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2 NEW WORDS 1. 看病 kàn bìng: to see a doctor 2. 头疼 tóu téng: headache
3. 浑身 hún shēn: all over, from head to foot 4. 劲儿 jìnr: strength, energy 5. 咳嗽 ké sou: to cough 6. 发烧 fā shāo: to have a fever 7. 体温 tǐ wēn: temperature 8. 嘴 zuǐ: mouth 9. 张开 zhāng kāi: to open 10. 病 bìng: disease 11. 感冒 gǎn mào: to catch a cold 12. 药 yào: medicine

3 Body

4 Body

5 Dialogue D:请问你哪不舒服 qing4 wen4 ni3 na3 bu4 shu1 fu
P: 大夫,我头很痛, 浑身没劲儿,还咳嗽 dai4 fu, wo3 tou2 hen3 tong4, hun2 shen1 mei2 jin4 er, hai2 ke2 sou D:发烧么 fa1 shao1 me P:刚量过体温,39度 gang1 liang2 guo4 ti3 wen1, 39 du4 D:请解开上衣,我给你听一下心脏 qing3 jie3 kai1 shang4 yi1, wo3 gei3 ni3 ting1yi2 xia xin1 zang4

6 Dialogue D:嗓子痛么 sang3 zi tong4 me P:有一点 you3 yi4 dian3 D:张开嘴
zhang1 kai1 zui3 D:啊 a1 P:啊 D:嗓子发炎了 sang3 zi fa1 yan2 le P:大夫,我得的是什么病啊 dai4 fu1, wo3 de2 de shi4 shen2 me bing4 a

7 Dialogue D:病毒性感冒,可能还要持续几天高烧,这是 药房,要按时吃药,多喝水
bing4 du2 xing4 gan3 mao4, ke3 neng2 hai2 yao4 chi2 xu4 ji3 tian1 gao1 shao1,zhe4 shi4 yao4 fang2, yao4 an4 shi2 chi1 yao4,duo1 he1 shui3 P:谢谢你啊,大夫 xie4 xie4 ni3 a , dai4 fu D:注意中药和西药不要同时吃,要先吃西药, 半小时以后再吃中药 zhu4 yi4 zhong1 yao4 he2 xi1 yao4 bu2 yao4 tong2 shi2 chi1, yao4 xian1 chi1 xi1 yao4, ban4 xiao3 shi2 yi3 hou4 zai4 chi1 zhong1 yao4

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