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病理学实验教学组织 切片示教图选 汕头大学医学院病理教研室. 组织损伤与修复 Tissue and Cellular Injury.

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Presentation on theme: "病理学实验教学组织 切片示教图选 汕头大学医学院病理教研室. 组织损伤与修复 Tissue and Cellular Injury."— Presentation transcript:

1 病理学实验教学组织 切片示教图选 汕头大学医学院病理教研室

2 组织损伤与修复 Tissue and Cellular Injury

3 左正常气管上皮,右鳞状上皮化生 (Left: Normal columnar ciliated epithelium Right: Squamous metaplasia in bronchitis) (Prof. Orr 提供 )

4 肝的脂肪变性,左为大体标本,中为 HE 染色,右为油红染色。 ( Fatty liver)

5 变性 - 结缔组织玻璃样变 (Hyaline degeneration of connective tissue)

6 局损示教 2-- 脾中央动脉玻变 400 倍 (Arteriolar hyaline in the spleen)

7 粘液样变性 (Mucoid degeneration)

8 肝内含铁血黄素, Prussian blue 反应阳性,证明含铁离子. (Hemosiderin granules in liver.Left HE stain, Right Prussian blue) (引自 ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY , 2003 )

9 左正常皮肤内的黑色素沉积,右恶性黑色素瘤( Left Melanin Pigment in Normal Skin , Right Melanin Pigment in Malignant Melanoma)

10 局损 — 钙化 (dystrophic calcification in necrotic tissue)40 倍

11 核固缩,核碎裂( Pyknosis and Karyorrhexis ) 400 倍

12 局损 — 凋亡小体 (Apoptotic body)1000 倍

13 电镜下食管癌细胞开始形成调亡小体 ( 选自黄海花学位论文 ) (esophageal carcinoma cell begin to form apoptotic bodies under electron microscope, supplied by Huang haihua)

14 1.98 肾贫血性梗死 (Anemic infarct of kidney)

15 细胞死亡 - 脑软化灶 (Foci of brain softening /Encephalomalacia)

16 足干性坏疽 ( Dry gangrene in the foot, by Prof. Orr )

17 小血管纤维素样坏死( Prof.Orr 提供) (fibrinoid necrosis in small vessels, by Pro.Orr)

18 足跟创面肉芽组织( granulation tissue in heel, supplied by Pro.Huang shangwen)

19 肉芽组织 ( Granulation tissue)400 倍

20 局损 — 纤维母细胞 (Fibroblasts)1000 倍

21 6 周后痊愈形成面部和腿部疤痕 右图为镜下瘢痕组织 ( Prof. Orr 提供) (Scar on the surface of the skin, supplied by Pro.Orr)

22 镜下瘢痕组织 ( scar tissue in skin under microscope, supplied by Prof. Orr )

23 肝脂肪变性 (100 倍 ) ( Fatty change of liver)

24 肝脂肪变性( 400 倍)( Fatty change of liver)

25 肾近曲小管颗粒样变性( 100 倍)( Cellular swelling of kidney)

26 肾近曲小管颗粒样变性( 400 倍) ( Cellular swelling of kidney)

27 局损 -- 淋巴结干酪样坏死( Caseous necrosis of the lymph node )

28 肉芽组织 (Granulation tissue in the gum) 200 倍

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