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排除思维定势, 分析 “ 复杂句式 ” 2006 高考英语单选题解题方法指导. 不少单项填空题干是由学生并不那么熟悉的句式构成 的,这无形中增加了试题的难度。要答好这类试题,就必 须设法将复杂的、不常见的句式还原成简单的、常见的句 式,以便快速地把握句子结构,理解题目意思。还原的方 法归纳起来主要有以下几种:

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Presentation on theme: "排除思维定势, 分析 “ 复杂句式 ” 2006 高考英语单选题解题方法指导. 不少单项填空题干是由学生并不那么熟悉的句式构成 的,这无形中增加了试题的难度。要答好这类试题,就必 须设法将复杂的、不常见的句式还原成简单的、常见的句 式,以便快速地把握句子结构,理解题目意思。还原的方 法归纳起来主要有以下几种:"— Presentation transcript:

1 排除思维定势, 分析 “ 复杂句式 ” 2006 高考英语单选题解题方法指导

2 不少单项填空题干是由学生并不那么熟悉的句式构成 的,这无形中增加了试题的难度。要答好这类试题,就必 须设法将复杂的、不常见的句式还原成简单的、常见的句 式,以便快速地把握句子结构,理解题目意思。还原的方 法归纳起来主要有以下几种: 1. 将疑问句还原成陈述句; 2. 将感叹句还原成陈述句; 3. 将倒装语序还原成正常语序; 4. 将省略句还原成完整的句子; 5. 将强调句式还原成一般句式; 6. 将被动语态还原成主动语态; 7. 将复合句还原成简单句。

3 1. Is this factory _______you visited the other day? A. the one B. that C. where D. when 2. Who did the teacher _______ the article? A. have written B. have write C. had written D. has writing 3. Is ______you want to say? A. that all B. all that C. all what D. what 4. Was it ___she heard with her ears __ really made her frightened? A. what; that B. because; that C. that; which D. what; / 5. How pleased the Emperor was ______ what the cheats said! A. hearing B. heard C. hear D. to hear ABAAD

4 6. _______what the six blind men said sounded! A. How foolishly B. How foolish C. What foolishly D. What foolish 7. To all of you _______honour for the success. A. belongs to B. belong to C. belongs D. belong 8. Here is a notebook, in which _______the names of the visitors. A. write B. written C. were written D. was written 9. Never _________ she praised ______ what she did. A. did; for B. did; of C. was; for D. was; of 10. John plays football _______, if not better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as BCCCB

5 11. Could you give us the reason why you didn’t do as ______? A. were told B. to be told C. told to D. told 12. It was _____the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home. A. repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. in repair 13. It was during the Liberation War ______ he died. A. that B. which C. in which D. when 14. Was it _______yesterday evening _______ you met him? A. on; that B. on; when C. until; that D. not until; that 15. The students are ______ to hand in the exercises before class. A. wished B. hoped C. agreed D. promised CBADA

6 16. Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer. A. to invent B. to have invented C. inventing D. having invented 17. His lost eyesight was_____ by his ever sharpening sense of hearing. A. made up for B. made up of C. made use of D. made of 18. The blackboard was wiped______. A. clean B. cleaned C. cleanly D. to be cleaned 19.The car________ she was traveling was late. A. which B. by which C. on which D. in which 20. Is this the watch you wish to_______? A. repair it B. have repaired it C. have it repaired D. have repaired BAADD

7 1. A 。乍看题干,很可能会有学生将 this factory 当作先行 词而误选 B 或 C ,但若将题干还原成陈述句,便会清楚地 发现句中缺少表语,四个选项中唯有 A 项可以当表语。 2. 选 B 。 因助动词 did 后须接动词原形,首先可将 C 、 D 排 除;再将题干还原成陈述句,这时可发现句中有 “have+ 复合宾语 ” 这一结构,而 the teacher 与 write 之间系主谓 关系,故 A 也应排除。 3. 选 A 。 将题干还原成陈述句后可知, that 充当主语,先 行词 all 以及后面的定语从句作表语。 4. 选 A 。 只要将题干还原成陈述句,便可发现这是一个强 调结构,即答案应在 A 、 B 之间,根据句子结构和意义较 易排除 B 。 5. 选 D 。答题时,肯定会有学生因动词 was 而选 A 或 B ,但 若将题干还原成: The Emperor was pleased ______ what the cheats had said. 这一陈述句,便会发现句中 有 be pleased to do 这样一个句型,动词不定式在此充当 原因状语。

8 6. 选 B 。将题干还原成陈述句后即可清楚地发现空格处充 当的是表语。 7. 选 C 。答题时,有的学生会误将 all of you 当作主语而选 B 或 D ,但若将题干由倒装语序还原成正常语序: The honour for the success _______to all of you. 就会发 现主语实为抽象名词 the honour, 故谓语应用单数。 8. 选 C 。 从句系倒装语序,主语实际上是 the names… 。 9. 选 C 。 正常语序是 She was never praised for what she did 。 10. 选 B 。题干中的插入语部分明显有省略现象,这无形 中增加了学生答题的困难,困难之一是搞不清 David 是主 语还是呼语。但若将省略的部分补回,使题干成为这样一 个完整的句子: John plays football_____ David does if John does not play better that David does. 便不难 看出 David 系主语,即答案在 B 、 D 之间,而 D 项通常用于 否定句,应予排除。

9 11. 选 C 。 as 从句系一省略结构,补全后为 : as you were told to do, 题干中省略了从句的主语和系动词(不可只省 一者),还省略了不定式(省略不定式时,符号 to 应予保 留)。 12. 选 B 。 只要将该强调句式还原成一般句式,即可看出 句中有 spend some time doing sth. 这样一个句型。 13. 选 A 。判断是强调结构,还是含有定语从句的复合句 的方法是,将表语代入从句,若句子完整即为强调结构, 反之为含有定语从句的复合句。本句是强调结构。 14. 选 D 。 还原后的陈述句为: Not until yesterday evening did you meet him. (= You didn’t meet him until yesterday evening.) 15. 选 A 。 看到该题,有的学生会认为四个选项似乎都可 选用,因为这四个动词均能接动词不定式,但只要我们将 原句改为主动语态便会发现空格后接的是 sb to do 这样一 个复合结构,四个动词中唯有 wished 能接这样的结构。

10 16. 选 B 。 还原成主动句后可知,句中有 consider( 认为 )sb to do 这个句型。而选项 A 根据动作的先后关系不难排除。 17. 选 A 。 将原句还原成主动句后可以更准确地把握主、宾 语之间的逻辑关系。本题只有选 make up for( 弥补 ) ,句子 才合乎逻辑。 18. 选 A 。 还原成主动句可以更清楚地看出空格处是补语, 应选用形容词 clean 来充当。 19. 选 D 。答题时,学生一般都能很快排除 A ,因为 travel 与 the car 之间并不存在动宾关系;亦能排除 C ,因为 in 、 on 两个介词中, car 通常只与前者搭配;而在剩下的两个选项 中,却极容易误选 B ,为什么 B 是错误的呢?为便于理解, 我们不妨将题干先转换为这样两个简单句: She was traveling _____the car. ( car 前的冠词不可丢,因为题干 中的关系代词 which d 意义上等同于先行词 the car 。) The car was late. 由于 by car 系习语, car 前不能加入冠词,故 空格处只能填 in. 20. 选 D 。先将复合句还原成两个简单句: Is this the watch? You wish to have it repaired. 不难发现 it 指代的是 the watch ,而在定语从句中, it 的句法作用已被关系代词(尽 管已经省略)所替代,故应将 it 舍去,以免重复。

11 通过以上典型试题的分析与讲练, 请同学们再分析剩下的练习。 Practice

12 21.Would you please point out the mistakes in my composition, if________ ? A. any B. none C. some D. anything 22. Is _______ he said it worth believing? A. all what B. what C. it D. that 23. Whom would you rather have_________ with you this time? A. to go B. go C. gone D. going 24. --- __________ you did? --- No, as a matter of fact, I didn’t need to. A. That is what B. What is that C. Is that what D. Is what that 25. ________ everything he had taken away from him? A. Was B. Should C. Did D. Had

13 26. Has everything ________ can be done __________? A. what; done B. that; been done C. that; already done D. what; already been done 27. Is this the school_______ you visited some foreigners a few months ago? A. that B. which C. the one D. where 28. Where was________ the traffic accident happened last night? A. it that B. it C. the place that D. the place 29. Whose eyes________ it that he saw in the darkness? A. was B. were C. is D. are 30. It was______ the neighbours saw catch the thief. A. him that B. he that C. said that D. where

14 31. Along the paths stood some signs,________ was written “ Keep Off The Grass!” A. on which B. in which C. which D. that 32. Rather than________ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _______ a bicycle. A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding 33. They want to see how civilized( 驯化 ) the animal can______. A. experience B. change C. develop D. become 34. ________ it snow, the crops would grow better. A. Were B. Were to C. Should D. Would 35. The boy I considered________ cheated in the exam. A. being honest B. to be honest C. was honest D. that is honest 36. Did_________ on time make her teacher angry? A. not to come B. her not to come C. her not coming D. not her coming

15 21---36 : ADBCA BDAAA ACDCB C

16 【 强调 】 1. 英语中表示强调的有强调句型 It is…, that…; It was…that…. 强调句型只有两个时态,即 It is 和 It was, 后跟被强调部分,然后用 that…. 被强调的是句子的主语,宾语和状语。状语可以是副词,介词短语或从句。 如果被强调的是人,可以用 who. 例句: A . It was in the morning that he often went to see his friend. B. It is I who am your close comrade-in-arms. C. What is it that you want me to do? 2. 强调用法,只用于肯定句中,用 do, does 或 did 加动词原形。 A . Do be here on time. ( 千万要准时来呀。 ) B . The family did send him to school. C. He does know all about it. 3. 在否定句中,如果表示强调,多在句尾加 at all. 例如: A . I know nothing about it at all. B. He didn’t do his homework at all. 4. 当遇到 not …until… 这一句型变成强调句型时,一定要用: It is (was) not until…that…. 例句: A . It ws not until yesterday that I knew he was coming. (I didn’t know he was coming until yesterday.) B. It was not until I grew up that he told me all about it. (He didn’t tell me anything about it until I grew up.) C. It is not until six o’clock that he will go to school. (He wont’ go to school until six o’clock.)

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