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An Introduction.

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1 An Introduction


3 Modern Family is an American television mockumentary that premiered on ABC on September 23, 2009, which follows the lives of Jay Pritchett and his family, all of whom live in suburban Los Angeles. Pritchett's family includes his second wife, his stepson, and infant son, as well as his two adult children and their spouses and children. Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan conceived the series while sharing stories of their own "modern families". Modern Family employs an ensemble cast. The series is presented in mockumentary style, with the fictional characters frequently talking directly into the camera. The series premiered on September 23, 2009 and was watched by 12.6 million viewers.

4 On October 8, 2009 the series was picked up for a full season
On October 8, 2009 the series was picked up for a full season. It was renewed for second and third seasons in 2010 and respectively. Season 3 premiered on September 21, 2011, with a one-hour special episode. fourth season premiered on September 26, 2012 whereas fifth season premiered on September 25, The sixth season was ordered in 2014, by ABC, which premiered on September 24, The series was renewed for its seventh season on May 7, 2015 which premiered on September 23, 2015. Modern Family has generally received positive reviews from critics. The show has won Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series in each of the past five years and the Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series four times so far, twice for Eric Stonestreet and twice for Ty Burrell, as well as the Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series twice for Julie Bowen. It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy in 2011.



7 Claire Dunphy Claire Dunphy 朱丽·鲍温 Julie Bowen 朱丽·鲍温Julie Bowen 饰 Claire是一个传统美国家庭的家庭主妇,Jay的女儿。她青少 年时非常叛逆,是一个“不良少女”,后来大学毕业后遇上Phil, 两人交往阶段不慎意外怀了大女儿Haley,于是“奉子成婚”。 有了家庭的她担心子女会重蹈自己覆辙,故对子女管教十分 严格。性格比较倔强强势,在家里是主要发言人。

8 Phil Dunphy 泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell
[图片集] Phil Dunphy是五口之家的男主,是家庭的经济来源,幽默有 趣、喜欢耍宝,年轻时期交过几任女友,已经是个顾家好男 人,动手能力和销售能力很强,至少他是这样认为的,总是 想讨好老丈人,并且拥有独特的记忆方法以及教育孩子的私 人心经。

9 Jay Pritchett 艾德·奥尼尔 Ed O'Neill
[图片集] Jay Pritchett是家庭的长者,拥有自己的事业,是一个“富翁 老头”,和妻子DeDe离婚后找了个哥伦比亚的性感美女Gloria 且还带了一个非常个性加多情的哥伦比亚小孩Manny。性格 有些固执,总是对Phil不冷不热,但非常宠爱自己的娇妻。

10 Gloria Delgado-Pritchett 索菲娅·维加拉 Sofia Vergara
她是富翁老头的小妻子,身材火爆,口音很重。前夫是一个 放荡不羁毫无安全感的男人,所以她希望有稳定的生活,很 有自己独立的想法和人格,坚持自己的传统,爱自己的儿子, 对Jay也很尽心,是个热情火辣的好妻子,好妈妈。在第3季 末怀上了Jay的亲生孩子。

11 Manny Delgado 里克·罗德里格兹 Rico Rodriguez
[图片集] 他的名字经常给他那位有严重哥伦比亚口音的妈妈念成 Money,他胖乎乎的,但是不乏机智,总是担心未来会一个 人孤独到老,有时表现很成熟,经常去泡各种不靠谱的妞, 却没有成功过。

12 Haley Dunphy 萨拉·海蓝德 Sarah Hyland
[图片集] Claire家中的大女儿,拥有美丽的面孔,高中校花。有个 乐队主唱的男友Dylan。青春期的她像她母亲当年一样有 些叛逆。她感情方面较为成熟,但驾驶技术不行。

13 Alex Dunphy 阿芮尔·温特 Ariel Winter
[图片集] Alex是家中的二女儿,成绩一流,乐趣是喜欢看姐姐和弟弟 的笑话,总是带有坏坏的小幽默。她的家人为她过度的早熟 而担忧过。

14 luke Dunphy 诺兰·古德 Nolan Gould
Claire家中的小儿子,非常可爱搞笑,十分重视家人。 但他有些呆头呆脑,天真单纯。

15 Mitchell Pritchett 杰西·泰勒·弗格森 Jesse Tyler Ferguson
[图片集] Mitchell是个律师,生性胆小怕事,从小就有GAY的倾向,曾 因戴着花格子围巾去学校而被揍。他是Jay的儿子,小时候 学过花样滑冰。

16 Cameron 艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特 Eric Stonestreet
Cameron与Mitchell和Lily相处一起,是个热心肠的 家伙,多才多艺,还会一点法语和西班牙语。他责 任心很强,尤其在作为“母亲”的方面。喜欢小丑,并 以扮演小丑为荣。

17 lily 奥布瑞·安德森-埃蒙斯 Aubrey Anderson- Emmons
Mitchell和Cameron去越南领养的小女孩,她是黄种 人,曾被Jay说成中国人。婴儿时超级可爱,长大了, 伶俐又蛮横。



20 The End

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