show C. lead D. remind 8. — Linda wasn’t accepted by the club simply ____ she is a girl. — No, it was ____ her body type. A. as; because B. when; because of C. because; because D. because; because of C D

54 II. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中 所缺的单词。 1.The 24-year-old German football player Mueller ( 得分 ) three points in his first match in the World Cup in Brazil. 2. Can the young girl _______( 证明 ) that all those articles are written by her? scored prove

55 3. It’s wise for parents not to ________ ( 强迫 ) their children to do what they aren’t willing to do. 4. Albert Einstein was a simple man as well as a scientist with great ___________ ( 成就 ). 5. Around the world there are many cities_______( 命名 ) after great people. force achievements named

56 III. 根据所给汉语补全句子,词数不限。 1. 当我们考试不及格时,班主任总是告诉 我们不要泄气。 When we fail in the exam, our head teacher always tells us. 2. 这个人出身贫寒,但通过自己的努力,他 成功地拥有了自己的一家大公司。 The man was born in a poor family, but with his own effort he has ___________ ________a big company of his own. not to lose heart succeeded in owning

57 5. 从那以后,汤姆工作更加努力,最终 成为了小组的领导者。 _____________, Tom worked harder and became _________________at last. From then on leader of the team

58 3. 这个新来的女生发现没有人注意她,一整天 闷闷不乐。 The new girl student found that no one _____________ her, so she was unhappy the whole day. 4. 我已经做出了最后的决定,什么也没法改变 我的主意。 I have made the final decision and nothing can make me _______________. took notice of change my mind

59 Unit 4 Growing up Grammar

60 Objectives To learn how to use the conjunctions to introduce time clauses.

61 A Using before, after, when and while We use conjunctions before, after, when and while to introduce time clauses. They can be placed at the beginning or in the middle of sentences. Before and after can also be used as prepositions of time. before 9a.m. after lunch

62 Before means earlier than a certain time. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. After means later than a certain time. After he graduated, he was forced to play in another basketball league.

63 When means at or during a certain time. When he finally got the chance, he scored 20 points in his first game. While means during a certain time. While (he was) attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team.

64 时间状语从句 时间状语从句是指在复合句中充当时间 状语的句子。 常见引导词: before, after, when, while, since, till/until, as soon as, whenever 等。

65 注意:在 when 和 while 引导的从句中,当 主句和从句的主语一致,并且从句 中有 be 动词时,可以省略主语和 be 动词,构成 when/while + -ing 结构 When (she is) in trouble, she always asks me for my help. 当她遇到困难时总是向我求助。 While (I am) travelling, I like to buy some souvenirs. 旅游时我喜欢买纪念品。

66 One of David’s days David is writing in his diary about one of his days. Help him combine his sentences using before, after, when or while. 1.I go jogging every morning. Then I have breakfast. _______________________________ _____________. I go jogging every morning before I have breakfast

67 2. I practised playing basketball for hours. I felt tired out. ________________________________ ______________________ 3. I met Peter. I was waiting at the bus stop. __________________________________ ___________ After I practised playing basketball for hours. I felt tired out. I met Peter while (I was) waiting at the bus stop.

68 4. I was watching TV. I received a call from my uncle. ________________________________ __________________ 5. I was ready to go to bed. My father came back from work. ______________________________ ____________________ While (I was) watching TV. I received a call from my uncle. I was ready to go to bed. My father came back from work.

69 B Using since, till and until We also use the conjunctions since, till and until to introduce time clauses. Since, till and until can also be used as prepositions of time. since 2006 till/until today

70 Since means from a certain time. The verb in the main clause is often used in the present perfect tense. You've been happy since I first met you. Till and until mean up to a certain time. Until can be placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence, but till is usually used in the middle of the sentence.

71 Spud remained in another basketball league for about a year till/until the NBA took notice of him. Until his dream came true, Spud never gave up. When we use the structure not... until, we cannot use till instead of until. Do not wake me up until you finish your work.

72 ① since “ 自 … 以来 ” 表示自过去的一个起始 时间点到目前 ( 说话时间 ) 为止的一段持续时 间。主句的谓语动词一般用现在完成时,从 句的谓语动词用一般过去时。一般过去时 Mr Green has taught in that school since he came to China three years ago. 自格林先生来中国以来,他就在这所学校教书。 since 、 till 和 until 引导的时间状语从句

73 ② till/until “ 到 …… 为止 ” ,一般情况下两 者可以互换。 until 可以放在句首或句中, 而 till 不可以用在句首。 注意:如果主句中的谓语动词是瞬间动词, 必须用否定形式,即 “not…until” 结构, 意思是 “ 直到 …… 才 ” Walk till/until you see a white house. 一直走到你看到一座白房子为主。 I did not go to bed until I finished my homework. 直到做完作业我才上床睡觉。

74 1. You’ve been happy ______I first met you. 2. Spud remained in another basketball league for about a year __________ the NBA took notice of him. 3. _______ his dream came true, Spud never gave up. 4. Do not wake me up ________ you finish your work. since till/ until Until until Exercises

75 5. It moved up over my stomach and neck _______ it was standing near my face. 6. I’ve lived here ________ I was born. 7. They’ll say “excuse me” and be polite enough to wait _______you move. until since till

76 C Using as soon as and whenever The conjunctions as soon as and whenever can also introduce time clauses. We can use every time to replace whenever.

77 As soon as means when something happens, or a short time after something has happened. It began to rain as soon as I left the house. Whenever means at any time. I can read books whenever I want to.

78 ① as soon as “ 一 …… 就 ” We began to work as soon as we got there. 我们一到那就开始工作。 I will write to you as soon as I get home. 我一到家就给你写信。 as soon as 和 whenever 引导的时间状语从句

79 ② Whenever “ 每当;任何时候 ” He likes listening to music whenever he has time. 每当他有时间的时候,他喜欢听音乐。 Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble. 每当我听取你的建议的时候,我就会惹上 麻烦 注意: whenever 可以用 every time 替换。

80 More about basketball C1 Simon is writing about David's love for basketball. Help Simon complete his sentences with as soon as or whenever. 1.David often goes to play basketball ___________ school is over. as soon as

81 2. He watches the NBA __________ there is a game on TV. 3. _________ he talks about basketball, he gets excited. 4. ___________ he learnt that the NBA players would come to China, he tried his best to get a ticket. whenever Whenever As soon as

82 C2 David is writing about Yao Ming, his favourite basketball star. Help him complete his article with the correct conjunctions you have learnt in this unit. Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in 1980. He got his first basketball ⑴ _______he was only four years old, but he did not when

83 become serious about basketball (2)_____ he was 12. Yao joined the Houston Rockets in 2002 and became the best Chinese player to ever play in the NBA. ⑶ _____________he went to the USA, he knew little English, but he quickly learnt the language. The best moment in his career was in 2004—he scored 41 points in a game against the Atlanta Hawks. until When/Before

84 When Yao Ming was living in the USA, he returned to China (4)__________ he was needed. He took part in the Olympics in 2004 and in 2008 as one of the Chinese athletes. (5)___________he ended his basketball career, Yao has done more charity work, especially for poor Chinese teenagers. Whenever Since/After

85 Exercises

86 1. — How long did you stay with your friend John in the cafe last night? — _____10:30 p.m. A. At B. Since C. Until D. Whenever 2. — Did you talk with your favourite singer after the concert? — No. He got on the coach ____I could get in a word. A. while B. after C. until D. before C D I. 单项选择。

87 3. While I _______ along the street, a running boy ____ into me from behind. A. was walking; knocked B. walked; was knocking C. was walking; was knocking D. walked; knocked A

88 4. Disney was drawing a picture at home _____a little mouse jumped onto the desk. A.while B. when C. before D. after 5. Uncle Wang _____on the farm when I met him a few weeks ago. A. is working B. has worked C. was working D. works B C

89 6. My brother ____ interested in English since the end of last term. A. had become B. became C. was D. has been 7. — How long shall we stay indoors? — _____ the rain stops. A. Before B. While C. When D. Till D D

90 8. — Can you come and see me in Nanjing? — OK. I will leave for Nanjing _____ the summer holiday ______. A. whenever; starts B. as soon as; starts C. whenever; will start D. as soon as; will start B

91 9. The young man saw his girl friend off at the railway station and he _____her through the window until the train disappeared in the distance. A. sawB. watched C. noticedD. found 10. We must fight _____ pollution so that it won’t destroy ( 破坏 ) our good life. A. againstB. for C. toD. about B A

92 Unit 4 Growing up Integrated skills

93 Objectives To get familiar with the history of World War II To master the new words and phrases and tell a war story.

94 Words review die of/from German Nazi thought survive admire courage in fear of one’s life 死于 adj. 德国(人)的 n. 纳粹分子 n. 想法,看法, 主意 v. 幸存,生存 v. 钦佩,羡慕 n. 勇气 为生命安全担忧

95 A1 Millie is listening to a radio programme about a book and World War II. Listen to the first part of the programme and help Millie fill in the missing words. World War II broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945. Life changed for everybody, including women and ⑴ ________because of the war. About A Anne Frank and World War II children

96 (2)_________ people lost their lives during the war. The Diary of a Young Girl was written by a girl named Anne Frank. It was first published in (3) ______ and has been translated into (4)____languages since then. The diary has been read by people all over the world. It was a record of that time, and it has also become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit. 72 million 1947 67

97 A2 Listen to the second part of the programme and help Millie complete the timeline about Anne Frank. Anne Frank Jun. 1929: born in ⑴ ________, a Jew Jul. 1942: they went into hiding in her father’s (2) ______ Germany office

98 Aug. 1944: they were caught and sent to a Nazi camp Jan. 1945: her (3) ________died Mar. 1945: Anne and her elder (4)_____ died of illness 1947: her (5)_______ had her diary published mother sister father

99 A3 Millie wants to tell her classmates about the programme. Help her complete the article with the information on page 57. The Diary of a Young Girl was written by a girl named Anne Frank. Anne Frank was born in ⑴ _________ in 1929. She was a Jew. Because the German Nazis hated the ⑵ _____and wanted to kill them, her family were Germany Jews

100 forced to move to another country. In (3) ________, they went into hiding in a secret place in her father’s (4) ______. During that difficult time Anne kept writing in her diary until they were discovered by the Nazis in (5) __________. They were caught and sent to a Nazi camp. Her (6)_________ died a few months later. She and her elder sister died of (7)_______ in 1945, before the war ended. July 1942 office August 1944 mother illness

101 After the war, her father collected her diary and had it published in (8)______. It has been translated into (9)____ languages since then. Her diary was a record of that time. In her diary, Anne wrote down her thoughts, her feelings, her hopes and her dreams for the future. 1947 67

102 B Speak up: I hope war never happens again. Millie and Simon are talking about World War II. Work in groups and discuss what you know about it. Use the conversation below as a model.

103 Millie: Have you read any other stories about children in the war? Simon: Yes. I've just finished the book I Am David, a story about a 12-year-old boy and his journey to Copenhagen after he got away from a Nazi camp. Millie: The book A Small Free Kiss in the Dark is also about a young homeless

104 boy and how he survived the war with his friends. Simon: I admire these children for their courage. However, it's a pity that they couldn't enjoy a happy life just as we do. Millie: Yes. Although we live in peace, some children in other parts of the world still live in fear of their lives. I hope war never happens again.

105 Unit 4 Growing up Task

106 Who is the person influenced you most? My grandfather! He is Michael Jackson! My math teacher Jack.

107 friendly clever fair patientcurious polite creative kind hard-working …

108 Words review unusual cell cancer surprise to one’s surprise research death adj. 不寻常的 n. 细胞 n. 癌症 n. 惊奇;诧异 令某人惊奇的是 n. 研究;调查 n. 死,死亡

109 Objectives To learn how to describe a person’s experience. to write about a person who has influenced you most.

110 The person who has influenced me most A Mr Wu is asking each of the Class 7, Grade 9 students to write about the person who has influenced him or her most He shows an article to them as a model. Read the article with them.

111 My father is in his fifties. He has worked in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. My father has always been kind and helpful. He is ready to help anyone. He gave our TV to a family who could not afford one; he cares for the children who have lost their parents; whenever he has some money left, he gives it to someone in need.

112 My father has donated blood many times since 1990. The blood he has donated is enough to save over 70 lives. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. When I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family. Now I realize that he has a heart full of love.


114 1. My father is in his fifties. in one s fifties 在五十多岁时( fifties 前 可插入 early, late, mid-, middle ) 类似表达: in one’s teens/ twenties/ thirties/ forties/… 她有二十五、六岁。 She was in her mid-twenties. 他当时已经快八十岁了。 He was then in his late seventies. Practise

115 2. He is ready to help anyone. be ready to do sth. (1) 乐于做某事 (2) 准备好做某事 我准备好开始我新的校园生活。 I’m ready to start my new school life. 托尼乐于和我们一起做家务。 Tony is ready to do the housework with us. Practise

116 donate 意为 “ 捐赠,赠送 ( 财物等 )( 尤指对 慈善事业 )” ,常用 donate... to… “ 捐 献 …… 给 ……” 。如: She donated her books to the library. 她把自己的书捐赠给了图书馆。 3. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. Practise

117 4. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. surprise 作动词,意为 “ 使 …… 惊奇 ” ; surprise 作名词,意为 “ 惊奇,诧异 ” ; surprising 是形容词,意为 “ 令人惊讶的 ” , 常用来修饰事物; surprised 也是形容词, 意为 “ 吃惊的,惊讶的 ” ,常用来指人。

118 Practise 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 The most __________ (surprise) thing is that he has been fired after working there for only half a month. 句中的 to everyone’s surprise 意为 “ 令大家惊讶 的是 ” 。 令我吃惊的是,他没有告诉我就去日本了。 To my surprise, he went to Japan without telling me. Practise surprising

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