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Promoting Decent Work through Organizing & Collective Bargaining

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1 Promoting Decent Work through Organizing & Collective Bargaining
通过组建和集体谈判促进体面劳动 10 – 19 Sept (2012年9月10-19日) Course Orientation 课程指南

2 Main focus of the training course 培训课程重点
to learn & share experiences for building the understanding on:分享借鉴经验,增进对以下几点的理解: - the forces/factors shaping the world of work in the globalized economy and responses of ILO and labour movement to promote decent work and sustainable development. 经济全球化背景下影响劳动世界的力量/因素,国际劳工组织和国际工运为促进体面劳动和可持续发展作出的回应。 - Industrial relations challenges facing Chinese trade unions 中国工会面临的劳资关系挑战 - ILO’s Decent Work Agenda and Rights based approach to employment, development and labour relations issues.国际劳工组织体面议程和以权利为基础的有关就业、发展和劳动关系的方法。 - Organizing and collective bargaining – methods & strategies of unions in other parts of the world组建和集体谈判——世界各地工会的方法与策略

3 The world of work today 当今的劳动世界
Pressures due to economic liberalization, globalization and now global economic crisis 经济自由化,全球化和当前的全球经济危机带来的压力 Challenges posed by changing role of state, privatization & changing nature of employment for organizing, collective bargaining & other rights of workers 国家作用的变化、私有化和就业性质的变化对组建、集体谈判和其他工人权利带来的挑战 Mobility of capital poses challenges to international labour solidarity 资本流动对全球劳工团结构成挑战 What has changed in China since 1990s? 中国自上世纪九十年代以来有何改变?

4 Challenges before China 中国面临的挑战
Meeting employment & social protection needs of large & growing workforce (830 million in 2010) 满足不断增长的劳动力大军(2010年8.3亿)对就业和社会保护的需求 Aging population: almost 25% will be over 60 years by 2030 Old age burden in rural areas will be higher (due to migration of young people) 人口老龄化:2030年将有约25%的人口超过60岁。农村地区老龄人口的负担将更重(由于青年人迁移而导致) Reducing export dependency 减少对出口的依赖 What is needed for ‘Win–Win’ situation (growth with social justice) ? 实现“双赢”需要什么(保证社会正义的经济增长)?

5 Key Issues to be discussed 将要讨论的重点问题
Growth with Social Justice: lessons from global crisis (focus on role of wage-led development, CB & Social Protection)保证社会正义的经济增长:从全球危机中汲取的教训(关注以工资主导的发展、集体谈判和社会保护的作用) Current trends in Organizing, Collective Bargaining & industrial relations in China: Key challenges facing ACFTU中国工会组建、集体谈判和劳资关系的趋势走向:全总面临的主要挑战 Workers’ rights in the globalizing world: Challenges, Opportunities & Union initiatives 全球化世界中工人的权利:挑战、机遇和工会倡议 Win-Win strategy: ILO’s DW Agenda & Approach to employment & development issues 双赢策略:国际劳动组织体面议程&促进就业的方法&发展事宜 Review of China’s Decent Work Country Programme & Union Priorities for Decent Work 审议中国体面劳动国别计划&工会体面劳动优先事项

6 Key Issues to be discussed 将要讨论的重点问题
MNEs in China & challenges it poses for trade unions 在中国的跨国企业及其对工会带来的挑战 Social dialogue & collective bargaining in Europe: Challenges before European Tus 欧洲的社会对话和集体谈判:欧洲工会面临的挑战 Sharing in the gains of growth: role & strategies for collective bargaining 分享增长的成果:集体谈判的作用及策略 Collective bargaining policies & practices in China 中国的集体谈判政策及实践 Union’s Organizing & social protection initiatives 工会有关组建及社会保护的倡议

7 Study Visit to Vienna (hosted by OGB, Austria) 考察访问维也纳(奥地利工会联合会接待)
2nd Week 第2周 Study Visit to Vienna (hosted by OGB, Austria) 考察访问维也纳(奥地利工会联合会接待) Focus of the study visit: 考察访问关注的重点: Organizing strategies and methods of Austrian unions in private sector 奥地利工会私营部门的组建策略及方法 Role of law and collective bargaining in promoting decent work 法律和集体谈判在促进体面劳动方面发挥的作用 Collective bargaining policies and practices in Austria 奥地利集体谈判的政策和实践 Social protection initiatives and role of the unions 社会保护倡议及工会作用 Factory visit and interaction with plant level trade unions 参观工厂并与企业工会座谈交流

8 Feedback is welcome on daily-basis
Evaluation 评估 End of the Course Evaluation 课程最后的评估 Feedback is welcome on daily-basis 欢迎每天进行情况反馈

9 Any Questions? 有问题吗?

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