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Instructor: 古佩玉 (Pei-Yu, Ku) 韓定芬 Fanny 96420112 鄧宇浩 Duncan 96421885 戴奕紳 Jimmy 96420360 江嘉豪 Chris 96421044 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor: 古佩玉 (Pei-Yu, Ku) 韓定芬 Fanny 96420112 鄧宇浩 Duncan 96421885 戴奕紳 Jimmy 96420360 江嘉豪 Chris 96421044 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor: 古佩玉 (Pei-Yu, Ku) 韓定芬 Fanny 96420112 鄧宇浩 Duncan 96421885 戴奕紳 Jimmy 96420360 江嘉豪 Chris 96421044 1

2  Background  GSL Frequency Ranking  Purpose of The Study  Research Question  Significance of the study 2

3 3

4  The GSL (“The General Service List (GSL) (West, 1953) is a set of 2,000 words selected to be the greatest "general service" to learners of English.”  “Begin”  141  “Start”  246 4

5  Help students in translation track. 5

6  What are the differences between these two words in usage and Chinese translation ?  We used “Longman Dictionary.” 6

7  Most of people in Taiwan are confused about the translations of the two words; however, they can’t be replaced with each other.  In addition, few scholars had done this sort of thesis before. 7

8  “Corpus Linguistics”  Introspection and Computer Corpora: The Meaning and Complementation of start and begin  The usage of “Start” and “Begin” in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English– Chinese) 4 th Edition. 8

9  Author: Biber  Page: p95 - p100  “Begin” and “Start” can take both transitive and intransitive patterns. 9

10  The author shows many his viewpoints about the difference between “Start” and “Begin.”  His paper emphasized the framework of the verb “Start” and “Begin.” Ex: “Start” + to or V-ing and “Begin” + to or V-ing.  “Start” is used to refer to the sudden onset of the action and “Begin” to the entire first part of the race. 10

11  The usage of “Start” and “Begin” in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English– Chinese) 4 th Edition. 11

12  In the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English- Chinese) 4 th Edition, there are many different translations of “Begin.”  First: It shows that the translation of begin is usually translated in 開始. Ex: As everybody’s here, let’s begin. 等大家都到齊了, 我們就開始吧. 12

13  Second: “Begin” is translated in 展開. Ex: The President begins talks with the Prime Minister tonight. 總統將於今晚展開首相會談.  Third: “Begin” is translated in 首先. Ex: I will begin by thanking you all for begin here tonight. 首先我要感謝大家今晚來到這. 13

14  Forth: “Begin” is translated in 第一個. Ex: ‘Psychosis’ begins with a P. Psychosis 的第一個字母是 P.  Fifth: “Begin” is translated in 原來. Ex: I didn’t break it! It was like that to begin with. 不是我弄壞的 ! 它原來就是這樣的. 14

15  In the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English- Chinese) 4 th Edition, there are many different translations of start.  First: It shows that the translation of “start” is usually translated in 開始. Ex: There’s so much to do, I don’t know where to start. 有那麼多的事情要做, 我都不知道從哪裡開始. 15

16  Second: “Start” is translated in 起來. Ex: Then the baby started crying. 然後寶寶就哭了起來.  Third: “Start” is translated in 放映. Ex: What time does the film start? 電影甚麼時候開始放映 ? 16

17  Fourth: “Start” is translated in 引起. Ex: Lightning started a fire that burned 500 acres. 閃電引起了大火, 燒毀了 500 英畝的林地.  Fifth: “Start” is translated in 起家. Ex: The restaurant started as a small takeout place. 這家餐廳是從一家小小的外賣店起家的. 17

18 Material Procedure Data Analysis 18

19  Virtual Language Center  Microsoft Office Software 19

20  The Web Concordancer ( ) 20

21  Parallel Texts 21

22  English- Chinese Big5 22

23  Key in the starts, start, started, starting, begins, begin, began, begun and beginning  To opt English novel  500 in stop after 23

24 24

25  Click search for concordances to do searching. 25

26  Eight hundred and ten sentences that include “Start” and “Begin.”  Applying the concepts of translation, the translation of “Start” and “Begin” in eight hundred and ten sentences were categorized into eight types.  Eventually, the different translations between “Start” and “Begin” will appear. 26

27 “Start” and “Begin” are most frequently translated into “ 開始.” However, they will be translated in other meanings in some situation, such as “ 起,” “ 剛剛,” “ 發生.”. 27

28 The parallel texts have 22 different meanings in start. “ 使吃驚,” “ 開始,” “ 出發,” “ 突然,” “ 蹦出來,” “ 站,” “ 發生,” “ 從,” “ 提到,” “ 起頭,” “ 生 ( 火 ),” “ 雇用,” “ 連忙,” “ 離開,” “ 遇到,” “ 答道,” “ 領先,” “ 啟發,” “ 打開,” “ 爬,” “ 聽到 ” and “ 跳.” 28

29 The parallel texts have 29 different meanings in Begin: “ 開始,” “ 開頭,” “ 一經 …,” “ 先,” “ 起,” “ 啟,” “ 第一步,” “ 下筆,” “ 用餐,” “ 動手,” “ 要,” “ 準備,” “ 就要,” “ 開口,” “ 說道,” “ 起來,” “ 剛剛,” “ 繼續,” “ 開場,” “ 長了,” “ 從事,” “ 進展,” “ 啟程,” “ 擺開,” “ 漸漸,” “ 不禁,” “ 接著 ” and “ 從頭.” 29

30 Chinese Translation & ExampleTotal & explanation 一經 Ex. I have often observed that resignation is never so perfect as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation. 我一向認為,幸福一經拒絕,就 不值得我們再加重視。 1 In this depressed situation, the word “begin” is translated into “ 一 經 ” with “to lose.” 30

31 31

32 Chinese Translations & Examples Totals & explanations 先 Ex. Put up that, to begin with. 這點小意思你先收起來。 3 (In this circumstance, the phrase “to begin with” has the meaning of “at first.”) 準備 ( 動手 ) Ex. They were about to go down and begin work. 他們準備下樓動手。 1 (Because of the word “work,” the “begin” is translated into “ 動手.” ) 32

33 Chinese Translations & Examples Totals & explanations 啟航 Ex. He turned round, and began tacking back down the field, thinking of how he should bring the news. 轉身起航,迎風換舷下坡,一邊 想著怎樣把消息告訴其他人。 10 (Because of the word “tacking,” the “begin” is translated into “ 啟航.” ) 開口說話 Ex. A short pause followed this speech, and Mrs. Hurst began again. 屋子裡稍許沉默了一會兒,然後 赫斯脫太太又開口說話。 9 (Because the word “speech” comes before the word “began,” it is translated into “ 開口說話.” ) 33

34 Translation & ExampleTotal & explanation 起 … 來 ( 隨即 ) Ex. Her love made no answer; and after slightly bowing to the ladies, he began complaining of the weather. 她的寶貝沒有回答。他向小姐們 微微點了點頭,隨即抱怨起天氣 來。 5 (Because of “after,” the word “begin” is translated into “ 隨即.” ) 34

35 35

36  Based on the data, the frequency of translation as  開始  173, the most frequent usage (44%); 開頭  25, second(6%); 起  13, third(3%); 開口  9, fourth(2.6%); 起來  7, fifth(1.5%) ; 說道  6, sixth(1%) ; 先, 從頭  5, seventh(0.9%); 剛剛, 漸漸  4, eighth (0.8%) 一 … 經 …, 一, 啓, 第一步  2, ninth(0.5%); 要, 準備, 就要, 繼續, 擺開, 不禁, 接著  the last(0.2%) 36

37 Chinese Translations TotalPercentageChinese Translations TotalPercentage 開始 17348% 先, 從頭 50.9% 開頭 256% 剛剛, 漸漸 40.8% 起 133% 一經 …, 一 …, 啟, 第一步 20.4% 開口 102% 要, 準備, 就要 10.2% 起來 71.5% 繼續, 擺開, 不 禁 10.2% 說道 61% 接著 10.2% 37

38 Chinese Translations& ExamplesTotals & explanations 使吃驚 Ex. He absolutely started, and for a moment seemed immoveable (immovable) from surprise.started 只見主人非常吃驚,竟楞在那一 動不動,但是他立刻冷靜下來, 走到他們面前。 60 (Because of “surprise,” the “started” was translated in “ 吃驚.” ) 出發 He started to school.started 他出發去上學。 38 (The “started” was translated in “ 出 發 ” when it comes to attending school.) 38 Table 5 (The Translation, Example and Total in Start)

39 Chinese Translations& ExamplesTotals & explanations 突然, 猛然 Ex. Roger in the captain's tent sat up with a start and a shout.start 羅傑在船長的帳篷內突然坐起來 大叫. 10 (The “start” can be translated as “ 突然 ” in order to express a sudden movement.) 蹦出來 Ex. But still I felt as if my eyes must start out of my head, and as if this must be a dream.start 不過,我還是感到我的眼睛快要 從眼窩裏蹦出來了,覺得這一定 是場夢吧! 5 (Because of “eyes,” the “start” was translated in “ 蹦.” ) 39

40 Chinese Translations & Examples Totals & explanations 站 Ex. Mr. Drummle upon this, starting up, demanded what I meant by that? starting 聽了我的話德魯莫爾先生忽地站 了起來,要我說說究竟是什麼意 思。 3 (The “start” means “sudden,” and “up” means “upward.” Therefore, “start up” was translated in “ 忽然 站起來.” ) 跳起來 Ex. He'd start up from a stone coffin, to come in my way!”start 他會從石頭棺材裡跳起來擋我的 路。 2 (Because of “stone coffin,” the “Start” was translated in “ 跳起來.” ) 40

41 Findings the frequency of translation as 使吃驚  59, the most frequent usage (29%); 開始  48, second(24%); 出發  37, third(18%); 突然  10, forth(5%); 蹦出來  5, fifth(2.5%) ; 站  3, sixth(1.5%) ; 發生, 從  2, seventh(1%); 41

42 提到, 雇用, 連忙, 離開, 遇到, 答道, 啟發, 打 開, 爬, 聽到, 跳, 起頭 and 生 ( 火 )  1, the last (0.5%). 42

43 Chinese Translations TotalPercentageChinese Translations TotalPercentage 使吃驚 5929% 發生 21% 開始 4848% 從 21% 出發 3718% 提到 10.5% 沒翻出來 199% 起頭 10.5% 突然 105% 生(火)生(火) 10.5% 蹦出來 52.5% 連忙 10.5% 站 31.5% 離開 10.5% 43 TABLE 6 (Percentage of Translations of Start, Starts, Starting and Started in 197 Sentences in Parallel Tests.)

44 Chinese Translations TotalPercentage 遇到 10.5% 答道 10.5% 啟發 10.5% 打開 10.5% 爬 1 聽到 10.5% 跳 1 44

45 StartBegin 使吃驚第一步 出發用餐 突然, 猛然剛剛 蹦出來擺開 站漸漸 小心翼翼不禁 從接著 Table 7 This table is the different translations between “Start” and “Begin” 45

46 StartBegin 表現進展 提到 生(火)生(火) 雇用 連忙 離開 遇到 答道 經過 領先 46

47 StartBegin 啟發 打開 爬 聽到 跳 47

48  Conclusion  Recommendations 48

49  Reason: Context  For example:  1. A short pause followed this speech, and Mrs. Hurst began again.began 屋子里稍許沉默了一會兒,然後赫斯脫太太又 開口說話。 (Because the word “speech” comes before the word “Began”, it was translated into 開口說話.) 49

50  2. Then he skipped out, and saw Sid just starting up the outside stairway that led to the back rooms on the second floor. starting 然後,他就一蹦一跳地跑出來,正好看見希 德在爬往通向二樓後面房間的樓梯。 (Because the “stairway” behind “Start,” the “Start” was translated in “ 爬.”) 50

51  1. Look up “Literature Review” & “Result”  2. The Web Concordancer ( )  Suggestion for Further Study  Correct the Web Concordancer’s flaws 51

52  Zettersten, A. & Pedersen, V, H. (1996). Introspection and computer corpora: The Meaning and Complementation of start and begin. Symposium on Lexicography VII.  Biber,C.& Reppen.(1998). Corpus Linguistics. Cambridge University. 95-100.  Chen, L. Chou, Y. Guan, Y. (2009). Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English- Chinese) 4 th Edition. (2009). Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia Limited. 52

53 Thank You for Listening 53

54 Questions 54

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