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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 週六崇拜 Saturday Worship 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日學 Sunday School 主日 Sun 9:00 am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am.

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Presentation on theme: "禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 週六崇拜 Saturday Worship 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日學 Sunday School 主日 Sun 9:00 am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am."— Presentation transcript:

1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 週六崇拜 Saturday Worship 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日學 Sunday School 主日 Sun 9:00 am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 請將您的手機關閉, 謝謝 ! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 這是以利亞的日子齊宣揚我主的話語 哦 這是你僕人的日子摩西 公義今正被顯明 These are the days of Elijah Declaring the word of the Lord And these are the days of Your servant Moses Righteousness being restored

4 哦 雖然這苦難的日子 充滿飢荒黑暗刀劍而我們仍要在這曠野呼喊預備耶和華的道路 And though these are days of great trials Of famine and darkness and sword Still we are the voice in the desert crying "Prepare ye the way of the Lord"

5 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 Behold he comes riding on the clouds Shining like the sun at the trumpet call So lift your voice it's the year of Jubilee And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

6 這是以西結的日子枯乾的骸骨正復活 哦 這是你僕人的日子大衛 重新建造讚美殿 And these are the days of Ezekiel The dry bones becoming as flesh And these are the days of Your servant David Rebuilding a temple of praise

7 哦 這是大收割的日子 看哪 莊稼已發白 哦 我們是你葡萄園的工人 齊宣揚我主的話語 And these are the days of the harvest The fields are white in the world And we are Your laborers in Your vineyard Declaring the Word of the Lord

8 看祂降臨 駕著天上雲 閃耀如烈日 號筒聲吹響 揚起你聲 這是恩典的禧年 救贖恩典從錫安山而來 Behold he comes riding on the clouds Shining like the sun at the trumpet call So lift your voice, it's the year of Jubilee And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

9 耶穌 萬國的盼望 耶穌 憂傷者的安慰 你是我們 屬天永遠盼望 Jesus, hope of all nations Jesus, comfort for all whom mourn You are the source of heaven’s hope on earth

10 耶穌 黑暗中光芒 耶穌 凡事中的真理 你是我們 屬天永遠亮光 Jesus, light in the darkness Jesus, truth in each circumstance You are the source of heaven’s light on earth

11 你曾降生 被釘十架 斷開鎖鏈 死裡復活 In history You lived and died You broke the chain, You rose to life

12 你是我們 生命盼望 你是我們 磐石倚靠 你是晨星 發光照亮 整個世界 You are the hope living in us You are the rock in whom we trust You are the light to see Shining for all the world to see

13 你死裡復活 勝過恐懼 平安之王 吸引我們 You rose from the dead conquering fear Our prince of peace drawing us near

14 耶穌你是 我們唯一生命盼望 主 我相信 Jesus our hope Living for all who will receive Lord we believe

15 耶穌 萬國的盼望 耶穌 主 我相信 Jesus, hope of all nations Jesus, Lord we believe

16 主耶穌 我救主 無一人能像你 我願一生全心讚美 你奇妙全能的大愛 My Jesus, my Savior Lord, there is none like You All of my days, I want to praise The wonders of Your mighty love

17 你是我安慰師 我避難所和力量 我的一切 每個氣息 永遠不住敬拜你 My Comfort, my Shelter Tower of refuge and strength Let every breath, all that I am Never cease to worship You

18 向主歡呼 願全地揚聲唱 頌讚榮耀能力歸於君王 眾山跪拜 眾海洋歡呼 歌頌主的聖名 Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing Power and majesty, praise to the King Mountains bow down and the seas will roar At the sound of Your name

19 我要歡唱 你大能的作為 我要永遠愛你 永遠要堅定 無一事物 能與你的應許相比 I sing for joy at the work of Your hands Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand Nothing compares To the promise I have in You

20 Click to edit Master title style 我們的心願是看見萬國敬拜祢我們的祈求是到地極歌頌宣揚祢作為 Our heart, our desire Is to see the nations worship Our cry, our prayer Is to sing Your praise to the ends of the earth

21 Click to edit Master title style 讓萬國和萬民萬口同心喜樂讚美我們的心願是看見萬國都敬拜祢 That with one mighty voice Every tribe and tongue rejoices Our heart, our desire Is to see the nations worship You

22 引我亲近你 永不离开你 今我全然交托给你听你说我是你朋友 求你引导我 回转归向你 Draw me close to You, never let me go I lay it all down again To hear You say that I’m Your friend Help me find the way, bring me back to You

23 你是我所爱 无人能相比 世上无一能取代你我感受你温暖拥抱 求你引导我 回转归向你 You are my desire, no one else will do ‘Cause nothing else could take Your place To feel the warmth of Your embrace Help me find the way, bring me back to You

24 你是一切我心所爱所求你是一切我知你已临近 You’re all I want You’re all I’ve ever needed You’re all I want Help me know You are here

25 圣哉 圣哉 圣哉圣哉 圣哉 圣哉圣哉 圣哉 圣哉圣哉 圣哉 圣哉 Holy, holy, holy Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh

26 我的主 耶和华 全能神 Oh Lord Our God, Lord of Hosts Adonai Elohim tz’va’ot

27 昔在今在 以后永在的神 昔在今在 以后永在的神 Who was and who is And who is to come

28 我在這裡 主 差我用我我獻我生命 Here I am, O Lord Send me, use me I give You my life

29 我獻給你一切我一切所有我將生命獻上 I give You everything Everything that I have I give my live to You

30 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 主我獻生命給你主我獻生命給你 Alleluia, alleluia Lord, I give my life to You

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