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FONDATION FRANCO CHINOISE POUR LA SCIENCE ET SES APPLICATIONS (FFCSA) Sino French Foundation for Science and its Applications French Academy of Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "FONDATION FRANCO CHINOISE POUR LA SCIENCE ET SES APPLICATIONS (FFCSA) Sino French Foundation for Science and its Applications French Academy of Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 FONDATION FRANCO CHINOISE POUR LA SCIENCE ET SES APPLICATIONS (FFCSA) Sino French Foundation for Science and its Applications French Academy of Sciences Académie des Sciences de France Institut de France 法兰西科学院 - 法兰西研究院 January 2014 2014 年 1 月 佛朗哥中国科学与应用基金会

2 FONDATION FRANCO CHINOISE POUR LA SCIENCE ET SES APPLICATIONS 佛朗哥中国科学与应用基金会 Académie des Sciences -Institut de France 法兰西科学院 - 法兰西研究院

3 法国学术界的合作伙伴 French Academic partners CEA (Commissariat de l’énergie Atomique) Institut Curie INSERM,CNRS INRIA Ecoles Centrales Fondation Dausset ParisTech Universities Paris V, Paris VI, Strasbourg, Tours, Haute Alsace….

4 法国工业界的合作伙伴 Industrial Partners Airbus Areva Alcatel-lucent Danone-Nutricia EDF France Telecom Mérieux Pierre Fabre Rhodia Servier Suez Environnement Total Véolia …….

5 French Regions 法国行政大区 Rhône Alpes Haute-Normandie Lorraine Pays de la Loire Franche Comté Midi-Pyrénées

6 Chinese Official Partners 中国的官方合作伙伴

7 Post-doctorant fellowships 2014 2014 年博士后奖学金 Fellowships offered are aimed at post-doctoral students. 奖学金是为博士后研究生设立的 PhD has to be obtained before December 2013. 申请者应在 2013 年 12 月以前获得博士学位 Candidate age has to be under 35 years. 申请者的年龄应在 35 岁以下 7

8 Post-doctorant fellowships 2014 Candidates application’s package should include (see the application form) 申请材料应包括 - detailed CV 详细的个人简历 - motivation letter 一封申请信 -scientific publications and grants 发表的文章以及所获得的奖励 -two letters : 两封推荐信 from the head of your laboratory 一封为本人研究室领导所 写 and from the President of your University or from an Academician. 另一封为所在大学校长或一位院士所写 8

9 Post-doctorant fellowships 2014 Opening of the call January 1st, 2014 2014 年 1 月 1 日发出招标书 Dead line for Application: 21st March 2014 2014 年 3 月 21 日招标结束 Interviews in Beijing and in Shanghai: 14-18 April,2014 2014 年 4 月 14 至 18 日在北京和上海面试 Final decision: May, 2014 2014 年 5 月公布最终录取名单 June 2014: French training lessons, in China 2014 年 6 月在北京学习法语 Mid October-november 2014: Arrival in France for 18 months, or 24 months 2014 年 10 月中旬至 11 月抵达法国,开始 18 或 24 个月的工

10 Fields of research 法中科学与应用基金会招标书的研究课题 Molecular Biology / Cellular Biology Biochemistry and Medicinal Chemistry Metagenomic, Molecular genetics Cognition research Medical sciences, Vascular Biology Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry Chemical and Mechanical Engineering Structural analysis/ Elastoplastic fracture Mechanics Material Sciences, Thermomecanics Nanotechnology Nanophotonics Numerical Welding simulation Atomic physics Quantic optics …..

11 Guangzhou Shenzhen Origin of the FFCSA’s Chinese post doctorants CHINA Shanghai Beijing Harbin Chengdu Wuhan Xian Changchun Dalian Tianjin Nanjing Hefei Hangzhou Chongqing 来法中国博士后研究生的所在地区

12 Shanghai, Beijing, other places 上海,北京,其他地区

13 Women (red) Men ( Bleu) 红色表示女性 蓝色表示男性

14 Post-doctorants’ age 博士后研究生的年龄

15 Life of Sciences/ Basics sciences 生命科学 / 硬科学

16 GILLES KAHN- TOTAL PRIZE Gilles KAHN Prize will honor a chinese post-doctorant of the FFCSA fellowships. A prize of 5 000 euros is awarded annually 吉尔. 卡恩 -- 达道尔奖每年颁发一次,奖励一位我们曾由基金会安排并已回国的博士后 研究生 每年颁发 5000 欧元的奖金 -The 2007 Gilles Kahn Prize has been awarded at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing to the Professor He Hongping ( CAS) -The 2008 Gilles Kahn Prize has been awarded in Beijing to the Professor LIU Haitao ( Nankai University ) -The 2009 Gilles Kahn Prize has been awarded in Paris at the French Academy of Sciences, to the Professor LIAO Zewen (CAS)

17 - The 2010 Gilles Kahn Prize has been awarded in Shanghai at the French Pavillon, to the Professor ZHANG Xin-Xin ( Rui Jin Hospital). -The 2011 Gilles Kahn Prize has been awarded in Guangzhou,to the Associate Professor JIANG Haitao (Tongji University ). -The 2012 Gilles Kahn Prize has been awarded in Nanjing to the Associate Professor DING Shou-Nian ( Nanjing University) The Gilles Kahn Prize 2013, has just been awarded in Harbin on January 11 th, 2014.

18 Gilles Kahn Prize 2007 2007 年 吉尔 ∙ 卡恩奖 Professor Chen Zhu, Professor HE Hongping, Professor Jacques Caen, Monsieur Jean-François Minster

19 Prix Gilles Kahn 2008, 2008 年吉尔 ∙ 卡恩奖 Professeur LIU Haitao Beijing May 2008 (FFCSA’s post-doctorant, Academic year 2006-2007)

20 Gilles Kahn Prize 2009 2009 年吉尔 ∙ 卡恩奖 Professor Changgeng Ruan, Monsieur Jean-François Minster, Monsieur Alain Graccia, Professeur Yves Quéré, Professor LIAO Zewen, Professeur Caen, Monsieur Jean Salençon, Professeur LI Ding, Monsieur de Boisséson

21 Professeur ZHANG Xin-Xin French Pavillon, Shanghai World Exposition, September, 2010. (FFCSA’s post-doctorant, Academic year 2002-2003) Prix Gilles Kahn 2010, 2010 年吉尔 ∙ 卡恩奖

22 Prix Gilles Kahn 2011 2011 年吉尔 ∙ 卡恩奖 Guangzhou October 2011 awarded to JIANG Haitao ( Academic year 2006-2007)

23 Prix Gilles Kahn 2012 2012 年吉尔 ∙ 卡恩奖 Professeur Laurent Degos, Doctor Zhonghua Xu Total representative, Professor DING Shou-Nian (Academic Year, 2007-2008) Professeur Yves Quéré

24 Centre Culturel Français Beijing, May 2008. 1st Scientific meeting of the FFCSA’s Club

25 2 nd Scientific meeting FFCSA’s Club in Beijing- September 2009. Institute of Computer Technology (CAS) XIE Gaogang, Wu Di, ZHOU Lei, Patrick van Effenterre, HE Hongping, HUANG Zhengwei, YANG Xi, SUN Yunwei, ZHANG Huisheng, SUN Jinnwei, WANG Guofeng, WANG Jigang, CHE Wujun, LIU Jie, WEI Xu, ZHANG Xin Xin, Anne-Sophie Caen, TAO Tao, SHI Xiaoli et WU Huayi

26 FFCSA’s Club in Shanghai –World Exposition –French Pavillon, September 2010. 3rd Scientific meeting

27 4th scientific meeting of the FFCSA Club in Guangzhou, November 2011.

28 5th scientific meeting of the FFCSA Club in Nanjing, October 2012

29 Diploma ceremony Promotion 2008 Maison de la Chimie, Paris - février 2010

30 Madame ZHU Xiaoyu Minister Counselor of Education for the Chinese Embassy in France and Professor Chen Zhu Ministry of Health of China, March 29th, 2011 Paris. Promotion 2009 with their diploma and Promotion 2010 waiting for it…

31 Diploma ceremony, Promotion 2010, April 2012, Paris.

32 Diploma ceremony, Promotion 2011, April 2013, Paris.

33 HOW TO CONTACT THE FFCSA ? Fax 00 33 1 53 85 92 29 Tel 00 33 1 53 85 92 25 33

34 法中科学及应用基金会 Merci beaucoup Thank you very much 非常感谢

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