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Presentation on theme: "沐阳老年社区."— Presentation transcript:

1 沐阳老年社区

2 沐阳老年社区 位于康桥路罗山路 占地面积33万平方米 建筑面积30万平方米 住宅面积22.5万平方米
If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 2

3 沐阳老年社区 2920个套间 (920套52平的小套房 1500套 78平的中套房 500套120平的大套房)
If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 3

4 沐阳老年社区 主要客户为: 61岁及以上人群 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 4

5 公寓,以及会所、怡养院、配餐中心、商业街、管理及活动中心。
沐阳老年社区 公寓,以及会所、怡养院、配餐中心、商业街、管理及活动中心。 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 5

6 为什么选择老年社区? 人口老龄化 养老保障供给严重不足 养老金资金供给严重不足 为老服务供给严重不足
If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 6

7 中国60岁及以上老年人口 1.78亿! 2010年底 2011年底 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 2.21亿! 7

8 占全国人口比重 13.26%! 2010年底 2011年底 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 16%! 8

9 养老保障供给严重不足 据测算,当前基本养老保险个人账户的 养老保险基金不仅未能按制度要求实现 2%! 实际收益率不足
保值增值,反而处于缩水状态。 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 9

10 老年人口的迅速增加必然产生对养老资金的巨大需求,而我国当前的养老资金供给体系远远不能满足这一需求。
养老金资金供给严重不足 我国养老资金来源主要有三种方式: 基本养老保险金、养老储蓄和子女资助。 老年人口的迅速增加必然产生对养老资金的巨大需求,而我国当前的养老资金供给体系远远不能满足这一需求。 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 10

11 市场竞争? 项目 名称 沐阳老年社区 上海亲和源颐养院 上海长青藤颐养院 占地 面积 33.13万平方米 9451.99平方米 共有 床位
5500张 200张 125张 针对 人群 老年 类别 高档 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 11

12 我们的特色和优势? 自然条件 交通条件 社区组成 公寓设备 医疗护理 智能系统
If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 12

13 自然条件 北亚热带南缘季风气候 冬夏长 春秋短 四季分明
冬夏长 春秋短 四季分明 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 13

14 交通条件 张南专线、龙芦专线、 周康一路、南南线、632 东接周浦镇,南靠周南公路, 西沿浦川路,北接上海城市外环线。
沪南公路、周南公路、浦川路、城市外环线环绕。水路有咸塘港、梓康河、陆家浜河等河道。 距上海市中心约15千米、浦东国际机场约12千米。 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 14

15 (1)多层公寓,套间全装修全配置(含软装潢)居室
社区组成 (1)多层公寓,套间全装修全配置(含软装潢)居室 (2)一幢多功能综合楼(老年大学、老年活动中心) (3)一所配餐中心(就餐、配送) (4)二处休闲茶栈(品茗、座谈、棋牌等活动) (5)一所老年医院及护理院(600个床位) If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 15

16 社区组成 (6)一座会所(一楼游泳池、二楼健身房、三楼水疗馆、四楼会务活动中心)
(7)商业街(设有小超市、理发店、洗衣店、鲜花店、老年用品商店等) (8)绿化景观,上海市一级生态小区,(绿化覆盖率达51%;乔木、灌木、花卉、草坪;假山、小湖、喷泉、凉亭等) If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 16

17 社区组成 (9)风雨连廊(公寓与公寓,公寓与会所、配餐中心、老年医院及护理院之间相互连接) (10)户外活动场地、停车场。
If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 17

18 公寓设备 (1)公寓楼:外墙立面用不同的色带区别楼栋,会员佩戴的胸卡颜色与其所居住的公寓楼色带颜色相一致;
(2)公寓大厅:每幢公寓大厅内设有管家服务台、书报架、沙发等; (3)公寓走道:每层楼面走道内设休息处,靠墙设双排扶手,地面采用PVC卷材; If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 18

19 公寓设备 (4)储物柜:公寓内集中设置储物柜(会员每户可申请一个);
(5)电梯:每幢公寓设置公用电梯,电梯特配常规、特殊(低位)两套操作按钮; (6)楼梯:每幢公寓两头各设有安全楼梯,每个楼梯口设楼层编号和EXIT标志。 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 19

20 医疗护理 (1)老年医院:位于护理大楼1-3层,设门(急)诊部、住院部。门诊部设外科、内科、耳鼻喉科、皮肤科、康复医学科、中医科、检验科、医学影像科、老年特色专科等。 (2)护理院:位于护理大楼4-11层,共设300张床位,分甲等和乙等两种床位。 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 20

21 智能系统 电视监控系统;报警系统; 巡更系统 ;无线定位求助系统 ; 一卡通系统 ;远程抄表系统; 背景音响系统;楼宇设备监控系统 ;
综合布线及计算机网络系统 ; 触摸屏信息管理系统; ERP信息管理系统。 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 21

22 入住指南 收费标准 If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 22

23 入住流程 会员制社区的运营以会员制模式为载体。 共建一个家,一个亲和之家。这是会员的共同目标。
If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 23

24 入院流程及收费情况 沐阳老年社区只为社区内部老人提供护理服务,外部人员暂不接待。房型分为大中小型房。
If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 24

25 表3 收费标准 会员卡类型 性质 住房面积 套数 会员卡卡费 年费/年/套 A卡 永久(可继承、可转换) 52 184 75万 2.98万元 78 300 3.98万元 120 100 6.98万元 B卡 50年产权 552 2万元/平米 2.8万/人 900 C卡 无限制 无卡费 5.8万元 7.8万元 10.8万元

26 SWOT分析 优势分析(S):规模大、品质好、景观美、服务全、噪声小。 劣势分析(W):经验缺、管理难。
If I usually do something, and as a result I spent twice as long than the average on the page, it’s telling me something - Brand moment is being built. If they are doing something as a result, it is telling me something. That that brand impact has not caused me to invest more of my time. So how do we measure time? How do we give it a value? “Dwell Time” is the latest answer from Eyeblaster to try an answer online where TV currently fails – whether the user was in front of the TV or not. It is a solution to justifying the audience is actually taking in the message. Not just what they did but for “how long” – it is “brand time” – a point of measurement that can show the impact on the audience where they are. It goes much deeper then reach and frequency. It goes deeper than page open – all they do is show me exposure, not that I have a connected relationship. The metrics advertisers should look at, for brand campaign, is reach (how many were consumers were affected) frequency (how many times) and dwell time (how long). 26

27 技术经济指标 序号 项目 单位 数值 1 总用地面积 平方米 331,333.33 2 规划总建筑面积 300,913.47 3 容积率 0.91 4 绿化率 % 40 5 项目总投资 亿元 23.23 6 静态投资回收期 4.40 7 利润总额 万元 8 税后利润总额 9 投资利润率 2.10 10 资本金利润率 3.69 11 全部投资财务净现值 777.03 12 全部投资内部收益率 10.09

28 附表1 贷款还本付息表 单位:万元 序号 项目 合计 2013年 2014年 2015年 1.1 年初借款累计 100,000 50,000 1.2 借款 1.3 应计利息 12,300 3,075 6,150 1.4 还本 1.5 付息 附表2 投资计划与资金筹措表 单位:万元 序号 项目 合计 2012年 2013年 1 项目总投资 232,300 118,000 114,300 2 资金筹措 2.1 资本金 132,300 14,300 2.2 借贷资金 100,000

29 附表3 销售收入与经营税金及附加估算表 附表4 资金来源与运用表 附表5 损益表 附表6 全部投资财务现金流量表 附表7 资本金财务现金流量表 附表8 主要财务评价指标

30 谢谢

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