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English Writing. 错误分析: 1. 句子结构错误: 1 )主谓搭配不当 It with an area about 35000 m 2 There have hundreds of peform for visitor to view admire it. 2) 追求复杂的句式和长句,导致句子结构混乱。

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Presentation on theme: "English Writing. 错误分析: 1. 句子结构错误: 1 )主谓搭配不当 It with an area about 35000 m 2 There have hundreds of peform for visitor to view admire it. 2) 追求复杂的句式和长句,导致句子结构混乱。"— Presentation transcript:

1 English Writing

2 错误分析: 1. 句子结构错误: 1 )主谓搭配不当 It with an area about 35000 m 2 There have hundreds of peform for visitor to view admire it. 2) 追求复杂的句式和长句,导致句子结构混乱。 It was a man-made mountain have some interesting projects. 3) 追求华丽的语句导致错误的出现 As you lying Sunshine Beach with sunlight stroke you body, you will feel comfortable.

3 2. 书写不规范: 句子开头小写; 用空心圈代替句号;字母四不 象;拼写错误 Some situation in films is not ture and it will make people a mistake.In my opinnion… 3. 中国式英语 The Happy Valley is a new generation of large theme park in Shenzhen. But I more like Sunshine Beach. 4. 审题不清

4 6. 乱用连词和从句 What more, it not waste their more time, moreover, the film is interesting. … the original work, the reason of whom is that … 7. 词不达意,逻辑混乱 It ’ s collection traveling the modernized club are a body. 8. 可以写出看似复杂的句子,但错误很多。

5 三. 书面表达的有效训练 1. 重视语言基础,避免出现低级错误 2. 重视范文练习(背诵) 3. 重视知识积累和语言运用 作文 A. 27 分 无语法错误,字迹清楚漂亮,只有一处添加,开头结尾有新意 作文 B. 21 分 无语法错误,有涂改 作文 C. 18 分 几乎无错误,有涂改,字体乱 建议:文章段落一定要清晰 firstly … secondly … what ’ s more/ in addition Additional example: Para 1. They hold the opinion of watching films because … Others however argue that they prefer to read books because … As for me, I ’ m in favor of … Para 2. And the reasons of my view can be listed as follows. Para 3. From what has been discussed above, we can conclude …

6 高考英语书面表达评分标准 : 第五档. 25~30 分 第四档. 19~24 分 第三档. 13~18 分 第二档. 7~12 分 第一档. 0~6 分 第三档 ( 适当 ): (13-18 分 ) 基本完成了试题规定的任务. -- 虽漏掉一些内容, 但覆盖所有的主要内容. -- 应用的语法结构或词汇能满足任务的要求. -- 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误, 但不影响理解. -- 应用简单的语句间的连接成分, 使全文内容连贯整体而言, 基 本达到了预期的写作目的.

7 Tips for writing NMET English Writing

8 要点 要点 1. 涵盖所有内容要点和信息, 确定人称和时 态。 NMET English Writing

9 2. 词汇的应用要贴切, 使用多样的词汇, 避免重复使 用某一单词或短语. NMET English Writing 词汇 词汇

10 1. 多实少虚 : nice 2. 短语优先: I like it. This book is his. generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hard-working I am fond of it. 3弃旧取新 : W e all have the same chance. possess opportunity This book belongs to him.

11 3. 应用的句子结构准确并能满足任务的要求, 不能逐词 翻译, 整篇文章中避免只使用一个句式. ( 尽量能运用倒 装句、省略句、强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等。 ) NMET English Writing 句子结构 句子结构

12 1. 为了取得更好的成绩,我们应该充分利用每一分钟。 _________get better results, we should _______________ every minute. Every minute should _________________________we can get better results. 2. 昨晚直到 10 点钟, Black 夫妇才请了一位医生。 The Blacks didn’t send for a doctor until 10 o’clock yesterday evening. In order tomake full use of be made full use of so that 强调句型 倒装句 主动语态 被动语态 It was not until 10 o ’ clock that the Blacks sent for a doctor yesterday evening. Not until 10 o ’ clock did the Blacks send for a doctor yesterday evening.

13 4. 学会使用过渡词,组织顺序,合并成文. NMET English Writing 过渡词 过渡词

14 Transitional words 过渡词语 ① 时间: now , already , before , earlier , so far , before that , afterwards , since then , soon, immediately, meanwhile, at the same time, suddenly, first/then/last, first/next/after that/later on/finally NMET English Writing

15 first of all / to begin with for example/instance first and most important first(ly), second(ly), third(ly) next, finally Transitional words 过渡词语 NMET English Writing ② 列举:

16 and then in the same way , in addition and besides What’s more What’s worse, worse still moreover, furthermore Transitional words 过渡词语 NMET English Writing ③ 递进:

17 ④ 转折: but , however , on the other hand, on the contrary, after all ⑤ 总结 : finally , in short , in brief , on the whole , generally speaking  强调 : indeed , certainly , surely , above all  对比 : in the same way , just as , on one hand…on the other hand, similarly Transitional words 过渡词语 NMET English Writing

18 5. 表达能切题, 体现了活跃的思维, 清晰的 逻辑和真实的情感. NMET English Writing 开放性的结尾 开放性的结尾

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