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Your only Son, no sin to hide; 上帝兒子, 聖潔無瑕,

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Presentation on theme: "Your only Son, no sin to hide; 上帝兒子, 聖潔無瑕,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your only Son, no sin to hide; 上帝兒子, 聖潔無瑕,
新歌 New Song # 60 Your only Son, no sin to hide; 上帝兒子, 聖潔無瑕, But You have sent Him from Your side 竟被差遣 離天座位, to walk upon this guilty sod 踏上塵土 罪惡世界, and to become the Lamb of God. 甘願成為神的 羔 羊. (1) Lamb of God 神的羔羊

2 O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, 真神羔羊, 寶貴羔羊,
(chorus 副歌) O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, 真神羔羊, 寶貴羔羊, I love the holy Lamb of God. 我深愛慕 聖潔羔羊, O wash me in Your precious blood, 求你寶血 來洗淨我, my Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. 耶穌基督真神 羔 羊. (C) Lamb of God 神的羔羊

3 Your gift of love they crucified. 神的愛子 被釘十架,
They laughed and scorned Him as He died. 受盡凌辱, 遭人厭棄, The humble King they named a fraud 謙卑君王 頭戴荊冠, and sacrificed the Lamb of God. 成為犧牲, 真神羔羊. (2) Lamb of God 神的羔羊

4 O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, 真神羔羊, 寶貴羔羊,
(chorus 副歌) O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, 真神羔羊, 寶貴羔羊, I love the holy Lamb of God. 我深愛慕 聖潔羔羊, O wash me in Your precious blood, 求你寶血 來洗淨我, my Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. 耶穌基督真神 羔羊. (C) Lamb of God 神的羔羊

5 I was so lost, I should have died; 前我失喪, 毫無盼望,
but You have brought me to Your side 蒙你救贖, 近你身旁, to be led by Your staff and rod 用杖與竿 領我一生, and to be called a lamb of God. 我今成為主的小羊. (3) Lamb of God 神的羔羊

6 O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, 真神羔羊, 寶貴羔羊,
(chorus 副歌) O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, 真神羔羊, 寶貴羔羊, I love the holy Lamb of God. 我深愛慕 聖潔羔羊, O wash me in Your precious blood, 求你寶血 來洗淨我, my Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. 耶穌基督真神 羔羊. (C) Lamb of God 神的羔羊

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