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The map of China 宁夏. The map of Ningxia Welcome to Ningxia.

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Presentation on theme: "The map of China 宁夏. The map of Ningxia Welcome to Ningxia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The map of China 宁夏

2 The map of Ningxia

3 Welcome to Ningxia

4 宁夏五宝 Five treasures of Ningxiatreasures 宁夏景点 The scenic of Ningxiascenic

5 红宝 — 枸杞 – – 枸杞是一种名贵中药, 营养成份十分丰富,并 有很高的药物价值中药 红宝 — 枸杞 The red treasure --Gouqi Gouqi is a rare traditional Chinese medicine, very rich in nutrients,makes a great difference on lungs, liver,eyes and bones.

6 黄宝 -- 甘草 The yellow treasure --Licorice Licorice like to grow in dry climate and cold region which can used to conserve soil and water. It is also a Chinese traditional medcial which can detoxification( 清热解毒) and expectorant cough (祛痰止咳).

7 蓝宝 -- 贺兰石 The blue treasure –Helan stones It is said that there was a princess whose name is Helan, she is beautiful and kindhearted. Despite others opposition, she married with a warrior whose identity was low. later on, her husband died of war. she guarded her husband all the time and prayed day and night,her tears turned into shiny and color stones--Helan stones.Under a sense of love move,her husband was finally back to life, Since then, they lived a happy life.

8 白宝 -- 滩羊皮 The white treasure--Tanyangpe It is used to make clothes which is light, warm, comfortable, beautiful and Elegant.

9 黑宝 — 发菜 --Facai 黑宝 — 发菜 The black treasure --Facai Facai is belong to Cyanophyta( 蓝藻门), its pronouncation is similar to facai( 发财), so people like it very much. Facai grow in desert and barren soil, then it become the State-level key protected wild plants Ⅰ

10 中华回乡文化园 Chinese hui ’ s cultural park

11 银川鸣翠湖国家湿地公园 Ming cui lake national wetland park in Yinchuan

12 沙坡头 sand slope


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