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Unit Three Plants. —lotus( 荷花 ) —water lily( 睡莲 ) leaves float right on the surface of water; a breach ( 缺口 ) on the edge stalks( 叶柄 ) stand straightly.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Three Plants. —lotus( 荷花 ) —water lily( 睡莲 ) leaves float right on the surface of water; a breach ( 缺口 ) on the edge stalks( 叶柄 ) stand straightly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Three Plants

2 —lotus( 荷花 ) —water lily( 睡莲 ) leaves float right on the surface of water; a breach ( 缺口 ) on the edge stalks( 叶柄 ) stand straightly above the water; tend to have wavy leaves

3 —Victoria lily( 王莲 ) pads — more than two metres wide flowers — white and purple as large as 45 centimetres across

4 —banyan tree( 榕树 ) roots grow down from its branches plant themselves and grow bark( 树皮 ) become part of the original tree trunk or become separate tree trunks cover an enormous area

5 —gingko tree( 银杏 ) leaves — fan-shaped seeds( 白果 )— are eaten throughout much of Asia knows as “longevity trees” in China

6 —Bristlecone pine tree( 狐尾松树 ) up to nearly 5000 years the oldest single living organisms

7 1.very large area of ground for playing a game such as football 3.long life stay on or near the surface of water 5.sth that belongs to the same group as sth else give (food or drink to sb) 7.the large, flat leaf of a water plant 8.different; not connected enormous pitch longevity float relative serve pad separate Word Study

8 1.float (v.) 漂浮 ----The empty boat was floating on the sea. ----The feather floated lightly in the air. ----A group of swans floated by. ----Can you float on your back? (n.) 漂浮物 ; 浮舟 ; 浮标 ( 空气或水中 )

9 2. flower (v.) ①开花 ----This bush flowers in the early spring. 这种灌木早春开花。 ----Mozart’s genius flowered at a very early age. 莫扎特的才华在幼年时就焕发了出来。 flowering plants 开花植物 ----The roses have been in flower for a week. 正在开花 ②成熟

10 3. *relative (n.) 同类事物 ; ----Crocodiles are distant relatives of dinosaurs. 鳄鱼是恐龙的远亲。 close relative 近亲 ----He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative. 他很关心别人,因而大家都把他当作亲人。 亲属

11 3. *relative (a.) 相对的 ; 比较的 ; 与 … 有关的 常与 to 连用 ----They are now living in relative comfort. 他们现在过着比较舒适的生活。 ----The detective thought the stick was relative to the murder case. 侦探认为这根木棒和谋杀案有牵连。 ----The teacher asked me some questions relative to my paper. Relative to its size, the city is densely populated. 与它的面积相比,这座城市人口密集。 和我论文有关的问题

12 4. root (n.) 根 ----These plants have very deep roots and flourishing leaves. 这些植物根深叶茂。 ----Money is the root of all evil. ----Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 根本原因

13 5. *serve (v.) ①提供 ( 饮食等 ) ----What time is breakfast served in this hotel? ----She served us a delicious lunch. ----Children must be educated to serve their country when they grow up. ----He served eight years in prison. ----He was elected to serve as secretary of the local party. ----This dish will serve four hungry people. ----The sofa will serve as a bed for a night or two. ②为 … 服务 ③服刑 ④供职 ⑤适合 ( 特定用途或目的 ); 对... 有用

14 5. *serve (v.) serve as 担任 …; 起 … 作用 serve to do 起 … 作用 serve the purpose 符合要求 ; 管用

15 6. *branch (n.) ①树枝 ----The little boy was fascinated by the monkeys swinging from the branches. 小男孩被树枝上荡来荡去的猴子迷住了。 ----Mr. Smith works in an executive branch of the government. 史密斯先生在政府的行政部门工作。 ②分支机构

16 7. bark (n.) ①树皮 ----In winter, the deer eat bark and leaves. ----The dog barked when the stranger came near. (v.) ②狗吠 bark at 对 … 狗吠 / 咆哮 8. trunk (n.) ①树干 ----In the garden was a pine tree ________ trunk is more than four metres thick. ----Let me put your baggage in the trunk. ----The elephant’s trunk is bigger than other animals’. ②行李箱 ③象鼻 whose

17 9. *separate (a.) 个别的 ; 单独的 ; 不同的 ----Our children have separate rooms. ----Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat. (v.) 分开 ; 隔离 ( 常与 from 连用 ) ----The war separated many families. ----South America was separated from Africa 200 million years ago. ----He separated from his wife after 20 years of marriage. 各自的房间 生肉

18 10. enormous (a.) 巨大的 ----She stood alone on the enormous stage. ----They overlooked the enormous risks involved. 他们忽略了暗含的巨大危险。

19 11. speak of 提起 ----She didn’t speak of her husband at all. ----Speak of the devil and he will appear. 说曹操,曹操就到。 ----Speaking of food, can you tell me what kind of food are healthy?


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