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电子商务案例分析 PPT Case Analysis of Electronic Commerce ——招商银行网上银行

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1 电子商务案例分析 PPT Case Analysis of Electronic Commerce ——招商银行网上银行
China Merchants Bank Online Banking 组员:陈飞宇、张露、陈立

2 网上银行 传统对比 问题建议 基本情况 目录页 online banking traditional contrastion
problems and suggestions 基本情况 base situation 2 3 目录页 1 4 Contents Page *

3 problems and suggestions traditional contrastion
问题建议 problems and suggestions 网上银行 online banking 基本情况 base situation 传统对比 traditional contrastion 2 3 过渡页 1 4 Transition Page *

4 Problems and suggestions
1.1 招商银行概况The survey of China Merchants Bank 基本情况 base situation online banking traditional contrastion Problems and suggestions 招商银行成立于1987年4月8日,是中国第一家完全由企业法人持股的股份制商业银行,总行设在深圳。由香港招商局集团有限公司创办,并以18.03%的持股比例任最大股东。自成立以来,招商银行先后进行了四次增资扩股,并于2002年3月在上海证券交易所上市;2006年,在中国香港联合交易所上市。 China Merchants Bank was established in April 8, 1987, is the first Chinese joint-stock commercial bank entirely by the enterprise legal person shares, Headquarters in Shenzhen. Founded by the Hongkong China Merchants Group Limited, and with the 18.03% largest shareholder shareholding ratio. Since its establishment, China Merchants Bank has conducted four share capital, and is listed on the Shanghai stock exchange in 2002 March; in 2006, listed on the China Hongkong stock exchange . 截止2009年6月30日,招行在中国内地的60个城市设有47家分行及648家支行,由于在中国的商业银行中率先调整业务结构,招行逐渐形成了低资本消耗、低风险、高效益的业务发展模式。 Until June 30, 2009, China Merchants Bank Chinese has mainland 47 branches and 648 sub branches in 60 cities, the first adjustment of the business structure of commercial banks in China, China Merchants Bank has gradually formed the low capital consumption, low risk, high profit business model.

5 problems and suggestions
基本情况 1.2 招商银行网点分布China Merchants Bank Network distribution base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 营业网点分布 Network distribution 60个城市 60 cities 1622自助银行 1622 self-service bank 1500多台离行式自助设备 1500 off line self-service devices 机构网点700余家 more than 700 branches

6 产品服务 1.3 产品服务 Products and Services 基本情况 一网通
base situation online banking traditional contrastion Problems and suggestions 一网通 network 金葵花理财 gold sunflower fiscal 信用卡 credit card 点金公司金融 golden company financial 生意贷 business loan 周转易 一卡通 all-in-one card i理财 i finance 财富立方 fortune cubic 出国金融自由行 overseas financial freedom 产品服务

7 problems and suggestions traditional contrastion
网上银行 online banking 问题建议 problems and suggestions 基本情况 base situation 传统对比 traditional contrastion 2 3 过渡页 1 4 Transition Page *

8 Problems and suggestions
2.1 何为网上银行?What is online bank? 网上银行 base situation online banking traditional contrastion Problems and suggestions 网上银行又称网络银行、在线银行,是指银行利用Internet技术,通过Internet向客户提供开户、销户、查询、对帐、行内转帐、跨行转账、信贷、网上证劵、投资理财等传统服务项目,使客户可以足不出户就能够安全便捷地管理活期和定期存款、支票、信用卡及个人投资等。可以说,网上银行是在Internet上的虚拟银行柜台。 Internet banking is also called Internet banking, online banking, the bank is using Internet technology, provides the opening, closing, query, reconciliation, internal transfer, bank transfer, credit, online securities, investment banking and traditional services to customers through Internet, allows customers to remain within doors can safely and easily manage demand and time deposit, checks, credit cards and personal investment. Internet banking is a virtual bank counter on the Internet.

9 problems and suggestions
2.2 中国网上银行使用情况The online bank usage in China 网上银行 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions

10 problems and suggestions
2.3 网上银行使用频率Online bank usage frequency 网上银行 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 38.8%的网银用户每周至少使用1次网上银行,而手机银行只有36%的用户达到这一比例。 月均使用1~4次的用户占所有网银用户的47.2%,手机银行只有46.4%。网银使用频率略高于手机银行。 38.8% users use the bank on the net at least 1 times weekly , and the mobile phone bank users only 36% reached the proportion. Both use 1~4 times a user occupies all silver-colored user of 47.2% mobile phone banks, only 46.4%. Net use frequency is slightly higher than the mobile phone bank.

11 problems and suggestions
2.4 招商银行如何开展网上银行业务? How to carry on the online banking business of China Merchants Bank 网上银行 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 1996年,招商银行率先在国内推出了网上银行“一网通”的概念。1997年4月,建立网上银行“一网通”并推出网上个人银行。 1998年4月,率先在国内推出网上企业银行,开通网上支付功能,成为国内首家提供网上支付服务的银行。网上企业银行是招商银行网上银行“一网通”的重要组成部分。 In 1996, China Merchants Bank took the lead in the domestic launch of the concept of the bank on the net "network" April, it established the bank on the net "network" and the introduction of bank personal internet. In 1998 April, it took the lead in the introduction of corporate banking online , online payment functions, and become the first country to provide online payment service bank. Corporate online banking is an important part of the China Merchants Bank online banking "network".

12 problems and suggestions
2.5 “一网通”All in one net 网上银行 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 招商银行已形成了以“一网通”为品牌的国内著名金融证券网站,功能包括“企业银行”、“个人银行”、“网上证券”、“网上商城”和“网上支付”五个系统。 目前,全国13家分行开通了网上银行服务,在全国已有约480家企业和70万人次经由招商银行的网上银行进行交易活动或接受服务。招商银行的网上用户已超过3000万,网上交易额达150亿元。 China Merchants Bank has formed a "network" for the brand of domestic well-known financial securities website, features include "enterprise bank", "private banking", "securities", "online mall" and "online payment" five system. At present, 13 branches nationwide launched online banking services, it has about 480 enterprises and people by the China Merchants Bank online banking transactions or accept services in the country. China Merchants Bank's Internet users has exceeded , online transactions amounted to yuan.

13 problems and suggestions
2.6 招商银行网银市场份额 China Merchants Bank online banking market share 网上银行 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 除招商银行外,其余股份制银行均未超过2%。 The other joint-stock banks were not more than 2% besides China Merchants Bank.

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2.7 网上银行页面 The bank on the net page 网上银行 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions

15 problems and suggestions
网上银行 2.8 网上银行功能 Online bank function base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 集团公司全国“网上结算中心”和“财务管理中心"national "Internet settlement center" and "financial management center" 网上全国代理收付 online national agency payment online 个性化财务授权管理 personalized financial authorization management 招商银行 网上银行 网上自助和委托贷款 online self-help and entrusted loan 度身定制银行信息主动通知 information customization bank inform 网上外汇汇款业务 online foreign exchange remittance China Merchants Bank Online Banking 全流程透视与交易追踪服务 the whole process of perspective and transaction tracking service 商务信息海量传递 business information transfer

16 problems and suggestions
网上银行 2.9 网银用户满意度 China Merchants Bank customer satisfaction base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 招商银行“顾客满意度第一” China Merchants Bank "customer satisfaction first"

17 problems and suggestions
2.10 招商银行网上银行营业数据 China Merchants Bank Online Banking business data 网上银行 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 2011年 2012年 2013年 零售网上银行累计交易 万笔,同比增长51.19%,累计交易金额达 亿元,同比增长34.93%。Retail Internet banking transactions accumulated pen, an increase of 51.19%, the accumulative amount of transactions amounted to yuan, a year-on-year growth of 34.93%. 零售网上银行累计交易49, 万笔,同比增长51.92%,累计交易金额达91, 亿元,同比增长26.36%。Retail Internet banking transactions accumulated pen, an increase of 51.92%, the accumulative amount of transactions amounted to yuan, a year-on-year growth of 26.36%. 零售网上银行累计交易 73, 万笔,同比增长 46.80%,累计交易金额达 151, 亿元,同比增长 7.06%。Retail Internet banking transactions accumulated pen, an increase of 46.80%, the accumulative amount of transactions amounted to yuan, a year-on-year growth of 7.06%. 网上支付累计交易 万笔,同比增长80.32%,累计交易金额 亿元,同比增长64.20%。Online payment transactions accumulated pen, grow 80.32% compared to the same period, the cumulative amount of the transaction yuan, grow 64.20% compared to the same period. 网上支付累计交易 54, 万笔,同比增长 41.62%,累计交易金额 2, 亿元,同比增长 35.03%。Online payment transactions accumulated pen, grow 41.62% compared to the same period, the cumulative amount of the transaction yuan, grow 35.03% compared to the same period. 网上支付累计交易37,813.44万笔,同比增长53.35%,累计交易金额1, 亿元,同比增长72.20%。Online payment transactions accumulated pen, grow 53.35% compared to the same period, the cumulative amount of the transaction yuan, grow 72.20% compared to the same period

18 problems and suggestions
网上银行 2.11 招行网银2013数据 China Merchants Bank Online Banking business data in 2013 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 1、招行完全通过网上办理结算业务的小企业客户规模已超过6万户,年内交易笔数345万笔,交易金额超过8,000亿元。China Merchants Bank completely through the Internet to handle the settlement business of small scale enterprises have more than households, the pen number transactions during the year, the transaction amount more than yuan. 2、小企业对网上企业银行U-BANK的实际应用进一步增强,小企业网上企业银行客户超过21万户,本年结算交易笔数达到1,117万笔,占网上企业银行交易的47.63%。Small business application of corporate banking online U-BANK further enhanced, small business enterprise online banking customers in more than households, the annual settlement and number of transactions reached , accounting for corporate banking online trading 47.63%.

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网上银行 online banking 传统对比 traditional contrastion 问题建议 problems and suggestions 基本情况 base situation 传统对比 2 3 过渡页 1 4 Transition Page *

20 problems and suggestions
传统对比 3.1 经营成本 Operating cost base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 招商银行行长马蔚华介绍,网上银行的经营成本只占经营收入的15%到20%,传统银行的经营成本则占经营收入的60%以上,网上银行运营成本很低。Ma Yuhua, governor of China Merchants Bank, the bank on the net operating income operating costs accounted for only 15% to 20%, the traditional bank operating costs have accounted for more than 60% of the bank on the net operating income, operating costs are low.

21 problems and suggestions
3.2招商银行电子银行替代率 China Merchants Bank Online Banking replacement rate 传统对比 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 招商银行零售电子银行交易替代率最高,为90.66% Retail electronic banking transaction Merchants Bank substitution rate was the highest, 90.66% 较上年分别提高4.09 个百分点、2.77 个百分点和3.33 个百分点。

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传统对比 3.3 零售网上银行客户数量 The number of retail online banking customer base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 可以看出招商银行网上银行的用户数量呈一个不断增长的趋势 We can be seen that the number of China Merchants Bank online banking users showed a growing trend 零售网上银行专业版有效客户数量/万 retail online banking professional edition effective customer quantity / million 975.55 1,174.01 1,383.69  2011年 2012年 2013年

23 problems and suggestions
传统对比 3.4 招行网上银行柜面替代率 China Merchants Bank Online Banking counter replacement rate base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 由此可以看出,招商银行网上银行的使用频率不断增长,相比于柜台业务,越来越多的人选择使用网上银行的方式开展转账、汇款等业务. We can see that the growing frequency of use the China Merchants Bank online banking, compared to the counter business, more and more people choose to use Internet banking transfers, remittances business manner 2010年为80% 2011年为85% 网上银行 2012年为86.01% 2013年为88.23%

24 problems and suggestions
3.5 网上银行优势 Online banking advantage 传统对比 base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 网银是网民用户使用率最高的电子银行服务。76.9%的用户在 年中使用网银业务,排名第一。E-currency is Internet users with the highest rate of electronic banking services. 76.9% users online business in years, ranking first. 招商银行在原有柜台业务基础上,开展网上银行业务,优化了业务操作流程,节省了很多时间 China Merchants Bank counter service in the original basis, the on-line banking service, optimize the business operation process, save a lot of time 优势 使用率 Use rate 结构 Structure 客户 user 业务 business 用户评价User evaluation 据调查,招商网上银行的用户满意度最高 According to the survey, China Merchants Bank online user satisfaction is the highest 直接了解用户需求,能够及时快速的反馈用户的意见,利于产品创新 Direct understanding of user needs, can quickly and timely feedback the user views, for product innovation 招商不具备国有银行的网点优势,通过开通网上银行可以拓展业务,扩大客户群 China Merchants Bank do not have the state-owned bank advantage, through open the bank on the net can expand their business, and expand the customer base

25 traditional contrastion
网上银行 online banking 基本情况 base situation 传统对比 traditional contrastion 问题建议 problems and suggestions 2 3 过渡页 1 4 Transition Page *

26 problems and suggestions
问题建议 4.5 问题 Problems base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 1、网上银行普遍面临着日益严重的技术与服务同质化,招商银行的“一网通”也不例外。实质上功能及业务种类非常相似,很难形成差异化竞争优势。Internet banking is faced with technical and service homogenization serious, China Merchants Bank "1" is no exception. Functions and types of business is essentially very similar, it is difficult to form a differentiated competitive advantage. 2、目前的网银系统的用户安全性过于多依赖用户本身的素质,对于安全观念较差的用户,其密码很容易被盗取,因此这种“信任用户”的安全模式设计是很不合理的。At present user safety net system is too much dependent on the user's own quality, the safety concept is poor and the password is easy to be stolen, so the design of this kind of "trust the user security mode" is not reasonable.

27 problems and suggestions
问题建议 4.4 建议 Suggestions base situation online banking traditional contrastion problems and suggestions 1、针对上银行服务同质化严重的问题,应该真正树立“以客户为导向”的经营理念。不再从银行能提供什么样的产品出发,而是从客户需要什么样的产品出发来考虑问题,提供特色产品与服务以增强差异化竞争优势。For bank services homogenization serious problem, should really establish the "customer-oriented" business philosophy. No longer from the bank can provide what kind of products, but from the customer needs what kind of products start to consider problems, provide special products and services to enhance the competitive advantage. 2、积极大胆地采用最新的计算机产品,采用最新的软件技术,提高服务质量 Actively and boldly using the latest computer products, using the latest software technology, improve the quality of service


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