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Unit 1 Grammar 2 Different parts of a sentence. donate ¥200 thousand in Sichuan earthquake generous? It is _________ of Liu Xiang _______________. Liu.

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1 Unit 1 Grammar 2 Different parts of a sentence

2 donate ¥200 thousand in Sichuan earthquake generous? It is _________ of Liu Xiang _______________. Liu Xiang is ________________ to __________________. generous to donate money generous enough to donate money

3 Liu Xiang is generous. He donated a lot of money. subject 主语 predicate 谓语 predicative 表语 object 宾语

4 subject 主语 主语通常由名词,名词短语或代词担任。 主语表示句子描述的是 “ 谁 ” 或 “ 什么 ” 。例 如: 1) You worry too much at times. 2) A year is divided into 12 different star signs. 3) The book on the desk is mine.

5 predicate 谓语 谓语说明主语的动作或所处的状态。由 动词担任。例如: 1) They work hard. 2) He is writing. 3) The music sounds beautiful. 4) You like to dream about everything.

6 predicative 表语 表语说明主语的性质,特征,状态名称或 身份等,通常由形容词,名词,代词 等担 任。与连系动词一起使用。例如: 1) You are a student. 2) That river is very deep. 3) His face turned red. 4) The weather gets colder and colder. Tips :表语前的谓语动词为系动词( link verb) ,常 为 feel , taste , sound , smell , look , turn , get , become , seem , keep , grow , stay

7 object ( direct or indirect ) 宾语( 直接宾语或间接宾语 ) 宾语表示及物动词动作的对象或内容, 或用于介词后构成介词短语。通常由名 词,名词短语,代词等担任。例如: 1. You have many friends. 2. We all like him. 3. He works in the factory.

8 有的动词后面可以带两个宾语,指人的是 间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语。例如: 1) You buy your friends nice gifts. 2) He gave me some books. 直接宾语 DO 间接宾语 IO 直接宾语 DO 间接宾语 IO Tips :这类谓语动词常为 give , show , pass , send , buy , make…

9 Expand the sentences The first student in each group says the first sentence. And the second just adds something. Let’s see which group can do the best! Eg: She read a book. …

10 She read a book. She read an interesting book. She read an interesting book carefully. She read an interesting book carefully in the library. She read an interesting book carefully in the library yesterday. Expand the sentences attributive 定语 adverbial 状语

11 attribute 定语 定语修饰或限定名词,通常由形容词,名 词等担任。例如: 1. Millie is reading the school newsletter. 2. This is a difficult problem. 3. There are many apple trees. 4. The man in the classroom is our new teacher.

12 adverbial 状语 状语修饰动词,形容词,副词或整个句子, 通常由副词,介词短语或名词短语担任。例 如: 1) Horses run fast. 2) You are selfish at times. 3) They usually get up at six o’clock in the morning.

13 1.The problem made me very unhappy. 2.We call the baby panda Xi Wang. predicative object

14 1.The problem made me very unhappy. 2.We call the baby panda Xi Wang. object complement 宾语补足语

15 object complement 宾语补足语 宾语补足语用来补充说明宾语,是不可或 缺的部分,通常由形容词或名词担任。 1.We all call him Tom. 2.Could you please keep the classroom clean? Tips :这类谓语动词常为 call, make, keep, name…

16 1. Amy wants to travel around the world. 2. Mr Li is angry now. 3. An energetic person has a lot of energy. 4. His jokes made me happy. 5. My mother bought me a new bike in the supermarket yesterday. Exercises : 指出下列划线部分在句中担任的成分( 1 ) Tell what sentence elements the underlined parts are. Subject (S) Verb (V) Predicative (P) Direct object (DO) Indirect object (IO) Object complement (OC) Adverbial Attributive S S S S S V P V V V DO OC IO Adverbial Attributive V

17 1.My sister works. 2.Sam has many friends. 3.Simon is a boy. 4.Daniel lends me a pen. 5.Amy finds English very useful. 6.Justin can make good friends easily. 7.Would you like to show me a photo of yours? 8.Is Paul a hard-working student in your class? subject object predicative direct-object object complement adverbial indirect-object attributive Exercises : 指出下列划线部分在句中担任的成分( 2 ) Tell what sentence elements the underlined parts are.

18 1.She felt very worried. Predicative 2.This is a helpful book. Attributive 3.Ricky helped with the charity show. Subject 4.Lots of people knew about the advertisements. Predicate 5. She showed us a new TV set. Direct-object 6. The students consider Mrs. Wu the best teacher. Object complement 7. He bought his son nice presents. Indirect-object 8. Do you want your coffee black? Object complement _________ __________ __________________________________________ __________________ ______________________ __________ ________ Exercises : 指出下列所给成分是句中哪个部分 Tell which part of the sentence is the sentence element I show you

19 More exercises Can you finish Exercise C1 & C2 on Page 16 and 17 now ?

20 1. a. He is a teacher of English. b. Her father is English. 2. a. They promise to meet our needs. b. He needs to buy some books.

21 3. a. Only three of us went there. b. He was the only foreigner. 4. a. A meeting will be held in this square. b. They bought a square table. 5. a. The red flags waved in the winds. b. A great wave sank the ship.

22 6. a. Mr. Wang works very hard. b. This is a hard question. 7. a. We are close friends. b. Those shops close at five. c. The summer vacation is drawing to a close. 8. a. He speaks English well. b. Well, We have arrived home c. He isn’t feeling well today.

23 9. a. John runs very fast. b. This is a fast car. c. They’ll fast ( 禁食 ) tomorrow. 10. a. We consider your opinions quite right. b. In China traffic keeps on the right. c. I am glad you guessed right.

24 Rule: 1.Three students a group, 2. One student thinks of a word or a phrase to be the “Subject”; another thinks of a word or a phrase to be the “Predicate”; the last student thinks of a word or a phrase to be the “Object”; 3. Then form the three parts together to make up a sentence. (Write them down in your Exercise Books) 4. Let’s see which group has the most or the best sentences. You can also add something more.

25 Homework 1.Review different parts of a sentence and be able to give some examples for each part. 2. Do some exercises in the workbook. 3. Use suitable words to complete the following sentences. 1. I feel __________ at times. 2. ____ likes to dream about everything. 3. Mille is a ____________ girl. 4. Jim always buys ____ for his friends. 5. She looks __________ in red. 6. We should keep our classroom ________. 7. I often play football ___________. ( Predicative ) ( Subject ) ( Attributive ) ( D-object ) ( Predicative ) ( Object complement ) ( Adverbial )

26 Use suitable words to complete the following sentences. I feel __________ at times. 1. __________ likes to dream about everything. 2. Mille is a ____________ girl. 3. Jim always buys ____________ for his friends. 4. She looks __________ in red. 5. We should keep our classroom ___________. 6. I often play football ______________. tired/sad etc. ( Predicative ) She/Peter etc. ( Subject ) careful/nice etc. ( Attributive ) gifts/books etc. ( Direct object ) nice/lovely etc. ( Predicative ) clean/tidy etc. ( Object complement ) for 3 hours /at school etc. ( Adverbial )

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