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Section A (1a_2c) Task 1 farmersolider scientist postman singer driver Do you know them?

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3 Section A (1a_2c)

4 Task 1 farmersolider scientist postman singer driver Do you know them?

5 policeman actorteacher reporterdoctornurse What does he/she do?

6 Guess the job Bill Gates a computer programmer 电脑程序设计师 /`prə ʊ græmə(r)/ a professional basketball player ə`fe ʃ /prə`fe ʃ ənəl/ 职业的,专业的

7 a pilot /`pa I lət/ 飞行员 an engineer / 、 end ʒ I `n I ə/ 工程师

8 professional basketball player pilot actor teacher computer programmer engineer Game :

9 What are you going to be when you grow up( 长大 )? I’m going to be. /grə ʊ / a computer programmer

10 I’m going to be a professional basketball player. What are you going to be when you grow up?

11 I’m going to be an engineer

12 A:What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I’m going to be a / an …

13 MaryLarryJackTina --What is Mary going to be when she grows up? --She is going to be. a pilot


15 1. computer programmer 2. professional basketball player 3. engineer 4. actor a.take acting( 表演 ) lessons computer science c.practice basketball every day math really hard 1b How are they going to do that?

16 professional basketball player/ engineer/ pilot/ actor/ computer programmer/ practice basketball every day take acting( 表演 ) lessons study math really hard study computer science exercise every day --What are you going to be when you grow up? --I am going to be a/an…. --How are you going to do that? --I am going to ….

17 B: She is going to practice dancing every day. B: She is going to be a dancer and she is going to move to Hollywood( 好莱坞 ). A: What is Gina going to be when she grows up? A: How is she going to do that? Gina’s dream (移动,搬动) Hollywood 好莱坞

18 √ Guess: What is Cheng Han going to be?

19 What are Cheng Han’s plans for the future? What He is going to be an _____ Where He is going to move to ___________. How He is going to take _____lessons. When He is going to finish ___________ and college first. acting New York high school actor

20 A :What is Cheng Han going to be when he grows up? B : A : How is he going to do that ? B : A : Where is he going to move ? B : Ask and answer :

21 合作探究 Summary: be going to do 结构 1. 构成一般将来时态,表示说话者计划,打算做某事。其中 be 要由句子的主 语来确定,常与表示将来的的时间连用。如: tomorrow, next week…,in two days 等。变一般疑问句时,把 ___ 提前,变否定句时,在 be 后面 +____. 如:. be not 我打算长大后成为一名医生。 I am going to be a doctor when I grow up. Are you going to be a doctor when you grow up? I am not going to be a doctor when I grow up. 孩子们打算放学后打篮球。 The children are going to play basketball after school. The children are not going to play basketball after school. Are the children going to play basketball after school?

22 2. be going to do 结构还可表示根据某种迹象,主观上判断将要发生 某事。 Eg. Look at the black cloud in the sky. It is going to rain. 3. be going to do 结构还可用于 there be 句型中,其结构为: There is going to be, 意思是 “ 将有 ” 。 There is going to be a football match next Friday. There is an exhibition next week.

23 当堂检测 1. I __________________ ( move ) to Guangzhou in a year. 2. _____ you _______________(play) soccer with me next week? 3 、 Yao Ming is a _________ ( 专业的) basketball player. 4 、 She is going to be an actress when she _________( 长 大)。 5 、 你长大后打算干什么?我打算成为一名电脑程序设计师。 What ____ you _____ ______ ____ when you grow up ? I’m going to ____ a computer ___________. am going to move Are going to play professional grows up are going to be be programmer

24 Every trade has its leader! 行行出状元。 行行出状元。 Hold fast to dreams. They will come true one day! 紧紧抓住梦想,总有一天梦想会成真。

25 This is the Talk Show time ! In each group, one student is the host( 主持人 ), others are the guests( 嘉宾 ). You are talking about : What are you going to be …? Where are you going to work? How are you going to do that ? … What are you going to be …? Where are you going to work? How are you going to do that ? … Report: Tom is going to be an actor when he grows up. He’s going to … and he’s going to work in… 主持人采访完毕后,选一位嘉宾的情况写一份报告, 然后汇报 给大家。

26 THE END Thanks very much!

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