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Unit 5 [ә] [ә:] [Λ]. Contents Speech Sounds Clear Speech Intonation Rhythm Practice  Part Ⅰ Part Ⅰ  Part Ⅱ Part Ⅱ  Part Ⅲ Part Ⅲ  Part Ⅳ Part Ⅳ Exercises.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 [ә] [ә:] [Λ]. Contents Speech Sounds Clear Speech Intonation Rhythm Practice  Part Ⅰ Part Ⅰ  Part Ⅱ Part Ⅱ  Part Ⅲ Part Ⅲ  Part Ⅳ Part Ⅳ Exercises."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 [ә] [ә:] [Λ]

2 Contents Speech Sounds Clear Speech Intonation Rhythm Practice  Part Ⅰ Part Ⅰ  Part Ⅱ Part Ⅱ  Part Ⅲ Part Ⅲ  Part Ⅳ Part Ⅳ Exercises


4 LOGO [ә] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 ure er ar or a e  ure: picture  er:teacher brother dinner father sister  ar: sugar  or:doctor  a:panda about above camera sofa China  根据发音规则,找出发 [ә] 的 2 个单词写在后面的横线上。  1.mother sofa road smile  2.sit father sister food  3. hair deer tiger China  4.sugar soon ear leader

5 Part Ⅰ Speech Sounds 中元音 (Central Vowels) [ә] [ә:] [Λ] [ә] 发音方法 : 发 [ә] 时, 舌平放口中, 舌中部略隆起, 双唇中长, 牙床半开, 短音, 喉头肌 肉松弛。 1. Words: famous, labour, paper, accident, committee, forget, occasion, about, turnover, popular, August, cupboard, woman, suppose, protect 2. Expressions: around the father a famous writer a police woman telephoned her driver the manager of the company committee member the federal government 3. Sentences: Another fly-over will be built across this street. The wonderful weather was over. The manager’s daughter will go to Canada next Saturday. The best player was injured. [ә] Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ

6 Part Ⅰ Speech Sounds [ә] 发音归类 : Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ ou(our,or,oar): famous, colo(u)r, doctor, forget, cupboard er(re): worker, paper, govern, centre ar: colar, hazard ur(e): Saturday, injure a: arise, around, apart e: federal, statement i: possible, responsible, terrible o: committee, purpose, second u: column, support 其中字母组合 ou(our, or, oar), er, ar, ur(e) 及字母 o, a, u, i 和 e 都发 [ә] 的音, 但是它 们还有其它发音。 [ә] 都出现在弱读音节中。注意 [ә] 不是 [ә:] 音的缩短。 中元音 (Central Vowels)


8 LOGO  [ә:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 er ir ur ear or  er: her serve term  ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt  ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain  ear:early learn  or: word work world  根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母组合发音相同的单 词。  1.thirty beer thirsty wheat  2. bank king her nurse  3.turtle bird rabbit knee  run shirt term

9 LOGO 音标 [i:] [i] [ә:] [ә] 练习 1. 找出下列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) ① hefeet bread green ( ) ② pig is dog ship ( ) ③ thirtybird her food ( ) ④ shebig in money ( ) ⑤ sweetsfish teacher we ( ) ⑥ teachersisteraboutgirl ( ) ⑦ tigerfirstworkshirt ( ) ⑧ treebeancleanchin ( ) ⑨ fatherdoctorskirt china ( ) ⑩ happyseasitpicture 2. 读音标写单词。 [bi:] [bә:d] [si:] [swi:t] [′bizi] [hә:] [′d ɔ ktә] [′sistә] [li:f] [hi:] 3. 连线。 meat [ә:] thirsty [i:] driver [ә] animal [i:]

10 Part Ⅰ Speech Sounds 1. Words: work, shirt, early, curse, murder, purpose, refer,were, courtesy 2. Expressions: work in a firm serve in the army a merciless merchant a perfect curtain in research work the girl’s purse personal interview external environment 3. Sentences: Thursday is the first day of the term. He cursed the nurse for her bad service. The church was burnt down thirty years ago. The early bird catches the worm. Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ [ә:] [ә:] 发音方法 : 发 [ә:] 时, 舌中部略微隆起, 比 [ә] 时较高, 双唇中长稍扁, 牙床近乎半合, 长音, 喉头肌肉较紧张。 中元音 (Central Vowels)

11 Part Ⅰ Speech Sounds [ә:] 发音归类 : Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ or(our): world, courtesy ir(ur): first, thirsty, spur, burst ear: heard, learn, search ere: were er: service, her, personal 其中字母组合 or(our), ear, ir, er, ur, ere 都发 [ә:] 的音, 但是它们还有其它发音 。 中元音 (Central Vowels)


13 LOGO  [Λ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合 o u oo ou  o: son come colour love money  u: sun nut jump gum bus brush  supper us  ou: touch cousin country  根据发音规则,找出每组中发 [Λ] 的单词。  1.hear cup bed air  2. voice boy duck ant  3.vase corn bear gun  4. cute boy money her

14 LOGO  音标 [a:] [Λ] [æ] [e] 练习  一.抄写音标,一个抄写 5 遍。  [a:] : [Λ] : [æ] : [e] : ____  二.选出下列没有相同发音的词。  ( ) 1. car arm food garden  ( ) 2. true jump bus cut  ( ) 3. bag short map flag  ( ) 4. egg pen head small  ( ) 5. got clock bell dog  ( ) 6. rabbit book wood foot  ( ) 7. rat bat apple ten  ( ) 8. gun star duck moneg  三. 写出单词或音标。  [ pa:st ] [ru:m] [swet] [sit]  [fæt] [g ɔ t] [cΛp] [shә:t]  bag car bus bread star head

15 LOGO  四. 选出下列每题中元音有几种读音,有一种读音的在( )里 画☆, 有两种读音的画△, 有三种的画◇  ( ) 1. hat fast cook last  ( ) 2. jeep door sun gum  ( ) 3. dad cap hand map  ( ) 4. star car cut from  ( ) 5. skirt sheep bird her  五. 改变下列单词的一个字母, 使它变成另一个单词  like_________________( 交通工具 )  hat ________________( 动物 )  lake ________________( 食品 )  nice _______________( 数字 )  hot _________________( 用品 )  well _______________( 用品 )

16 Part Ⅰ Speech Sounds 1. Words: cup, come, flood, dust, club, uncle, double, customer, impulse Compare [a:] with [Λ] heart bars cart laugh hut bus cutlove 2. Expressions: love each other much money some honey from cover to cover build up the funds a dusty rug the coming Monday a rusty gun 3. Sentences: I love my own country. You couldn’t but give up. What color is the truck? Hurry up! The bus is coming. Just stop sucking your thumb. Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ [Λ] [Λ] 发音方法 : 发 [Λ] 时, 后舌前部稍高, 双唇向两边伸张稍扁, 牙床半开, 短音, 喉头肌 肉较紧张。 中元音 (Central Vowels)

17 Part Ⅰ Speech Sounds [Λ] 发音归类 : Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ oo: blood, flood ou: tough, couple, touch o: money, come, love u: thumb, hut, cut 中元音 (Central Vowels) 其中字母组合 oo, ou 及字母 u 和 o 都发 [Λ] 的音, 但是它们还有其它发音。注意 不要把 [Λ] 发成

18 Part Ⅱ Clear Speech Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ 英语单词重读规则 ( 二 ): 1. 多音节词 : 在很多多音节单词中, 倒数第二音节重读, 四个以上音节的单词还有 次重音, 如 : re'member e'stablish 7situ'ation 1) 多音节词 ( 含部分双音节词 ) 若带有下面前缀, 重音落在词根, 即前缀后面的 那个音节上。 ac-: ac'cording ac'cord ac'quire ac'count ac'cuse con-: con'ductor con'demn con'tend con'tract con'nect de-: de'termine de'parture de'cline de'pend de'sign em-: em'battle em'brace em'body em'power em'ploy en-: en'danger en'courage en'hance en'rich en'large es-: es'cape ex'pecial es'tablish es'teem es'tate im-: im'portantim'plyim'moral im'port im'possible in-: in'adequate in'form in'tend in'visible in'cline ob-: ob'tain ob'jective ob'serve un-: un'grateful un'even un'faithful un'tie un'fit

19 Part Ⅱ Clear Speech Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ -ian: tech'nician mu'sician poli'tician mathema'tician -ic:eco'nomic a'tomic demo'cratic ener'getic do'mestic -ical: 'physical 7ana'lyticaleco'nomical 7psycho'logical -ion: 'vision 'tuition dis'cussion in'tention 'question -ify: 'simplify i'dentify 'satisfy 'classify 'clarify -ible/able:'possible 'terrible irr'evocable res'ponsible sus'tainable -ient: suf'ficient 'patient -ience: 'patience ex'perience o'bedience -ity: 'clarity possi'bility re'ality elec'tricity sensi'bility -ish: 'selfish 'childish 'reddish 'publish 'flourish -eous/ious:cou'rageous 'various -ive: 'native pro'gressive 'active col'letive 2) 带有下面后缀的多音节词 ( 含部分双音节词 ) 的重音在这个后缀前面的那个音节上。

20 Part Ⅱ Clear Speech Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ 2. 下列后缀重读 : -ee: employ'ee interview'ee train'ee examin'ee -eer: engi'neer volun'teer 3. 下面这些词缀不影响单词的重音 : -es, -ed, -er, -est, -or, -ary, -ory, -ment, -ous, -cy, -ry, -ty, - al, -ute, -ble, -ar, -ly, -less, -ness, -ful, -hood, -ing, -some, -dom, -en, -age, -like Note: 英语单词的读音除了有重读音节, 还有次重音, 也就是稍次于最重读音节的 重音, 用 “7” 符号, 标于音节的左下角, 如 :economic /7ekE5nCmik/ 。在这里只 做介绍, 不作为练习的内容。 如 : heroes, stopped, famous, critical, observatory, discussing, handsome, freedom, sharpen, etc., 单词的重音仍在原词的重音上。

21 Part Ⅲ Intonation Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ In this part, you will hear some words read in high level and low level tone. Read after the tape recordings. a. few, six, deal b. Japan, employ, dollar d. currency, important, installment d. exportation, particular

22 Part Ⅳ Rhythm Practice Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ 1. Read the following phrases with the pattern below. ` ` 式: I 'think I 'love him. He 'wants a'nother It’s 'rather 'early. I’m 'really 'sorry. a 'glass of 'water 2. Read the following dialog, paying attention to the stress and rhythm. A B —Something’s 'burning. —Oh, my 'buns. —Mm! I love 'burnt buns. —'Curse this 'oven! 'Curse it! —But I prefer 'burnt buns. —It’s the 'worst...'oven in the world. —'Wonderful! A 'perfect bun! 'Perfect! —Well, there are 'thirty of them. Have —Mm! 'Lovely! a'nother. Burning Bun

23 Exercises Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ 1. Read these words and expressions  paying attention to the central vowels [ә] [ә:] [Λ] Words:ago, bud, bird, shut, luck, shirt, forget, labour, gull, come, girl, famous, hut, Saturday, hurt, polite, doctor, judge, blood Expressions: a dusty rug, thirty-first, the coming Monday, the early bird, the thirsty nurse, the Sunday club 2. Read the following words, paying much attention to the stress which is on the stem of the words. a'longac'countac'cuse com'plain com'posecon'tract con'nectde'sign dis'closedis'count em'ploy en'large es'tate ex'change im'port in'cline ob'serve per'cent pre'view pro'hibit trans'portun'fit

24 Homework---Exercises Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅰ 4. Rhythm practice 1) Read the following phrases with the pattern below. I 'think I’ve 'told you. I 'couldn’t 'do it. He’s 'very 'happy. I 'want to 'see you. a 'cup of 'coffee 2) Read the following rhyme, paying attention to the stress and rhythm. A B —'Whose 'tie is this? This 'nice tie? —It’s 'mine. It’s 'mine. —'Whose 'bike is this? This 'black bike?—It’s 'mine. It’s 'mine. It’s 'mine. It’s 'mine. —Are you 'sure it’s 'not 'Harry’s? —'No, it’s 'mine. It’s 'mine. —'Whose 'child is this? This 'pretty child?—She’s 'mine. She’s 'mine. —But you’re 'not even 'married! Selfish 3. Read these words in high level and low level tone. stand, could, believe, window, education, surprising ` ` 式:


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