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1 Game

2 遊戲分類(1/5) 遊戲平台: PC Game Video Game Handhelds 街機

3 遊戲分類(2/5) Game Types: RPG (Role playing games) AVG (Adventure games)
RTS (Real-time strategy games) FPS (First-person shooting games) RSLG (這種遊戲則是角色扮演遊戲與戰略遊戲的混合體) STG (射擊遊戲) Sports Action Puzzle games Table games TCG (養成遊戲) MMORPG (Massive Multiple Player Online Role Playing Games) Etc…..

4 遊戲分類(3/5)

5 遊戲分類(4/5)

6 遊戲分類(5/5)

7 History of Computer and Video Game (1/7)
1970s – First Generation A simulation of Tennis Console: Coleco Telstar PONG arcade version

8 History of Computer and Video Game (2/7)
1970s~1980s – Second Generation

9 History of Computer and Video Game (3/8)
Why Japan dominates the home console market ? Video game crash of 1983 the crash of the video game industry and the bankruptcy of a number of companies producing home computers and video game consoles in North America Causes Effect of home computers (Europe: buy computer) The flood of products (low quality) A savage price war (computer price down) Effect - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

10 History of Computer and Video Game (4/8)
Third Generation – 8-bit era It was in this time that home game systems were first labeled by their "bits".

11 History of Computer and Video Game (5/8)
Fourth Generation – 16-bit era 2-dimension

12 History of Computer and Video Game (6/8)
Fifth Generation - 32-bit / 64-bit era (N-64) Cassette vs. CD

13 History of Computer and Video Game (7/8)
Sixth Generation – 128-bits era

14 History of Computer and Video Game (8/8)
Seventh Generation – NOW!

15 Video game publishers 1.Electronic Arts ($2.951 billion USD (2006))
2.Activision ($ billion USD (2005)) 3.Nintendo (USD$4.5 billion (2006)) 4.Microsoft Game Studios 5.Sony Computer Entertainment ($63.98 billion USD (2006)) 6.etc… ranked by Game Developer Magazine in September 2005

16 Video game developer three main categories: Team of developers:
third-party developers (ex: EA) In-house developers (studio) the smaller independents Team of developers: Programmers game designers Artists sound engineers Producers Testers Etc…

17 Game development pipeline
Idea Proposal Production Integration Testing Debug Tuning (調適)

18 The market size of computer and video game
Top 3: (1) USA (2) Japan (3) UK Others: Australia, Canada, Spain, Germany, South Korea, Mexico, France and Italy. Both India and the China are considered emerging markets Global game market: $29 billions USD (2005) Compare to Hollywood $90 billions USD(2005) By 2010, the worldwide video game market should grow to $46.5 billion, at an average 11.4% compound annual rate

19 How about Taiwan?

20 How about Taiwan?

21 How about Taiwan? 大宇資訊股份有限公司 智冠科技股份有限公司 遊戲橘子數位科技股份有限公司 (遊戲代理商)
軒轅劍、大富翁、仙劍奇俠傳 智冠科技股份有限公司 仙境傳說、金庸群俠傳 遊戲橘子數位科技股份有限公司 (遊戲代理商) 天堂、混亂冒險、瑪奇 中華網龍股份有限公司 松崗科技股份有限公司 昱泉國際股份有限公司 第三波資訊股份有限公司 Etc…共25家遊戲公司 (資料: 經濟部工業局)

22 How about Taiwan? 政府 廠商 廠商不要短視近利,政府也要配合支持 軟體五年計劃 兩兆雙星 要自行研發,不要只是代理遊戲
研發需要資金作為後盾 台灣市場太小,成長中的大陸市場又不足以提供台灣的遊戲廠商發展 廠商不要短視近利,政府也要配合支持

23 未來展望 純正的宅男血統 對電玩充滿熱情 不怕困難及挑戰 充滿創意與幻想 只要有心! 你!就是台灣的明日之星!

24 References Cheers遊戲世紀任我行
遊戲產業需要政府幫助的幾件事 台灣數位內容產業產值明年達3,700億 電子/電機 / 電腦 -- 遊戲產業/數位內容 分析:遊戲產業面臨低利挑戰 遊戲機的歷史係點? 漫談遊戲機的記錄功能 History of computer game 產值排名 開發流程 Game developer Game publisher 1983年美國遊戲業蕭條事件 Global Video Game Market Set to Explode 數位內容產業推動服務網

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