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CISCO产品培训 关于 CISCO CISCO 硬件平台 CISCO 软件平台 路由器介绍及配置 交换机介绍及配置 内部讲义.

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Presentation on theme: "CISCO产品培训 关于 CISCO CISCO 硬件平台 CISCO 软件平台 路由器介绍及配置 交换机介绍及配置 内部讲义."— Presentation transcript:

1 CISCO产品培训 关于 CISCO CISCO 硬件平台 CISCO 软件平台 路由器介绍及配置 交换机介绍及配置 内部讲义

2 Cisco 路由器介绍 物理端口介绍 内存体系 配置途径 内部讲义

3 物理端口介绍 控制口:console port:
扩展口:一般Cisco的router都有扩展口, 你可以把 WIC (WAN interface card)插进去的。你可以根据你网络的需求,订购不同的WIC。  Interface:Cisco router的命名是按从右往左,从下往上的顺序排列的。   在有的router里面,一个network module solt里面会有多个interface, 这时候你可以用 e1/0, e1/1, e1/2等符号来表示。 内部讲义

4 Cisco 路由器介绍 ROM相当于PC机的BIOS FLASH相当于PC机硬盘,包含IOS DRAM动态内存 NVRAM 配置文件
内存体系 ROM相当于PC机的BIOS FLASH相当于PC机硬盘,包含IOS DRAM动态内存 NVRAM 配置文件 内部讲义

5 查看配置情况 将配置参数保存到NVRAM中 RAM NVRAM Config Config IOS show running-config
startup-config Slide 1 of 1 Purpose: Emphasize: When you exit the setup mode, the configuration can be saved to RAM and NVRAM at the same time. Note: The Cat 1900 has no “show start” command. It automatically saves the running configuration to NVRAM. 控制台 Setup utility 将配置参数保存到NVRAM中 内部讲义

6 show running 和 show startup 命令
保存在RAM中 保存在NVRAM中 wg_ro_c#show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 12.0 ! -- More -- wg_ro_c#show startup-config Using 1359 out of bytes ! version 12.0 -- More -- Slide 1 of 1 Purpose: This slide shows the format and output of the show running-config and show startup-config commands, which display the active and backup configuration files, respectively. Emphasize: We put these two commands on the same page because it is easy to confuse the two. The show running-config command displays the configuration information in memory, while the show startup-config command displays the backup file. Often in class someone will enter commands and then say that the router did not accept them. This scenario might indicate that the person entered the commands to modify the configuration information in memory, and then entered a show startup-config (show config) to look at the backup file that has not yet been updated to reflect the changes. You must use another command to update the backup file. Default parameters do not display in the running configuration. In Cisco IOS Release 10.2 and earlier, the command write terminal shows the running configuration, and the command show config shows the startup configuration. 显示当前运行的和保存的配置情况 内部讲义

7 内存体系 RAM:动态随机存取储器,运行配置或活动配置文件保存这里。开机时解压到此! ROM:用来引导IOS映像。
FLASH:存储了功能完备的IOS映像文件。 NVRAM:非易失性随机存取存储器存储了初始或启动配置文件。 除RAM以外,所有这些类型的存储器都是永久性存储器。 内部讲义

8 Cisco 路由器介绍 用主控CONSOLE口接终端配置。 我们可以在AUX口接一MODEM同电话网相连,在远端配置
配置途径 用主控CONSOLE口接终端配置。 我们可以在AUX口接一MODEM同电话网相连,在远端配置 在TCP/IP网上可通过仿真终端TELNET配置(ie) 可以从TFTP SERVER上下载配置 可用网管工作站进行监控和配置 内部讲义

9 IOS 的用户界面: 是 CLI (Command Line interface) ,象MS-DOS, unix里面的command line都是 CLI的。而Windows是GUI (Graphic User Interface). CLI的特点是比较难学,但configure 起来比较快。现在Cisco也正在做Java 的GUI-based configuration software, 但大家还是喜欢CLI的。 内部讲义

10 Cisco 路由器配置途径 aux ethernet console telnet 虚拟终端 终端 Tftp服务器 snmp modem
TCP/IP aux modem 终端 电话网 snmp 网管工作站 Tftp服务器 内部讲义

11 Cisco 路由器配置模式 一般用户模式 只限于路由器的某一些有 限的权限登录到机器的缺省状态 router> 超级权限模式
有检查,配置,调试等所有权限 通过enable可进入此状态 router# 其他的设置状态 在特权执行状态输入相应的命令时进入 例如:interface serial 2/0 router(config-mode)# 全局设置状态 在特权执行态输入config terminal 则进入该态 router(config)# 内部讲义

12 路由器模式一览 用户模式 特权模式 全局配置模式 配置模式 模式提示 Router>enable Ctrl-Z (end)
Router#config term Exit Router(config)# Slide 1 of 1 Purpose: Emphasize: Here is a list of some of the configuration modes available. For a complete list of the router configuration modes, refer to the Cisco Documentation CD-ROM. 配置模式 模式提示 Interface Router(config-if)# Subinterface Router(config-subif)# Controller Router(config-controller)# Line Router(config-line)# Router Router(config-router)# IPX router Router(config-ipx-router)#

13 配置路由器的各种标识 为路由器或其端口设置标识或信息 路由器名 开机时的固定显示信息
Router(config)#hostname wg_ro_c wg_ro_c(config)# 开机时的固定显示信息 wg_ro_c(config)#banner motd # Accounting Department You have entered a secured system. Authorized access only! # Slide 1 of 2 Purpose: This page explains how to identify routers on the network. Emphasize: Layer 1—To make configuring and maintaining a network easier, several features provide recording and descriptive information in the configuration of the router. The first is the host name, which is simply a name by which this router is known in the network. When you log in to a router, the host name is displayed in the prompt. This feature is very convenient when you are remotely configuring routers, because it is a quick reminder of which router you are accessing. This name is also used when addressing routers across the network. Here is an example banner. The motd keyword stands for “message of the day.” The pound sign (#) after motd is a delimiter. The banner message begins after this character and ends when this character next appears in the text. You can have many lines—a full screen—and if you know how to enter the special commands for VT extended modes, you can get elongated and highlighted characters in your banner. If you are not in a secure network, a banner is a good place to put network maintenance information such as the description of users who depend on this router and where the router is located. Remember that anyone can see this information. You should be very careful about the wording of your banner message. Including the word “Welcome” in a banner is an explicit invitation to anyone, including hackers, to enter your network. 为路由器或其端口设置标识或信息

14 配置路由器的各种标识 为路由器或其端口设置标识或信息 路由器名 开机时的固定显示信息 端口描述
Router(config)#hostname wg_ro_c wg_ro_c(config)# 开机时的固定显示信息 wg_ro_c(config)#banner motd # Accounting Department You have entered a secured system. Authorized access only! # Slide 2 of 2 Purpose: Emphasize: Layer 2—The interface description command allows you to enter a one-line descriptive statement for each interface. This description is displayed in the output from the show interfaces command and appears in the show running-config and show startup-config listings. 端口描述 wg_ro_c(config)#interface ethernet 0 wg_ro_c(config-if)#description Engineering LAN, Bldg. 18 为路由器或其端口设置标识或信息

15 端口配置 Router(config)#interface type number Router(config-if)# type 包括 serial, ethernet, token ring, fddi, hssi, loopback, dialer, null, async, atm, bri, and tunnel number 用来识别具体的单个端口 Slide 1 of 1 Purpose: This page shows the interface configuration mode. Emphasize: The top line is the format of the command used in fixed-port routers. The type field shows the interface type, which can be Ethernet, Token Ring, or another interface. The number field is the number of the interface. For example, if the router has two Ethernet interfaces, and one is known as Ethernet0, the other will be called Ethernet1. The second command is used on the Cisco 7000 and 7200 series routers, which can accept multiple interface cards with multiple ports on each card. In this case, the first number is the number of the card, or slot number. The second number is the port on the card. For example, on the second interface card, the first Ethernet interface is specified as Ethernet 2/0. If you have Cisco 7000 and 7500 series routers with VIP cards, you define an interface in the by slot, port adapters, and port numbers. Port adapters are assigned either a 0 or 1 number. Use the exit command to leave the current configuration mode. Router(config)#interface type slot/port Router(config-if)# 模块化端口的表示法 Router(config-if)#exit 从当前端口配置模式退出

16 配置串口 进入全局配置模式 指定某个端口 Router#configure term Router(config)#
Router(config)#interface serial 0 Router(config-if)# Slide 1 of 2 Purpose: This page shows examples of the commands used to configure a serial interface. Emphasize: Layer 1— In this example, we are configuring the serial interface from the console port. The configure terminal command puts us in global configuration mode. Once in global configuration mode, you must identify the specific interface against which you will be issuing commands. Notice after you enter the specific interface command that the prompt now indicates you are in interface configuration mode.

17 配置串口 进入全局配置模式 指定某个端口 设置时钟频率 (只在DCE端) 调协波特率 (建议) Router#configure term
Router(config)#interface serial 0 Router(config-if)# 设置时钟频率 (只在DCE端) Router(config-if)#clock rate 64000 Router(config-if)# Slide 2 of 2 Purpose: This slide shows two configuration parameters for the serial interface. Emphasize: Layer 2— Issue the clock rate command with the desired speed. On serial links, one side of the link acts as data communications equipment (DCE) and the other side of the link acts as the data terminal equipment (DTE). By default, Cisco routers are DTE devices, but can be configured as DCE devices. In a “back-to-back” cable configuration where a modem is not used, one end must provide the clocking signal. You must specify clock rate for the DCE interface end in this type of environment. Desired clock rate is in bits per second. Be sure to type the complete clock speed. For example, a clock rate of cannot be abbreviated to 56. If you are using an RS232 cable, using a high clock rate may cause errors on the line. Use the show controller serial 0 command to verify if the router has a DCE or DTE cable connected to it. Note, the router only reads the DCE/DTE cable information at startup. The bandwidth command overrides the default bandwidth (1.544M). The Bandwidth parameter (in kbps) is used to calculate statistic like load and it is used by routing protocols such as IGRP. We will learn more about routing protocols in Chapter 9. To return to privileged EXEC mode, type exit until the privileged EXEC prompt appears. Note: In the lab, the core router has the DCE cables and the workgroup router has the DTE cable. 调协波特率 (建议) Router(config-if)#bandwidth 64 Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)#exit Router#

18 确认参数修改情况 Router#show interface serial 0
Serial0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is HD64570 Internet address is /24 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 64 Kbit, DLY usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) Last input 00:00:09, output 00:00:04, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: weighted fair Output queue: 0/1000/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops) Conversations 0/1/256 (active/max active/max total) Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec (output omitted) Slide 1 of 1 Purpose: This slide shows you how to verify the changes you make to an interface. Emphasize: Notice the bandwidth has been changed to 64K from the default of 1.544M.

19 Configure IP address in Cisco
Because IP address is interface specific, you need to go to interface Router>enable Router#config t Router(config)#int s0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#int e0 Router(config-if)#ip address Router(config-if)#^Z 内部讲义

20 本文描述了如何配置关于Cisco路由器的路由信息协议(RIP)。通过命令行,我们必须明确告知路由器使用的协议,什么网络协议将要路由。
ExampleName#config ExampleName(config)#router rip ExampleName(config-router)#network ExampleName(config-router)#network ExampleName(config-router)#ctrl-Z ExampleName#show ip protocols  内部讲义

21 Cisco 路由器 命令 查看常用的命令 查看版本以及引导信息: show version
查看运行配置: show running-config 查看开机装入配置: show startup-config 显示FLASH的文件信息: show flash 查看端口配置: show interface type slot/number 显示路由协议信息: show ip route 内部讲义

22 建议: 学习前多预习并记忆CISCO命令! 有经典练习软件二种! 内部讲义

23 IP地址配置的基本原则 路由器的物理网络端口需要有一个IP地址 相邻路由器的相邻端口IP地址在同一网段
同一路由器不同端口在不同网段上(牢记!) 内部讲义

24 IP协议配置的主要任务 配置端口IP地址 IP ADDRESS 本端口IP地址 子网掩码 配置广域网线路协议
配置路由 其它设置 内部讲义

25 小结: CISCO路由器配置途径有几种控制方式? CISCO有几种配置模式? 内部讲义

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