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研究生修業期間相關須知 Q & A 國立屏東科技大學 教務處 研教組. 目錄 Content 序 Preface 序 Preface 新生入學 Enrollment 新生入學 Enrollment 註冊與選課 Registration / courses selection 註冊與選課 Registration.

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Presentation on theme: "研究生修業期間相關須知 Q & A 國立屏東科技大學 教務處 研教組. 目錄 Content 序 Preface 序 Preface 新生入學 Enrollment 新生入學 Enrollment 註冊與選課 Registration / courses selection 註冊與選課 Registration."— Presentation transcript:

1 研究生修業期間相關須知 Q & A 國立屏東科技大學 教務處 研教組

2 目錄 Content 序 Preface 序 Preface 新生入學 Enrollment 新生入學 Enrollment 註冊與選課 Registration / courses selection 註冊與選課 Registration / courses selection 休學、退學與復學 Suspension / discharge / re-admission 休學、退學與復學 Suspension / discharge / re-admission 論文與畢業 Thesis / graduation 論文與畢業 Thesis / graduation Regulations that applicable to International students are translated into English in this pamphlet.

3 序 Preface 本須知訂定的目的,在於協助新進研究生瞭解修業期間 與其自身權益相關的規定,以減少不必要的困擾。凡是 本須知說明不清楚之處,教務處研教組所有工作人員, 竭誠歡迎並樂意提供必要的諮詢。 本須知訂定的目的,在於協助新進研究生瞭解修業期間 與其自身權益相關的規定,以減少不必要的困擾。凡是 本須知說明不清楚之處,教務處研教組所有工作人員, 竭誠歡迎並樂意提供必要的諮詢。 The purpose of this Q & A pamphlet is to help graduate students understand all related regulations that may affect their legal rights granted by the corresponding Graduate Institutes and the University so that possible confusion can be eliminated. Please stop by Graduate Education Division for further assistance. The purpose of this Q & A pamphlet is to help graduate students understand all related regulations that may affect their legal rights granted by the corresponding Graduate Institutes and the University so that possible confusion can be eliminated. Please stop by Graduate Education Division for further assistance.

4 Q & A 4. 論文與畢業篇 Thesis / Graduation

5 申請條件 申請條件 – 必須於學校規定時間內提出申請。上學期: 10 月份、下學期: 4 月份。 – 已修畢或該學期將修畢所有應修科目與學分 者。 – 選課必須選碩士論文,且 6 學分學分費也繳 納完畢。 46 問 : 碩士班提出論文口試申請條件

6 Application requirement Application requirement –Submit application within specific period. Fall semester: October, Spring semester: April. –Have completed or expect to complete the required courses for graduation –Have registered and paid for 6 credit-hour of Thesis 47 Q: Application requirement for filing oral exam

7 申請程序 申請程序 – 填列論文口試申請表,經指導教授及系所主 任確認口試委員資格核章後,送交研教組。 – 經研教組審核畢業資格無誤,將論文口試申 請表彙整後,報請校長遴聘口試委員。 48 問 : 碩士班提出論文口試申請程序

8 Application procedures Application procedures –File the oral exam application form and submit the form to have the proposed committee list approved by both advisor and Department Head. Submit the approved form to Graduate Education Division of the Office of Academic Affairs. –Graduate Education Division will verify the status of the applicant prior to submitting to Office of the President for final approval and committee appointment. 49 Q: Procedures of filing oral exam

9 考試委員三或五名(含指導教授),其中校外 委員至少一人以上,召集人由委員會推薦之, 但指導教授不得擔任召集人。 考試委員三或五名(含指導教授),其中校外 委員至少一人以上,召集人由委員會推薦之, 但指導教授不得擔任召集人。 考試委員除對碩士班研究生所提論文學科、創 作、展演或技術報告有專門研究外並須具下列 資格之一: 考試委員除對碩士班研究生所提論文學科、創 作、展演或技術報告有專門研究外並須具下列 資格之一: – 曾任教授或副教授一年以上,擔任與碩士學 位候選人所提研究論文之學科、創作、展覽 或技術報告有關學科教學者。 50 問 : 組織碩士學位考試委員會,有何規定須注意?

10 Degree exam committee consists of three to five members including advisor, of which at least one member from other Institutes is required to be appointed. Advisor can not serve as the exam chairman. Degree exam committee consists of three to five members including advisor, of which at least one member from other Institutes is required to be appointed. Advisor can not serve as the exam chairman. Basic requirement for exam committee: Basic requirement for exam committee: –Serving as professor or associate professor for more than one year and teaching courses that related to applicant’s thesis 51 Q: What regulations needed to follow to constitute the degree exam committee?

11 – 擔任中央研究院院士或曾任中央研究院研究 員、副研究員一年以上者。 – 獲有博士學位,在學術上著有成就者(其資 格須經系所會議訂定)。 – 屬於稀少性或特殊性學科,在學術或專業上 著有成就者(其資格須經系所會議訂定)。 – 本校兼任教師得視為校外委員。 52 問 : 組織碩士學位考試委員會,有何規定須注意? ( 續 )

12 –Serving as academician, researcher, or research associate for more than one year at Academia Sinica –Having Ph. D. degree and making significant contribution academically (being approved by the Department Committee Meeting) –Making significant contribution academically or professionally (being approved by the Department Committee Meeting) –Part-time lecturers of the University are considered as committee member from outside the University 53 Q: What regulations needed to follow to constitute the degree exam committee? (Cont.)

13 研究生辦理離校手續時,須將論文全文(含摘 要)上網及繳交經口試委員親筆簽署之論文五 本;第一學期畢業者須於一月卅一日前、第二 學期畢業者須於七月卅一日前辦妥。 研究生辦理離校手續時,須將論文全文(含摘 要)上網及繳交經口試委員親筆簽署之論文五 本;第一學期畢業者須於一月卅一日前、第二 學期畢業者須於七月卅一日前辦妥。 54 問 : 碩士論文最晚繳交時間?

14 Students are required to submit five copies of the signed thesis as part of the graduation processes. Abstracts are required to submit online. Students are required to submit five copies of the signed thesis as part of the graduation processes. Abstracts are required to submit online. The preceding documents are required to complete before January 31 for those graduate in Fall semester and July 31 for those graduate in Spring semester. The preceding documents are required to complete before January 31 for those graduate in Fall semester and July 31 for those graduate in Spring semester. 55 Q: When is the due date of submitting thesis?

15 已申請學位考試之研究生,若因故無法於該學 期內完成學位考試,應於每學期結束前報請核 銷該學期學位考試之申請,未核銷亦未舉行考 試者以一次不及格論。 已申請學位考試之研究生,若因故無法於該學 期內完成學位考試,應於每學期結束前報請核 銷該學期學位考試之申請,未核銷亦未舉行考 試者以一次不及格論。 56 問 : 我已提碩士論文口試申請,但因某種原因無法舉 行口試,手續應如何辦理?

16 Cancellation shall be filed officially before the end of the semester. Fail to pass the oral exam will be counted if cancellation does not file accordingly. Cancellation shall be filed officially before the end of the semester. Fail to pass the oral exam will be counted if cancellation does not file accordingly. 57 Q: What procedure shall I follow if unexpected causes preventing me from conducting oral exam?

17 學位考試舉行後,如未能於該學期完成應修課 程之研究生,其學位考試成績不予採認,亦不 計入學位考試之次數。 學位考試舉行後,如未能於該學期完成應修課 程之研究生,其學位考試成績不予採認,亦不 計入學位考試之次數。 58 問 : 我有提碩士論文口試申請,且舉行口試,但有一門必修課 成績未通過,是否須提核銷該學期學位考試之申請?

18 Passing all required courses is one of the requirements for filing oral exam. Therefore, fail to pass a required course results in invalidation of oral exam. The previously filed oral exam will not be counted. Passing all required courses is one of the requirements for filing oral exam. Therefore, fail to pass a required course results in invalidation of oral exam. The previously filed oral exam will not be counted. 59 Q: I passed the oral exam; however, I was unable to pass a required course. Shall I cancel the oral exam?

19 通過學位考試之研究生如未能於次學期註冊前, 交附有考試委員簽字通過之論文,則必須於次 學期辦理註冊,重新申請學位考試。 通過學位考試之研究生如未能於次學期註冊前, 交附有考試委員簽字通過之論文,則必須於次 學期辦理註冊,重新申請學位考試。 60 問 : 我有提碩士論文口試申請,且舉行口試,但論文修改不及, 次學期是否要辦理註冊?

20 Students are required to register again if fail to submit the revision of the thesis before the registration of the subsequent semester. Under such circumstance, degree exam is required to re-apply. Students are required to register again if fail to submit the revision of the thesis before the registration of the subsequent semester. Under such circumstance, degree exam is required to re-apply. 61 Q: I have passed the oral exam. However, I was unable to revise my thesis in time. Shall I register in the incoming semester?

21 研究生商請指導教授名單時間應於碩一第一學 期結束前,將名冊送交研教組。論文題目大綱 草案冊子應於碩一第二學期前送交研教組。 研究生商請指導教授名單時間應於碩一第一學 期結束前,將名冊送交研教組。論文題目大綱 草案冊子應於碩一第二學期前送交研教組。 62 問 : 碩士研究生商請指導教授及論文題目大綱草案何時 提出?

22 Graduate student needs to submit the name of the advisor to Graduate Education Division before the end of the Fall semester of the first year in the Graduate School. Graduate student needs to submit the name of the advisor to Graduate Education Division before the end of the Fall semester of the first year in the Graduate School. Graduate student needs to submit the thesis topic to Graduate Education Division before the Spring semester of the first year in the Graduate School. Graduate student needs to submit the thesis topic to Graduate Education Division before the Spring semester of the first year in the Graduate School. 63 Q: When do I need to submit my thesis topic and the name of the advisor?

23 須填列更換指導教授申請表,並取得原指導教 授及新的指導教授雙方同意簽章,系所主任核 章後,提報教務長。並檢具新的指導教授名冊, 送交研教組備查。 須填列更換指導教授申請表,並取得原指導教 授及新的指導教授雙方同意簽章,系所主任核 章後,提報教務長。並檢具新的指導教授名冊, 送交研教組備查。 64 問 : 請問指導教授更換,手續如何辦理?

24 File the application form for advisor alteration and have the form signed by original and newly appointed advisors. File the application form for advisor alteration and have the form signed by original and newly appointed advisors. Have the application form approved by the Department Head and submit to Dean of Academic Affairs for final approval. Have the application form approved by the Department Head and submit to Dean of Academic Affairs for final approval. File the application form at Graduate Education Division for future reference. File the application form at Graduate Education Division for future reference. 65 Q: What procedure do I need to follow if alteration of advisor is needed?

25 66 備忘錄 Memo

26 國立屏東科技大學 教務處 研教組 編印 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Office of Academic Affairs Graduate Education Division 發行人:周昌弘 Publisher : C.-H. Chow 主編:張念台 Editor : N.-T. Chang 彙整:吳嘉俊 陳淑斐 Assisting editors : C.-C. Wu Sufia Chen 黃瓊霞 張順發 C.-S. Huang Alfa Chang 黃瓊霞 張順發 C.-S. Huang Alfa Chang Tel: (886-8) 7740115 Fax: (886-8) 7740168 2004.09.1500

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