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北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 国际课程班2+2/1+3本科项目2011年招生简章

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1 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 国际课程班2+2/1+3本科项目2011年招生简章
Admission Brochure for International Cooperative 2+2/1+3 Program (2011) between Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai and Griffith University

2 Ⅰ 学校简介 About BNUZ and GU Ⅱ 专业课程与招生计划 Admission Plans Ⅲ 入学要求 The Entrance Requirements Ⅳ 课程学习模式 The Mode of Curriculum Ⅴ 学位证书 Diploma Ⅵ 费用说明 Costs Ⅶ 项目优势 Merits of the Program Ⅷ 联系与咨询 Contact Us

3 Ⅰ学校简介About BNUZ and GU 1、学校介绍
About BNUZ—Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai 北京师范大学珠海分校是经教育部批准,由北京师范大学和珠海市人民政府共同举办,按照独立学院的机制和模式运作,进行本科层次教育的全日制普通高等学校。学校目前设有外国语学院等17个教学单位,开设40多个专业,在校生已逾20000人。 BNUZ is jointly established by BNU and Zhuhai Municipal Government under the approval of the Ministry of Education of China. It is a tertiary institution providing full-time study for students,  focusing on undergraduate education. With more than 40 majors and 20,000 students, BNUZ has 17 faculties, including Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL). 详情请访问北京师范大学珠海分校官方网站:

4 2、学院介绍 About FFL-- Faculty of Foreign Languages 北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院依托北京师范大学外国语言文学学院的丰富教育资源。学院院长由曾留学于英国牛津大学的英语语言学博士、教授、硕士生导师陶文好教授担任。学院与澳大利亚的格里菲斯大学等国外高校建立了长期友好的学术交流和往来。 The Faculty of Foreign Languages of BNUZ was established in 2003 and its dean is Professor Tao Wenhao, a doctor of English linguistics and postgraduate supervisor who used to study at Oxford University. Since its foundation, the faculty has been negotiating with a number of foreign universities and so far reached an agreement with four universities in the English-speaking countries, including the University of Bedfordshire and the University of Portsmouth in Britain, the University of Long Island in America, and Griffith University in Australia. 详情请访问北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院官方网站:

5 3、合作学校介绍 About GU--Griffith University 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学是由澳大利亚联邦政府投资承建的一所高等学府。格里菲斯大学在国际上享有盛誉,同时被公认为是亚太地区最具创新力和影响力的大学之一。该校是澳大利亚的四星级大学。 Since opening its doors in 1975, Griffith University has come to be regarded as one of Australia's most innovative tertiary institutions and one of the most influential universities in the Asia-Pacific region. GU has grown to be a large multi-campus tertiary institution with internationally recognised strengths in teaching and research. GU now offers more than 300 degrees across five campuses and is home to more than students from 124 countries. Griffith is Australia’s ninth largest higher education provider. 详情请访问格里菲斯大学官方网站:

6 Ⅱ专业课程与招生计划Admission Plans
1、国际课程班2+2项目简介(2+2 Program) “2+2”国际课程班是北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院与澳大利亚格里菲斯大学联合举办的本科层次高等教育国际课程班。 专业: 英语教育(Education International), 传媒(Communication),TESOL FFL, BNUZ and GU established a cooperative 2+2 program for undergraduate education in the field of English Int’l, Communication and TESOL. 2、国际课程班1+3项目简介(1+3 Program) “1+3”国际课程班是北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院与澳大利亚格里菲斯大学联合举办的本科层次高等教育国际课程班。 专业:商学(Business), 酒店管理(Hotel Management),人力资源管理(Human Resources Management),市场营销(Marketing),金融(Finance) FFL, BNUZ and GU established a cooperative 1+3 program for undergraduate education in the field of Business, Hotel Management, Hotel Resources Management, Marketing and Finance. 3、招生人数:80人 80 students are to be enrolled.

7 Ⅲ 入学要求(大陆学生) The Entrance Requirements for China’s Mainland Students
面向国(境)内外招收应届或往届高中毕业生,文理兼收。原则上招收高考分数为本省(市、区)本科(二本)录取分数线下浮10%以内的学生。对英语成绩突出者,可适当放宽录取分数线要求。其他经过我校考核合格的学生亦可以被录取。 BNUZ will recruit both domestic and overseas high school graduates. In principle, students will be recruited if their national college entrance exam scores are within 10% lower than the province (city, area) second tier admission line. For those whose English is prominent, BNUZ will relax restrictions on the admission line requirements accordingly. Other students who have passed the assessment of BNUZ can also be admitted.

8 Ⅲ 入学要求(港澳学生) The Entrance Requirements for Hongkong and Macao Students
经校方推荐,择优录取,入学后进行分级测试,因材施教。 FFL, BNUZ accpets the best applicants recommended by the high school they study in. Placement test will be held after the students are admitted to FFL, BNUZ. The teaching will be based on the principle of individualized instructions.

9 Ⅳ 课程学习模式The Mode of Curriculum
1、2+2国际课程班 (2+2 program) 学制: 4年 第一、二年,在北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院学习英语及专业基础知识。学生修满第一,二年规定的学分并通过IELTS考试(总分达到6分且单项成绩不低于5.5分)方有资格申请进入澳大利亚格里菲斯大学学习。 During the first two years, the students study English and major-related courses in BNUZ. To be eligible for admission to GU Bachelor degree programs, students must have attained an English language standard of IELTS 6.0 with no sub-score below 5.5; 第三、四年,在澳大利亚格里菲斯大学就读,完成该校规定课程学习且达到各门课程的要求方有资格被授予该校学士学位。 Those students who successfully complete the requirements for the first two years of the Bachelor of Arts degree Program from BNUZ will be eligible to enter the GU Program. Such students will then be eligible to complete the GU Program in 2 years of full-time study and, provided the requirements of the program are met and successfully completed, will be eligible to graduate with the GU degree of Bachelor of Arts .

10 2 、1+3国际课程班 (1+3 program) 学制: 4年 第一年,在北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院学习英语及专业基础知识。学生修满第一年规定的学分并通过IELTS考试(总分达到6分且单项成绩不低于5.5分)方有资格申请进入澳大利亚格里菲斯大学学习。 During the first year, the students study English and major-related courses in BNUZ. To be eligible for admission to GU Bachelor degree programs, students must have attained an English language standard of IELTS 6.0 with no sub-score below 5.5; 第二至第四年,在澳大利亚格里菲斯大学就读,完成该校规定课程学习且达到各门课程的要求方有资格被授予该校学士学位。 Those students who successfully complete the requirements for the first year of the Bachelor of Arts degree Program from BNUZ will be eligible to enter the GU Program. Such students will then be eligible to complete the GU Program in 3 years of full-time study and, provided the requirements of the program are met and successfully completed, will be eligible to graduate with the GU degree of Bachelor of Arts .

11 Ⅴ 学位证书 Diploma 国际合作课程班学生在北京师范大学珠海分校外国语学院所修课程学分及成绩均被澳大利亚格里菲斯大学承认;学生修完澳大利亚格里菲斯大学专业教学计划规定课程学分且成绩合格者,可获得澳大利亚格里菲斯大学学士学位证书。 After completing the GU Program in 2 or 3 years of full-time study and, provided the requirements of the program are met and successfully completed, the students will be eligible to graduate with the GU degree of Bachelor of Arts.

12 Ⅵ 费用说明Costs 在我校学习期间, 学费为:人民币30000元/年; 住宿费:1500元~2500元/年; 生活费自理。
At BNUZ: Tuition: 30,000 RMB per year Board and Room Charges: RMB per year 在澳大利亚格里菲斯大学学习期间, 学费约为:AU$16000/学年(约为人民币10万元), 住宿费、生活费自理。 (鉴于学费、生活费以及外汇行情变动等因素,此费用标准仅供参考) At GU: Tuition: 16,000 AU$ per year (about 100,000 RMB per year) The cost of accommodation is the responsibility of the students. GU will help the students find accommodation on their arrival. 旅行、签证以及其它相关费用由学生自理。 Each student is responsible for the costs of his/her own international transportation and obtaining a student visa.

13 Ⅶ 项目优势(港澳学生) Merits of the 2+2/1+3 Program for Hongkong and Macao Students
1. 省钱 Economical Tuition in BNUZ: 30,000 RMB per year Tuition in GU: 100,000 RMB per year 2+2国际课程班省14万 1+3国际课程班省7万 2+2 program: save 140,000 RMB 1+3 program: save 70,000 RMB 2. 校方推荐,免试入学 No entrance exam 3. 地理优势:珠海环境优美,与港澳交通便利 Beautiful Zhuhai, convenient transportation between Zhuhai and Hongkong/Macao 4.与大陆学生有更多交流,加深对大陆传统文化的了解 Cultural Communication with mainland students 5. 可以利用假期去大陆各地游学。 Study tours in China’s mainland during holidays

14 Ⅷ 联系与咨询Contact Us 1. 咨询电话 (Contact Number):
Mobile: (谢老师Ms. Xie) (王老师Ms. Wang) Telephone: 2. 传真(Fax): 3. 电子邮箱( Address): 4. 邮寄地址(Mailing Address): 广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路北京师范大学珠海分校外国语 学院 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, No. 18 Jinfeng Road, Tangjiawan, Zhuhai, Guangdong, P.R.C. 5. 邮政编码(Zip Code):

15 6.报名日期 Application Date
港澳学生即日起接受报名;大陆学生高考分数公布后即接受报名;报名截止日期为8月30日。 Students from Hong Kong and Macao can apply within the next few days. Students from China’s mainland can apply after their college entrance exam scores are announced. The application deadline is August 30. 7.报名资料 Application Materials (1)报名表(点击下载或在线提交)。 (2)高中毕业证复印件、在校成绩单复印件及高考成绩复印件。港澳学生无需提供高考成绩复印件。 (3)身份证复印件。 (1) Download the application form or fill in the form online (2) Copies of high school diploma, transcripts and the college entrance exam score transcipt. Students from Hong Kong and Macao do not need to provide copies of university entrance exam score transcript. (3) Copy of ID

16 8.开学日期 New Term Starting Date
2011年9月(具体时间以录取通知书中报名时间为准,通知书将在报名截止日后一周内发出。) The new term starts in September 2011 (The specific time to register is based on the admission letter, which will be issued within one week after the deadline of application.) 9.体检要求 Requirements of Medical Examination 参照《普通高等学校招生体检工作指导意见》执行。 With reference to the Common higher school enrollment medical work instruction opinion.


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