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Unit Six 6 At the Zoo Lesson 1 青龙第一实验小学 李红

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1 Unit Six 6 At the Zoo Lesson 1 青龙第一实验小学 李红
九年义务教育六年制小学英语第二册Unit 6 At the zoo Lesson 1。 Lesson 1 青龙第一实验小学 李红

2 Let's sing 单击图片看动画,学唱歌曲。


4 A: What’s this ? B: It’s a/an--- A: What colour is it ? B: It’s --- A: Do you like ---? B: Yes, I do ./ No, I don’t . A: How many --- can you see ? B: I can see --- A: Where is --- ? B: It’s ---.

5 学 一 学 It’s so big. It’s so small.

6 It’s so long. It’s so short.

7 Let’s chant ! Big ,big , big ! It’s so big.
Small ,small, small ! It’s so small. Long ,long , long ! It’s so long. Short , short, short ! It’s so short.


9 A: Look at the elephant. B: Wow, it’s so big. It has a long nose and a short tail. It can walk. A: Look at the mouse. B: Wow , it’s so small. It has small eyes and big ears . It can hunt.

10 Let’s talk 情景学习 单击图片看动画。

11 Read and answer Reading 1 (1) Who are out of(外面) the house ? (2) Rabbits let them in ? Reading 2(1) What can the giraffe do ? (2) What can the deer do ? Reading 3 Which animal do you remember ? (你记住哪个动物了?)

12 I can say 以“My favourite animal” 为题说一段话. Keys: I like ---.It’s so---.It’s---(颜色).It has ---.It has ---. It likes---(食物).It can---.

13 Homework : Introduce your favourite animal to your parents or your classmates in English. (用英语向你的父母或同学介绍自己喜欢的小动物。)

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