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Opinionated and Interesting! Part One!

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Presentation on theme: "Opinionated and Interesting! Part One!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opinionated and Interesting! Part One!
With Mrs Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face and Mr. Angry Toaster-Brow

2 Oh! I think the door is closed.
哦!我觉得门是关着的。 Oh! I think the door is closed.

3 There is a sign! I think you should read it!
这儿有个标语!我觉得你应该读一读! There is a sign! I think you should read it!

4 哎呀, 对不起。 Oops, sorry.

5 欢迎来到 Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face的世界。
Narrator is door Welcome to Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face’s World.

6 Wow everything is so orange!
哇!每样东西都是橙色的! Wow everything is so orange!

7 Yes, please sit on the bed, I think it’s fantastic.
是的,请坐在床上,我觉得它好极了! Yes, please sit on the bed, I think it’s fantastic.

8 哇!这床真舒服!可是又是橙色的!我不喜欢橙色!
Wow this bed is really comfortable! But it’s orange again. I don’t like orange.

9 什么?橙色很不错嘛!你真笨!看看我!你觉得我是什么颜色的?
What? Orange is great! I think you are stupid! Look at me! What colour do you think I am?

10 嗯……橙……橙色? Err… O… r…an…….ge?

11 Yes! I am orange and it is my favourite colour.
是的!我是橙色的。橙色是我最喜欢的颜色!我爱橙色! Yes! I am orange and it is my favourite colour. I love orange!

12 Erm, ok, whatever. What’s that?
嗯, 好吧。你怎么说都行。那是什么? Erm, ok, whatever. What’s that?

13 Errr… it’s a desk, yes, a desk.
嗯…… 那是一张桌子,是的,是一张桌子。 sarcastic Errr… it’s a desk, yes, a desk.

14 It’s terrible, is it yours?
它太糟糕了,它是你的吗? It’s terrible, is it yours?

15 Of course it is mine! I hate you, get out.
当然是我的!我讨厌你,出去。 angry Of course it is mine! I hate you, get out.

16 Vocab 标语 桌子 每样东西 怎么说都行! Door Sign Bed Desk Everything Whatever!

17 我觉得 你觉得 他/她/它觉得 我们觉得 你们觉得 他们觉得 I think You think He/She/It thinks
To Think -觉得 I think You think He/She/It thinks We think You (pl.) think They think 我觉得 你觉得 他/她/它觉得 我们觉得 你们觉得 他们觉得

18 好极了 这么 太 真的 舒服 讨厌 笨 Fantastic So Too Really Comfortable Hate Great
Opinions Fantastic So Too Really Comfortable Hate Great Stupid 好极了 这么 真的 舒服 讨厌

19 Join us again!

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