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Presentation on theme: "關係代名詞之使用."— Presentation transcript:

1 關係代名詞之使用

2 Chart Subject 主詞 所有格 Object 受格 Person 人 Who Whose Whom 事物 Which
Of Which Both 人與事物 That

3 定義: 關係代名詞所引導的句子 稱為關係子句,其目的是 為了修飾前面的名詞,因 此又稱為形容詞子句。其 被修飾的名詞文法上稱做 「先行詞」而關係代名詞 是兼有「代名詞」與「連 接詞」雙重作用的名詞。 藉由關係代名詞同學可利 用更長的句子修飾主詞。

4 1.先行詞是人的關係代名詞是who(主格)、whom(受格)、
whose(所有格)。而此三者的使用選擇則是根據關係子句 中所缺少的詞來判定。若缺少主詞則補上主詞, 缺少受 詞補受格,缺少所有格則補上所有格。而that則可代替 who以及whom。 例句: The boy who (that) is standing at the door is my brother. (站在門口的那個男孩是我的弟弟) who (主格) + 動詞 (is standing)

5 The boy whom (that) you met yesterday is my brother.
(昨天你遇見的那個男生是我弟弟) whom (受格) + 主詞 (you) +動詞 (met) The boy whose name is Jacky is my brother. (那個名叫Jacky的男生是我弟弟) whose (受格) + 名字 (name) 2. 先行詞是「物」或「動物」的關係代名詞是which(主 格)、 whose(所有格)、 which(受格), 關係代名詞that可 代替 which(主格、受格)。

6 例句: The book which (that) has many color pictures
is very interesting. (裡面有許多彩色圖畫的那本書很有趣) which (主格) + 動詞 (has) The book which (that) I bought yesterday is very interesting. (我昨天買的那本書很有趣) which (受格) + I (主詞) + bought (動詞) The book whose cover is red is very interesting. (那本封面是紅色的書很有趣) whose (所有格) + 名詞 (cover)

7 下列情形關係代名詞必須用that 先行詞含有人 + 動物 先行詞有最高級形容詞來修飾 先行詞有序數、all、any、the only修飾
句首疑問詞是Who、 Which、 What時

8 Key Point 注意事項 受詞的省略 That的限制 限定與非限定用法

9 受詞的省略 * 關係代名詞當受詞用時通常可以省略, 但若其前面有介 系詞或逗點時,則不可以省略。 例句:
* 關係代名詞當受詞用時通常可以省略, 但若其前面有介 系詞或逗點時,則不可以省略。 例句: 1. The girl whom (that) you saw yesterday is my sister. The girl you saw yesterday is my sister. (省略whom) 2. The pen which (that) I lost is yellow. The pen I lost is yellow. (省略which) 3. Do you like the house in which John lives? in 是介系詞不可省略which

10 That的限制 * 若是關係代名詞在介系詞或是逗點之後不可使用 關係 代名詞 that代替who或是which 例句
1. I like the apartment in that Mary lives. ( X ) I like the apartment in which Mary lives. ( O ) (我喜歡瑪莉住的那棟公寓) 2. I like the apartment, that is big and new. ( X ) I like the apartment, which is big and new. ( O ) (我喜歡這房子,這房子又大又新)

11 限定用法與非限定用法的區別 * 關係代名詞前面沒有逗點(,)者為限定用法,若有逗 點則為非限定用法(補述用法)。此時關係子句只做補
充說明先行詞使用。 例句: 1. 「限定用法」: I have a brother who lives in Taipei. 我有一個住在台北的哥哥。 哥哥不只一個 2. 「非限定用法」: I have a brother, who lives in Taipei. 我有一個哥哥,他住在台北。 哥哥只有一個

12 Practice 隨堂練習 文法選擇---Choose the best answer for each question
( ) He is the student _____ mother is a doctor. ( a. who b. which c. whom d. whose ) 2. ( ) The man to _____ I talked is John’s father. ( a. whom b. X c. that d. who ) ( ) The house in _____ he lives is very big. ( a. where b. that c. which d. it ) ( ) Look at the man and the dog _____ are running to the park. ( a. who b. which c. that d. X ) D A C C

13 填空---Fill in the blanks
Who is the girl is talking to Tom? 那位正在和湯姆談話的女孩是誰? 2. The piano I bought two days ago is very expensive. 我兩天前買的那架鋼琴很貴。 3. All the students are in my class are excellent. 我們班上同學表現都很好。 4. He has two sisters, work in the hospital. 他有兩個姊姊 ,他們都在醫院工作 that which (X) that who

14 翻譯---Translation 那個穿著T-shirt的男孩是我弟弟。 那隻正在沙發上睡覺的小貓是John的。 我住在高雄唯一的姐姐是一位歌手。 4. 他住在台北的哥哥今年二十五歲。 The boy who is wearing a T-shirt is my brother. The cat which is sleeping on the sofa is John’s. My sister, who lives in Kaohsiung, is a singer. His brother who lives in Taipei is twenty-five years old.

15 看圖回答問題 1. Who is the man that is wearing a brown tie?
2. The man who is standing is 3. The only girl that is standing is 4. The man who is sitting next to the woman is _______ . Peter Jane John Tom John Peter Jane Tom

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