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American Public Schools 90% of American kids go to public school. 90 %的美國學生就讀公立學校 Public school is free. 公立學校是免費的 Free school busses. 有學校免費公共汽車 School.

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2 American Public Schools 90% of American kids go to public school. 90 %的美國學生就讀公立學校 Public school is free. 公立學校是免費的 Free school busses. 有學校免費公共汽車 School hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

3 Elementary: K-5 Middle / Jr. High: 6-8 High School: 9-12 Students begin at age 5. There is no public school for children younger than 5. 公立學校不超過 5 歲以下兒童 Public School 公立學校

4 Schedule English (Reading and Writing) Math Science Social Studies Art Music P.E.

5 Problems  Some Americans do not think public education is important and do not want to pay taxes to fund schools. Many schools are very poor and many students are uneducated – they do not graduate high school and do not go to college. The quality of education in many poor areas is very low. This is a big problem in America.

6 Benefits! There are many great colleges in the U.S. 美國有許多很好的院校 Many people are working to make education better! 許多人希望,使教育更好地 The government is now giving schools more money. 政府是給學校更多的錢 American Elementary School classrooms are often colorful and stimulating. 美國的教室往往色彩鮮豔,刺激


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