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彻底搞清楚promoter, exon, intron, and UTR

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1 彻底搞清楚promoter, exon, intron, and UTR
启动子: RNA聚合酶特异性识别和结合的DNA序列。 promoter自然不属于intron和Exon的任何一个,属于noncoding sequence。 noncoding RNA是现在研究的热点之一。我们常见的MiRNA,SiRNA, antisense RNA tech,这些都是属于ncRNA的范围。只要你在进一步问下:这些RNA是哪里来的?你就知道部分答案,跟那些看似跟编码蛋白没有关系的DNA序列有关系。这部分DNA有个统称就junk DNA,垃圾DNA或者冗余DNA,他们编码的RNA就属于 ncRNA. RNAi就是迄今最经典的ncRNA功能典范。 An exon is a sequence of DNA that is expressed (transcribed) into RNA and then often, but with many noteworthy exceptions[1] , translated into protein. Adjacent exons may be separated by an intron, which is later removed from the RNA transcript via the splicing mechanism. (From Wikipedia) UTR(Untranslated Regions)即非翻译区,是信使RNA(mRNA)分子两端的非编码片段。    5'-UTR从mRNA起点的甲基化鸟嘌呤核苷酸帽延伸至AUG起始密码子,3'-UTR从编码区末端的终止密码子延伸至多聚A尾巴(Poly-A)的末端。 转录(Transcription)是遗传信息从DNA到 RNA的转移。即以双链DNA中的一条链为模板,以ATP、CTP、GTP和UTP4种核苷三磷酸为原料,在RNA聚合酶催化下合成RNA的过程。

2 DNA: Pre mRNA: Mature mRNA: cDNA: ORF(open reading frame )
TSS: transcription start site ATGXXXXXXXXX…..XXXXXXXTGA DNA: Promoter gene Pre mRNA: 5'UTR CDS CDS CDS 3'UTR Exon 1 Intron 1 Exon 2 Intron 2 Exon 3 PolyA是后来加上去的。 Gene里没有 cDNA中有。 Mature mRNA: cap 5'UTR CDS CDS CDS 3'UTR Poly A XXXXXXAUGXXXX………………..…....UGAXXXXXXXXXXAAUAAAAAAAAAA start codon: AUG stop codons :UGA, UAG, UAA 5'UTR 3'UTR PolyA CDS(Coding sequence) cDNA:

3 Example1 IL17A interleukin 17A[Homo sapiens] Location : 6p12 Sequence : Chromosome: 6; NC_ ( ) gene mRNA join(1..72, , ) CDS join(46..72, , ) 5'UTR 3'UTR Exon1 Intron1 Exon2 Intron2 Exon3 TSS: transcription start site Gray area: 5'UTR (1-45) CDS (46-72) Start codon: ATG Green area: intron Intron1 ( )

4 Example1 IL17A interleukin 17A[Homo sapiens] Location : 6p12 Sequence : Chromosome: 6; NC_ ( ) gene mRNA join(1..72, , ) CDS join(46..72, , ) Green area: intron Intron2 ( ) CDS ( ) End codon: TAA Gray area: 3'UTR ( )

5 Example2: Cx3cr1 chemokine (C-X3-C) receptor 1 [ Mus musculus ] Location : 9 F4; 9 Sequence : Chromosome: 9; NC_ ( , complement) gene mRNA join(1..78, ) CDS 互补链上 3'UTR 5'UTR Exon1 Intron1 Green area: Intron1( ) Exon2 Gray area: 5'UTR ( ) in exon2 CDS ( ) Start codon: ATG End codon: TGA Gray area: 3'UTR ( ) in exon2

6 常见问题: 问:Promoter在DNA序列中是算内含子还是外显子? 答:都不是。属于noncoding sequence。 问:UTR在DNA序列中是算内含子还是外显子? 答:外显子。 问:起始密码子ATG在gene的哪个位置? 答:外显子内,CDS以ATG开始。 问:每个基因之间都有一定的间隔序列,这些基因间的间隔序列应该不属于内含子吧? 答:是的。属于noncoding sequence。 问:如何寻找启动子区域和预测转录因子结合位点? 答:见我的帖子

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