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Unit 17 汉语句子的英译 --兼语句的翻译.

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1 Unit 17 汉语句子的英译 --兼语句的翻译

2 什么是兼语句 定义:兼语句的谓语是由一个动宾结构和一个主谓结构嵌套在一起构成的。兼语句的谓语中前一个动宾结构的宾语兼作后一个主谓结构的主语。例如: 我叫他来。 兼语句谓语的第二个中心语以动词为多,也可以是形容词、主谓短语或名词。如: 1、祝你身体健康,学习进步,工作顺利。 2、这个消息使他欣喜若狂。

3 兼语句的翻译 1. make, have等动词构成的英语的使役句可以用来翻译兼语句。首先,以make为例,可以用三种形式来表达汉语中的带“使”字的兼语句。 1) make +名词(代词) +动词不定式短语,+ed分词短语,介词短语,名词短语,形容词或形容词短语。 a). 小说《红楼梦》使曹雪芹的名字在中国家喻户晓。 The novel, The Dream of Red Mansions, made the name of Cao Xueqin known throughout China. b). 正是这种决心使许多正直的人生活得有意义。 It was the determination that made life worth living for so many honest people.

4 2) make +形容词(短语) +名词短语。 这是一种倒装结构。
The telescope made possible the observation of the far-off stars. b). 他们想使已经存在的服务项目能够面向更广大的公众。 They want to make wider their public services that already exist. 3) make +it +形容词 + 不定式短语(从句)。 网络使人们能更方便地和朋友交流。 Internet made it more convenient for people to communicate with their friends.

5 2. have 句式 使役动词have通常用于 have sb. do sth.,表示的是“让……做……”以及 have sb. doing sth以表示一种状态。 A)老师让孩子们站在黑板前。 The teacher had the children stand in front of the blackboard. B) 他父母让他寒假一直待在家。 His parents had him staying at home all the time in the winter vacation.

6 3. 其他使动意义的动词 当兼语句的第一个动词是表示使令意义的动词,如“请、叫、派、逼、托、吩咐、促使、培养、带领、陪同、组织、号召、命令、劝说、告诫、鼓励、防止”等时,英译时,可采用不定式来充当第一个动词所带宾语的补足语。如: a) 警察告诫罪犯不要耍花招。 The policeman cautioned the prisoners not to play any tricks. b) 组织委员会号召志愿者自告奋勇。 The organizing committee is appealing for volunteers to step forward.

7 4. 动词 + 宾语 +宾补(介词短语) 1). 我请他帮忙。 I asked him for help. 2). 家长们迫使他们的小孩更努力地学习。 The parents forced their children to work harder. 3). 向导带领我们来到河边。 The guide led us to the river. 4). 他的话使我想起了我的父亲。 His words put me in mind of my father. His words reminded me of my father.

8 5. 动词 + 宾语 +宾补(名词) 1). 高物价和空气污染使这个城市成了不太适合居住的地方。
High prices and air pollution make this city an uncomfortable place to live in. 2). 他们推选他做学生会主席。 They elected him as the Chairman of the Students Union.

9 6. 动词 + 宾语(兼主语) +宾补(形容词) 1) 我们必须使教室保持卫生清洁。 We must keep our classroom clean and tidy. 2) 真相使他异常激动。 The truth made him very excited.

10 7. 动词 + 宾语 +宾补(分词) 1) 我听见有人敲门。 I heard somebody knocking at the door. 2) 他感到这个孩子在发抖。 He felt the child trembling.

11 8. 主动变被动的兼语句 1)他的愚蠢使我大发雷霆。
His foolishness caused me to lose my temper. I was made to lose my temper by his foolishness. 2)我让班长去打扫教室。 I sent the monitor to clean the classroom. The monitor was sent to clean the classroom.

12 9. 表示看法的兼语句 regard sb. as; consider sb. as; describe sb. as… 1) 我把老师看作自己的妈妈。 I regard my teacher as my own mother. 2) 他把孩子看成了负担。 He thinks of his children as a burden to him.

13 10. 使用强调句型翻译的兼语句 1) 你的慧心替我把青春留住了。
It is your feeling heart that has been the cause of my sustained youth. 2) 正是这种自信让他有把握通过考试。 It is his self-confidence that makes him sure of passing the exam. 3) 谣言使他们反目成仇。 It was rumor that made them hostile to each other.

14 11. 应按照英语习惯翻译的兼语句 1) 我劝你少管闲事。 You’d better mind your own business.
2) 三年来,我党一再倡议贵我两党举行谈判,共捐前嫌,共盼祖国统一大业。 For three years, we have repeatedly proposed bilateral talks between the two parties to let bygones be bygones and strive together for the great cause of national reunification.

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