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hold/keep the record record-holder record-breaker truant n. 逃学者,旷课者  The three boys who are fishing over there are truants and ought to be sent back.

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2 hold/keep the record record-holder record-breaker truant n. 逃学者,旷课者  The three boys who are fishing over there are truants and ought to be sent back to school.  You'll fail all your exams if you carry on truanting.

3 play truant 逃学(英) play hooky 逃学(美) evade school 逃学 evade ① vt. 回避,逃避(尤指不当地) evade sth./doing sth. 逃避做 …… evade one’s duty/responsibility  He always tries to evade paying taxes.  Many children dream of evading school.

4 ② vt. (巧妙地)逃脱,躲开 She evaded a blow from the man and then called out for help. unimaginative adj. 缺乏想象力的 imaginative adj. 有想象力的 imaginary adj. 虚构的 They suggested some very imaginative ways of reducing costs. He was more imaginative than most history teachers.

5 imaginable adj. 可以想象的 -----that can be imagined e.g This is the only solution imaginable. shame n. 惭愧,羞耻 What a shame! 真可耻! shameful adj. 令人羞愧 ashamed adj. 感到羞愧

6 Shame on you! Cheat me once, shame on you; Cheat me twice, shame on me. put sb. to shame 让某人感到羞愧 把某人比下去 他的行为让我们感到羞愧。 诸葛亮的魅力把我的比下去了。 皇后很美 但她被白雪公主比下去了。

7 你美丽的花园使我的几朵小花黯然失色。 Your beautiful garden puts my few little flowers to shame. 你美丽的画使我的画黯然失色。 Your beautiful drawing puts mine to shame. 很多外国人对中国历史的了解使我们自惭形秽 。 Many foreigners’ knowledge of Chinese history put us to shame. 你的高效率使我们其他人无地自容 Your productivity has put the rest of us to shame.

8 hitchhike v. 搭便车旅行 They hitchhiked around Europe. hitchhiker n. 搭便车的人 meantime n. 其间 in the meantime = meanwhile 与此同时

9 医生就要来了, 与此同时, 请你放松 The doctor will come, in the meantime, please relax. 我很久没见过她了, 与此同时, 她结了婚 I have not seen her for a long time, in the meantime, she got married. 我离开了家, 同时, 鼠吃了我的晚饭 I left home, in the meantime, the mouse ate my dinner.

10 border n. 边界 中日边境 Chinese-Japanese border 我们讨论了很多问题 其中一个就是中印边界问题 We talked about many problems, one of which was the problem of Chinese-Indian border.

11 1 、 Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. play truant from school = play truant 逃学 As a boy, Tom used to play truant from school, but now he felt quite regretful. 2 、 A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get.

12 Three hours listening to the king is tiring. Three hours in the room listening to the king is tiring. over and over again = again and again 一次又一次,一再地 As my grandmother can’t hear very well, I had to say it over and over again.

13 as far as + 从句 到 …… 程度,就 …… 而言 As far as I know, his operation is successful. This is as far as I can bear. 3 、 They have all been put to shame by a boy (who, while playing truant, travelled 1,600 miles. ) What he has done put his parents to shame. He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on to shame.

14 4 、 He hitchhiked to Dover and, towards evening, went into a boat to find somewhere to sleep. hitchhike to… 搭便车去 …… Dover n. 多佛(英国著名的港口) towards evening 快到晚上 somewhere to sleep 可以睡觉的地方

15 5 、 When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais. wake up wake sb. up Calais n. 加来(法国城市) in the meantime 在此期间 I feel tired and would like to take a nap. In the meantime, you may do some reading.

16 6 、 No one noticed the boy as he crept off. creep off = creep away 7 、 The next car (the boy stopped) did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would, but to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border.  She became a good dancer as her father hoped.  I shut the door as my mother requested at the dinner.

17 not…but… Don't ask what the country do for you, but ask what you do for the country. 8. There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. pick up 逮捕,拘捕 After the accident, he was picked up by the police.

18 Out of the limelight

19 the limelight 表示 “ 众人瞩目的中心 ” 长期以来他在音乐界一直引人注目 He has long held the limelight in the musical world. 她似乎爱出风头 She seems (to be ) fond of the limelight. 从出名那天起他就一直非常引人注目。 Since the day he became famous, he has been living in the limelight. 他在晚会上最抢眼。 He stole the limelight of the party.

20 precaution n. 预防措施 safety precautions precaution against fire You must take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family. 我采取了特殊措施 这样我就不会迟到 I take special precautions so that I won’t be late. 我采取特殊措施 这样 我就可以避免撞车 I take special precautions so that I can avoid crashing.

21 a (big) fan of sb. I am a big fan of her. shady adj. 遮荫的 We sat on the shady grass for our picnic. We went to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink. shade n. 树荫,阴凉处 夏天 我在树下阴凉处躺着 I lie in the shade of a tree in summer.

22 notice n. 告示 We’ve put a notice up on the door to say we are open. I saw a notice in the paper announcing their marriage. notice v. 注意,通知 我注意到了你的错误 I noticed your mistake. 我注意到 那只老虎被人谋杀了 I noticed that that tiger was murdered. 我注意到他把考试卷藏起来 I noticed that he had hidden his test paper.

23 sneer n. / v. 冷笑,嘲笑 sneer at 我嘲讽他的努力 I sneer at his effort/endeavor. 你嘲讽他们的晚会是不对的 It is wrong of you to sneer at their party. 他看着我的袜子带着冷笑 He looked at my sock with a sneer.

24 sneering adj. 冷笑着的 a sneering letter a Sneering look 他轻蔑的表情让我很郁闷 His sneering look made me dismayed.

25 1 、 Out of the limelight 2 、 An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off. a party of “ 一行,一伙,一群 ” 等, a party of tourists/robbers/thieves

26 3. Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them. so that people wouldn’t recognized them so that they would not be recognized by movie fans so as to avoid being recognized so as to prevent people from recognizing them

27 4. It couldn’t be better  It would not be possible to find a better place.  This is the best place. 5. Why don't we come more often? “Why +don’t/doesn’t + 主语 + 动词? ” (advice)  Why don’t you have a rest?  I don’t like this watch.Then why don’t you change it ?

28 ~~~~~ Why not + do sth.? Why don’t you go with us? Why not go with us? 7. …carry… to a shady spot under the tree.. spot 名胜,观光点,地点: There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city. on the spot The thief was caught on the spot.

29 8. ….make oneself comfortable… We must keep the room clean. The noise will drive me mad. The boy set his bird free. Let’s get everything ready in time. The chairman declared the meeting open. Verb + obj + adj ( 补语 )

30 9. Now you get out of here, all of you!' he shouted. get out of here 从这里走开,滚出去  I’ve lost my key. I can’t get into the house. get into 进来  He is getting on quite well in his new job.  After a short break, he got on with his homework. get on 进展, 相处融洽 继续干;

31  Please help me to get the box off the boat. get…off 脱下,除去 / 取下  Tom was punished, but Jim go off lightly. get off 没受重伤 / 重罚而逃脱  Has your mother got over her illness?  They wanted to get the job over as quickly as possible. get over 恢复过来,痊愈 解决 / 结束

32  Have you got through your driving test last week?  Fancy Helen getting through all the food! get though ① 通过(考试、测验等) ② 吃掉,喝完,用光

33 10. 'I'm sheriff here. Do you see that notice? It says "No Camping" -- in case you can't read!‘ He is president. Who is monitor? She is a student. until further notice 在另行通知之前 This office will close at five o’clock until further notice.

34 in case + 从句 in case of + n. 假使,万一 …… 的话,免得,以防万一 Take your umbrella in case it rains. Take your umbrella in case of rain. You should insure your house in case there is a fire. You should insure your house in case of a fire.

35 11. 'don't be too hard on us… be hard on… 对 …… (过分)严厉 Don’t be too hard on that child. He is always hard on his employees.


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