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Presentation on theme: "BASIC PRINCIPLES IN OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE 职业卫生基本原则"— Presentation transcript:

Day 4 第4天

2 18 – ERGONOMICS 18 –人体工程学

3 Common Activities 常见活动
Some common activities where ergonomics are important are: 在如下活动中,人体工程学很重要: manual handling of loads; 人工装卸货物; tasks involving repetitive actions; 重复动作的任务; the use of display screen equipment, such as when working with computers. 使用屏显设备的工作,如电脑。

4 Different Work Places 不同工作场所

5 Evaluation of Ergonomics Factors in the Workplace 工作场所人体工程因素的评估
It should address: 应包括: Hardware 硬件 Software 软件 Visual workspace 视觉空间 Organisation 组织 Physical workspace 实际工作区 Individual characteristics 个体特征

6 Manual Handling Assessment 人工搬运风险评估
It should address four critical factors: 应涉及如下四大关键因素 The task 1. 任务 2. The load 2. 负荷 3. The working environment 3. 工作环境 4. The capabilities of the individual. 4. 个人能力

7 THE BACK 背部 脊柱 颈弯曲 颈椎 胸椎 胸弯曲 腰椎 腰弯曲 骶骨 骶弯曲 尾椎

8 Simple Assessment Procedure 简易评估程序
Is the operation essential? Can it be avoided? 此操作必不可少嘛?能避免吗? Consider the shape, size, weight and special difficulties of a load. 考虑负荷的形状、大小、重量和特定难点。 How is it handled? 如何搬运? Where is it moved from and to and how often? Repetitive bending, twisting movements increase the risk, as does lifting with extended reach. 搬运起点和终点在什么地方?搬运频率是多少?重复弯腰、扭身、和向上伸展提举会增加风险。 Does the working environment add to the risk of injury? 工作环境是否会增加受伤风险? Are floors slippery, uneven? 地板是否湿滑,不平? Is the environment cramped, hot or badly lit? 操作空间是否狭小局促、太热或光线不佳? Are the task and the workplace adapted to the individual? At its simplest this may simply involve considering working heights of benches, tables, stillage sizes and so on. 员工适合担任该任务,适合在该场所工作吗?最简单的测试方法就是考虑凳子和桌子的高度,以及 釜馏物的大小等。 Consider possible remedial measures, eg. it may be possible to use mechanical aids or breakdown the load, or the task may be re‑arranged. 考虑可行的补救措施,例如,可使用机械来辅助操作、分解负荷、重新安排任务。


10 Information and Instruction 信息和指令
Where it is reasonably practicable to do so, employees involved in manual handling operations should be provided with precise information about the weight of each load, and about the heaviest side of any load whose centre of gravity is not positioned centrally. 如合理可行,应将载荷重量,载荷承重侧(特指重心非中心的载荷)准确信息告知进行人工搬运的员工。

11 Training 培训 一项适合的培训方案应解决如下问题:
A suitable training programme should address: 一项适合的培训方案应解决如下问题: How potentially hazardous loads may be recognised; 如何确认有潜在威胁的载荷? How to deal with unfamiliar loads; 如何处理不熟悉的载荷? Good handling techniques, including the proper use of handling aids; 良好的装卸技术,包括装卸工具的正确使用; The proper use of personal protective equipment; 个人防护装备的正确使用; Features of the working environment that contribute to safety; 有利于安全的工作环境的特点; The importance of good housekeeping; 物质整洁有序的重要性; Factors affecting individual capability, including fitness and health. 影响个人能力的因素,包括身体健康。

12 Repetitive Tasks 重复任务 Tasks that involve repeated movements can lead to disorders of the muscles, joints and tendons, even when the individual actions do not involve excessive load or force. 重复动作的任务可能会导致肌肉、关节和肌腱疾病,即使当个人不从事繁重劳动力或过度负荷时,也不能避免。

13 肌肉(滑车) 痛区 骨撬 肌腱(拉力)

14 Display screen equipment (DSE) 显示屏(DSE)
Many types of computerised equipment used in laboratories, factories, offices and home working incorporate a display screen and some kind of data entry device such as a keyboard or mouse. 实验室、工厂、办公室和居家办公中许多类型的计算机化设备都有显示屏和各种数据输入装置,如键盘或鼠标。

15 Postural Problems 姿势问题
These range from fatigue or soreness in the arm, hand and shoulder areas to chronic soft tissue disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome - inflammation of the sheath surrounding the tendons that flex the fingers. 包括手臂,手和肩膀的疲劳或酸痛,慢性软组织结构紊乱,诸如腕管综合症——手指弯曲肌腱周围的腱鞘。

16 Visual Problems 视力问题

17 Fatigue and Stress 疲劳和压力
Many symptoms described by display screen users reflect stresses arising from the user's task. They may be secondary to upper limb or visual problems but they are more likely to be caused by poor job design or work organisation, lack of control of the work by the user, under-utilisation of skills, high-speed repetitive working or social isolation. 显示屏用户所描述的诸多症状反映了用户任务所带来的压力。虽然疲劳和压力可能仅次于上肢或视力问题,但是,疲劳和压力由工作设计不佳、工作组织不佳、用户无法控制工作、技能不熟练、高速重复工作或社会隔离导致的可能性较高。

18 视距18-24° 视角18-24° 手腕垂直 椅背角度90° 下背用腰部支撑 90°膝盖角度 可调座椅高度 矮人用脚踏板


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