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Chapter 5, Book 5A Longman Welcome to English Favourite festivals.

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1 Chapter 5, Book 5A Longman Welcome to English Favourite festivals


3 Do you know any other festivals? If you can, talk more about this festival. Mid-Autumn Festival is on _____________. People eat ___________ and some children play ____________. I enjoy _____________________________. I ________________________ at Mid-Autumn Festival last year.

4 Please read the text (文本) for 3 minutes. 1. What festivals can you find in the text? 2. In the text, what countries (国家) are these festivals celebrated? Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Water Festival 泼水节 Children’s Day 儿童节 America 美国 Thailand 泰国 Japan 日本

5 Please try to underline the answers to the questions. 边听边试着在短文中划记出下列问题的答案。 What do people do at Thanksgiving Day? What do people do at Water Festival? What do people do at Children’s Day?

6 Thanksgiving Day (感恩节) 1.People say ___________ for all the good things they have. thank you

7 Thanksgiving Day (感恩节) 2.Families gather ________ for ____________. together a big meal

8 Thanksgiving Day (感恩节) 3. People eat delicious food like __________ and ___________. roast turkeypumpkin pie 烤火鸡南瓜饼

9 Water Festival (泼水节) People splash _____ on one another.water

10 Children’s Day (儿童节) 1.Families with boys display __________ at home and put up ____________that look like _____. a warrior doll cloth banners fish a warrior doll 武士人偶

11 Children’s Day (儿童节) 2. They also eat ________ filled with __________. rice cakes bean paste 豆沙

12 Children’s Day (儿童节) 3. Parents wish their children______ and __________. health happiness 4. Children also thank their parents for ___________ them. looking after

13 Underline the words you can’t read. 划出你不会的新词。 Find out: When do people celebrate these festivals? Thanksgiving Day (感恩节) It’s on the last Thursday of November. Water Festival (泼水节) It’s from 13th to 15th April every year. Children’s Day in Japan (日本的儿童节) It’s on 5th May.

14 注意你划记出的新单词的读音。

15 splash harvest celebrate settlers have to 泼水、溅水 收成、丰收 庆祝 移民 必须、不得不


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