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Chapter 1 1. lawyer 2. Among shone with however 段一 (Paragraph 1 ) (p1/p1): quietserious of shy with feelings 3. although found its way into conversation.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 1. lawyer 2. Among shone with however 段一 (Paragraph 1 ) (p1/p1): quietserious of shy with feelings 3. although found its way into conversation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 1. lawyer 2. Among shone with however 段一 (Paragraph 1 ) (p1/p1): quietserious of shy with feelings 3. although found its way into conversation 4. allow enjoyable 5. drank simply although had been

2 句型 : Although/Though + S 1 + V…, S 1 /S 2 + V 主 … 雖然 S1…., 但是 …. ________ May is ugly, she is popular with young students. Although 片語 : S + find S’s way to/into + N.… S 設法進入 / 到達 / 達到 …. His plan still ______ its _____ ______ the waste basket in the end. 他的計畫最後仍舊被丟進紙屑簍裡。 foundwayinto ICON 來源 :

3 now=7:00 pm6:00 pm I ______ ______________ my dinner. have  我已經吃過晚餐了。 talking about 7:00 pm and 6:00 pm 現在完成式  S + have/has + V- pp … eaten / had You ate dinner at 6:00 pm. Now, you’re full at 7:00 pm. 已經  動作的完成  已經  圖片 : 圖片 :

4 now=20132000  I ______ lived here with Rita ______ 13 years _______ she _______ to be with me. havefor sincemoved 13 years still living with Rita 現在完成式  從過去某時間點到現在「累計的結果 」 Rita moved to be with you in 2000. 我和 Rita 已經在這裡住 13 年了,自從她搬來與我同住。 圖片 :

5 他們 + 已經 + 來 + 鎮上了。 They + _____+______ +________. havecome to town 他 + ( 已經 ) + 嚴重咳嗽 + 有 2 年了。 He + ____+____ + a bad cough+____ 2 years. hashad for 已經  表示 : 動作的完成  已經  表示 : 累計的結果  有 … 之久 句末有 : for + 一段時間

6 她 + 曾經 + 養 + 一隻大蛇。 She + ____+_____ +_______ ______ (____________). haskepta big 現在完成式 (present perfect) 一般句型  S + have/has + V-en ( 過去分詞 )  I ______ _____ you (before) havemet 曾經  表示 : 過去的經驗  曾經 snake before= 從前

7 他們 + 已經 + 買 + 新房子了。 They + ______+________ a new house. havebought 他們 + 曾經 + 為自由而奮戰。 They + ____+________ for freedom (before). havefought for a large sum of money ( 花一大筆數目的錢 ) with their backs to the wall ( 背水一戰 )

8 NOTE: 過去完成式  S + had + V pp … … talking about both 5:30 pm and 5:20 pm. 5:20 pm now = 10:00 pm 5: 30 pm The bus left at 5:20. You arrived at 5:30. 當我 5:30 抵達時, 公車早已離開了。 The bus ____ already left when I _______ at 5:30 this afternoon. hadarrived 結論 : 過去完成式表達比過去某時間點還早發生 的事。

9 過去完成式 = 現在完成式的「過去版」 You talk about both 2000 and 1998. 1998 now=2013 2000 You started to live here in 1998. Rita moved to be with you in 2000. 當 Rita 在 2000 年搬來與你 同住時,你已經在這裡住 2 年了。 2 years had lived here for 2 years  1998 年到 2000 年的 「累計結果 」 圖片 :

10 1998 now=2013 2000  I ____ already lived here ______ two years _______ Rita _______ to be with me in 2000. had when 2 years for moved  I ______ lived here with Rita ______ 13 years _______ she _______ to be with me in 2000. havefor sincemoved ‚13 years still living with Rita

11 過去完成式 = 過去某時間點之前的「經驗」 talking about both 2000 and the time before. now=2013 2000 You were born You saw alpacas for the first time. 從出生一直到 2000 年才親眼見到草泥馬。 未曾見過 I _____ never ______ alpacas _____ my own eyes _______ 2000.  圖片 : had never = 2000 年之前的 「未曾經」 had until seenwith

12 Chapter 1 6. gentler 7. Asthatlawyer 段一 (Paragraph 1 ) (p2): readyto Eg. You’re not ______ __ smoke here. tha n allowed 8. carriedwithmemories Eg. The key is to listen to your heart and let it _____ you in the direction of your dreams. carry to onprison politeness 上例句摘自 http: blam e

13 Chapter 1 1. distant 2. whyeach inbecause 段二(Paragraph 2 ) (p2): namedwho as well-known fun-loving 3. walkshowevermarching companionablesilence from through Listen to the song,`the sound of______.’ < //

14 關係代名詞 (relative pronoun) The woman is dancing with a man. ‚The woman is my mother.  將第一句置入第二句中 ( 空白處 )→  The woman The woman is dancing with a man is my mother.  將上句中的 The woman 改成 who → Q: Which is your mother? 步驟 : 【情境】 註 : 圖片來源 : images. google. com ,網址詳見最後附錄。 My mother

15 關係代名詞 (who )( 銜上 1 )who ( 正與男人跳舞的女人是我媽媽。 ) A: The woman ___ is dancing with a man is my mother. 【情境】 who 【概念】  who=the woman → 表示「人」的關係代名詞。  the woman= 關代 who 的「先行詞」。  who 引導一個子句 → 「連接詞 (conj.) 」功能。  who 引導的子句 → 關係子句 = 形容詞子句 → 修飾 「先行詞」 (the woman) 。 V 註 : 圖片來源 : images. google. com ,網址詳見最後附錄。 My mother

16 關係代名詞 (which) The man is cooking the food. ‚The food is lobsters. ƒ 將第一句置入第二句中 ( 空白處 ) → „The food The man is cooking the food is lobsters. … 將上句中的 the food 改成 which, 移至 The man 之前, The 改成 the → Q: What is the food? Q: Who’s cooking it? 步驟 : 【情境 1 】 lobsters

17 關係代名詞 (which )( 銜上 1) A: The food ____ the man is cooking is lobsters. 【情境】 which 【概念】  which=the food → 表示「物」的關係代名詞。  the food= 關代 which 的「先行詞」。  which 為 is cooking 的受詞 → which = 「受格」。  which 引導的子句 → 關係子句 = 形容詞子句 → 修飾 「先行詞」 (the food) 。 ( 男人正在煮的食物是龍蝦。 ) 註 : 圖片來源 : google 圖片網站,網址詳見最後附錄。

18 關係代名詞表 先行詞主 格受 格所有格 人 who 或 who(m)whose 動物 / 事物 which 或 whichwhose/ of which 人 + 動物 that x

19 Chapter 1 1. used 2. friendly used 段三 (Paragraph 3 ) (p2-3): side street  S + used to Vr… 過去經常做Vr的動作 …..  人+ be used to V-ing… 適應於做 V-ing的動作 used with to Eg. She ______ ____ smoke here. Eg. She’s not ______ ____ ________. tosmoking shinydoor-knockers stood3. howeverwindowlessmysterious

20 Chapter 1 4. neither drive Have noticed 6. passed 段三 (Paragraph 3 )(p2/p3): nordusty 5. fearlessly uncared doorstep reminds “I _____ learned over the years that when one’s mind is made ___, this diminishes ____; knowing what must be done does away with ____.” – by Rosa Parks have up fear http pointed

21 被動語態 (passive voice ) 步驟 : 【情境 1 】  主動 (active) The women _____ the flowers. S V O pick  被動 _______ _______ ___________. The flowersare picked the women by 1. 將 the flowers 從 O 移到 S 的位置, the → The 。 2. 將 The women 從 S 移到 S 的位置, the → The 。 註 : 圖片來源 : google 圖片網站,網址請見最後附錄。

22 Chapter 1 1. was as 3. into as 段四 (Paragraph 4) (p2/p3): onwhen 2. who who other fell terrible suppl. along happened  happened = took place 發生 v. ‚ be as + adj. + as + N. ( 和 … 一樣 …) ƒ V. as + adv. + as + N.(+ aux.)

23 examples that follow the above little dragon/cute/little cat The little dragon ___ ___cute ___the little cat. as is as Robert/drive well/Andy Robert An dy Robert drives ___ ____ ___Andy (does). aswellas 註 : 圖片來源 : images. google. com 與 HSS 教學圖片,網址詳見最後附錄。

24 Chapter 1 4. over caught6. crowd 銜上:段四 (Paragraph 4) (p2/p4): withboots after around 7. evil which screaming feelstomach 8. hadforon “Ordinary people believe only in the possible. ________________ people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is _____________. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible.” – Cherie Carter-Scott Extraordinary impossible http: 5. inhuman

25 Chapter 1 1. more prisoner 3. each 段五 (Paragraph 五) (p3/p4): thanhad 2. had who other over violent that 4. withNameprice  die a violent death = 死於非命 to murder page 5 all ‚ acts of violence = 暴力行為

26 Chapter 1 1. agree in well-known 段六 (Paragraph 6) (p3/p5): toWithintohanded spent 1. doubtfullyfor to empty 2. until myself 3. prisoner for 段七 (Paragraph 7) (p5/p5): another was to  not…until… = 直到 … 才 … We don’t realize the value of what we have _______ we lose it. until

27 Chapter 1 4. prisoner criminal 1. if 銜上:段七 (Paragraph 7) (p5/p6): cruel whose generous like lives 2. in experience for to violentones 段八(Paragraph 8) (p5/p6): case 3. studiedseem who other which described lookshutchimneysmoking

28 Chapter 1 4. continued who look 銜上:段八 (Paragraph 8) (p6/p6-7): onbroke asking however describe5. tostrange-looking silence strong body unpleasinghatefulat like with appearance once 6. deeplyusedmeansurprise ifit7. crosslyitusemore

29 Chapter 2 1. unlocked handwriting to 段一 (Paragraph 1) (p7/p8): cupboardcontained was in 2. worried 3. shamefulwith disappear put 1. after-dinnersincehad unknown drinking more everabout 段二 (Paragraph 2) (p8/p8-9): several companionably At mentionedthat2.supposesuppose

30 Chapter 2 1. in than imaginative 段三 (Paragraph 3) (p8/p9): surpriseinterested 2. at time seen 3. reddisagreement in scientific worse thancontinuedever imaginativedeveloped ofsince of repeated 段四 (Paragraph 4) (Page 10): 1. towhere lay thinkingdescription

31 Chapter 2 2. at worried 3. shadows 銜上:段四 (Paragraph 4) (p8/p10): asleepwas inwhile carried 1. Duringfor  mystery = 謎 n. by where had 2. empty spent mysterious faceless over 段五 (Paragraph 5) (p10/p10): sight violent for ‚ myth = 神話 n.

32 examples that follow the above 他的死至今仍是個謎。 Up to now, his death has still remained a ________. myth mystery sight 獨角獸只出現在神話中。 The unicorn only appears in ________. 離久情疏。(英諺) Out of ________, out of mind. 他當場看見了我。 He caught ________ of me on the spot. sight

33 Chapter 2 1. forward 2. be which 段六(Paragraph 6) (p10/p11): is on 1. hesitated be to 3. whatof  hesitation = 猶豫 n. have 4. weredescribed 段七(Paragraph 7) (p11/p11): address 5. didwhoneverinto lock 6. before disappeared

34 Chapter 2 1. stared servant 3. go 段八 (Paragraph 8) (p11/p12): himselfevil 2. square knocked laboratory whenorders  obedience = 服從 n. worried obey ever at ‚ He’s always acting in _________to his father’s orders. obedience

35 其他圖片來源 : content/uploads/2012/09/Ayurvedic-Treatment-for-Cough3.jpg content/uploads/2012/09/Ayurvedic-Treatment-for-Cough3.jpg W6aKtio-5UOleum0ehbZXlfohLDhnzr-MI3fMRrMg W6aKtio-5UOleum0ehbZXlfohLDhnzr-MI3fMRrMg W6aKtio-5UOleum0ehbZXlfohLDhnzr-MI3fMRrMg W6aKtio-5UOleum0ehbZXlfohLDhnzr-MI3fMRrMg has-come-to-Town-bride-and-prejudice-4660865-405-256.jpg has-come-to-Town-bride-and-prejudice-4660865-405-256.jpg has-come-to-Town-bride-and-prejudice-4660865-405-256.jpg has-come-to-Town-bride-and-prejudice-4660865-405-256.jpg Freedom.jpg Freedom.jpg Freedom.jpg Freedom.jpg

36 cooking-food-based-on-instructions-from-a-cookbook.html 0809-041_Dancing_the_Flamenco_Clip_Art_clipart_image.jpg of-a-housewife-cooking-food.html 6452-little-dragon--smiling-cartoon-illustration-as-vector.jpg 其他圖片來源 : AAAAAAAAAY8/_r45zbAm1p0/s1600/CARTOON_Cat-full.jpg picking_flowers_postcard-r0f93a772ff2448f0ae647825eaa60030_ vgbaq_8byvr_512.jpg

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