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Customs, local flavor Scenic spots Longyan Cuisine.

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1 customs, local flavor Scenic spots Longyan Cuisine

2 Longyan lies in the west of Fujian province. It borders Quanzhou on the east, Zhangzhou on the southeast, Meizhou of Guangdong on the southwest, Ganzhou of Jiangxi on the west, and Sanming on the north. It occupies an area of 19,400 squares kilometers, which is 15.7% of the land area of Fujian. The total population of Longyan is 2.86 million. The city is divided into one district, one sub-city, and five counties, that are: Xinluo Distrcit, Zhangping city, and Yongding, Shanghang, Wuping, Changting, Liancheng counties. The residences of 5 counties out of seven are mainly Hakka, and their culture, architecture and customs are colorful and unique.

3 The main scenery in Longyan Hakka Earth Building Guanzai Mountain Holiday Resort of Yuanding Tea garden Tea Garden at Waterside of Jiupeng Stream Longkong Cave Peitian Ancient Village, the Site of Gutian Congress, the Ancient Tingzhou County.

4 The Hakkas, usually mistakenly regarded as a minority race in China, are actually a unique ethnic sub-group of the majority Han nationality. Their ancestors lived around the Yellow River area and are thought to be one of the earliest Han settlers in China

5 Guanzhi Mountain In 1986 won the “Top Ten Scenic Area, Fujian” ( 1986 年荣获 “ 福 建十佳风景区 ” ) In 2000 was awarded the “first national AAAA-class tourist area ( 2000 年被授予 “ 全国首批 AAAA 级旅 游区 ” )

6 Holiday Resort of Yuanding Tea garden

7 Tea Garden at Waterside of Jiupeng Stream


9 Peitian Ancient Village More than 800 years of history, Ming and Qing dynasties of ancient dwellings ( 明清 古民居 ) 。 China's Ming and Qing dynasties more complete preservation of the architecture group of Hakka ( 是目前中国 保存较为完整的明清时期客家古民居建筑 群 )

10 the Site of Gutian Congress In march, 1961 and promulgated by the state council in gutian meeting addresses for national key units to be protected.(1961 年 3 月,国务院公布古田会议址 为国家重点文物保护单位。 ) In August 1986, is listed as one of the top ten scenic spot in fujian province(1986 年 8 月, 被列为福建省十佳 风景区之一 ) Longyan is the cradle of chinese revolution. Some veteran proletarian revolution ists like MaoZedo ng, ZhuEnlai, Zhude and Chenyi once conducted the revolution ary war here. On December 1929, MaoZedo ng organized and hold the famous Gutian Congress in Gutian town Shanghan g county longyan city. During the long period’s revolution ary war, the people in the west of Fujian made great sacrifice and important devotion to the foundation of new China.

11 the Ancient Tingzhou County

12 Customs [ 龙岩采茶灯舞 ] Tea-picking Lantern Dance [ 闽西汉剧 ] Han Opera in Western Fujian [ 闽西木偶戏 ] Puppet show of Western Fujian marionette [ ˌ mæri:ə ˈ net] 客家山歌 Hakka Folk Songs 娶亲 Wedding Ceremony 姑田游大龙 Paper Dragon Dance in Gutian 走古事 Unique Folk Event “Ancient Running”

13 Customs 1. [ 龙岩采茶灯舞 ] Tea-picking Lantern Dance about 150 years of history.DengWu with "tea tea" and "flapping butterfly" for fundamental key.

14 With a unique style, widely popular in minxi hakkas regions and longyan, equal to the observation of fujian, is one of the main local Chinese operas flourishing. Points, ugly, male, the net four door profession, Instruments have head string, yueqin, three stringed instrument, pipa 4 big, still have the erhu, flute, suona, big XiaoLuo, the causeway, bowl gongs, TangGu, size QianBan, plywood, etc. By collecting record book traditional repertoire of more than 200. [ 闽西汉剧 ] Han Opera in Western Fujian

15 .[ 闽西木偶戏 ] Puppet show of Western Fujian marionette [ ˌ mæri:ə ˈ net] Has won the "special artistic performance".

16 客家山歌 Hakka Folk Songs 娶亲 Wedding Ceremony

17 姑田游大龙 Paper Dragon Dance in Gutian 走古事 Unique Folk Event “Ancient Running”

18 Local flavor Eight Dried Food in Longyan 明溪肉脯干 dried pork 长汀豆腐干 dried bean curd ( tofu ) 连城地瓜干 dried sweet potatoes 宁化老鼠干 dried vole 上杭萝卜干 dried radish 清流笋干 dried bamboo shoots 武平猪胆干 dried pork cystic 永定菜干 dried vegetables rice noodles 新罗粉干 Minxi eight dried food are the most renowned local products.


20 连城白鸭 Liancheng white duck , 漳平水仙茶饼 Zhangping narcissus tea cake , 永定牛肉干 Yongding jerked beef , 下洋泡鸭爪 Xiayang soked duck paw 连城白鸭 Liancheng white duck

21 Longyan Cuisine 永定芋子包 菜干扣肉

22 簸箕饭 新泉鱼

23 涮九品 介绍: 俗称 “ 涮九门头 ” ,是连城一道药膳兼济的佳肴,已列入 全国名菜谱。闽西人独特的火锅吃法,就是将肉片、 鱼片之类的放进掺有米酒的开水锅里略煮一下就吃, 主要有以下两种: 取牛舌峰、百叶肚、牛心冠、牛肚尖、牛里脊肉、牛 蜂肚、牛心管、牛腰、草肚壁等九种肉放进锅里涮着 吃,意喻一台汉戏中最主要的旦、花、丑等九种角色。 涮九品的肉很讲究切法,不同的肉要分别切成花状、 片状、条状、块状,尔后把掺有米酒的水盛在锅里或 酒壶里烧开,同时把辣薯(一种去湿理气的草药)、 生姜、香藤根加入酒水中一起煮沸,就可以涮肉吃啦。 其风味不仅鲜嫩脆爽,而且会使人感到舒筋提神。

24 上杭鱼白 汀州河田鸡

25 汀州灯盏糕 四堡漾豆腐

26 客家擂茶 段母包饼

27 客家捶圆 豆腐饺

28 卷饼 涮九品




32 Minxi eight dried food are the most renowned local products. The city holds many unique attractions. They are namely:….. Longyan is the cradle of chinese revolution. Some veteran proletarian revolutionists like MaoZedong, ZhuEnlai, Zhude and Chenyi once conducted the revolutionary war here. On December 1929, MaoZedong organized and hold the famous Gutian Congress in Gutian town Shanghang county longyan city. During the long period’s revolutionary war, the people in the west of Fujian made great sacrifice and important devotion to the foundation of new China.

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