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Unit 5 Let’s eat! A Let’s learn Aa, apple. Bb, brown. Cc, cat. Dd, dog. Ee, egg. Ff, face. Gg, green. Hh, head. Ii, ice. Jj, jeep. Kk, kite. Ll, leg.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Let’s eat! A Let’s learn Aa, apple. Bb, brown. Cc, cat. Dd, dog. Ee, egg. Ff, face. Gg, green. Hh, head. Ii, ice. Jj, jeep. Kk, kite. Ll, leg."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 5 Let’s eat! A Let’s learn

3 Aa, apple. Bb, brown. Cc, cat. Dd, dog. Ee, egg. Ff, face. Gg, green. Hh, head. Ii, ice. Jj, jeep. Kk, kite. Ll, leg. Mm, milk. Nn, noodles.

4 Have.egg s some (一些) ____milk Drink. (喝)(喝)

5 Eggs, eggs. Have some eggs. Milk, milk. Drink some milk.

6 猜一猜! egg milk 12 3 juice

7 Have some. Thank you. juice Have some ____ juice. orange (桔子) Pair work. 二人小组对话。

8 I’m hungry. (饿) Have some _______. Thanks. eggs Guess ! 猜一猜! eggs milk juice

9 Have some _______. bread Mum, I’m hungry. Thanks. Look and say. ( 看一看,说一说。 )

10 ownbr head Eat some. 吃



13 Have some _______. Thank you./Thanks. eggs bread milk juice Lets play!

14 Keep healthy and enjoy the green life. 保持健康身体, 享受绿色生活。

15 1.Read after the tape for 5 times. (跟读录音 5 遍。) 2. Make yourself a nutritious breakfast and discuss with your friends about it afterwards. (为自己制定一份营养早餐,然后跟你 的朋友交流。)

16 Goodbye!

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