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The 3 R’s for the Earth Day

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Presentation on theme: "The 3 R’s for the Earth Day"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 3 R’s for the Earth Day
What can we do to save our earth? (為了地球,我們可以做些什麼?)

2 What can you do with this?

3 If we keep producing trash…..
Can you imagine living in a world with trash, trash, everywhere?


5 The 3 R’s 減 量 再利用 回 收

6 Reduce Turn off the lights when they are not in use. (隨手關燈)

7 Reuse Plant in a used light bulb. (利用廢棄的燈泡美化環境)

8 Recycle Put the used light bulb in the recycle bin. (回收廢棄燈泡)

9 Let’s Sing ! Use only necessary energy (只使用足夠的能源)
Take quick drinks (快速喝水) Pull out plugs (拔插頭) Throw away litter/pick up trash (丟垃圾) Reuse stuff (東西): bottles/bags/ containers /rags (毯子) Donate (捐贈) toys/clothes Recycle cardboard (紙箱) /cartridges (充電器)/ batteries (電池) /laptops (筆記型電腦)/ cellphones/metals (鐵)

10 Let’s Sing !

11 How can we…?

12 It’s FUN time Line up in front of the desk, and take turns to answer the questions. Look at the pictures of each question. Raise the card with either “reduce”, “reuse”, or “recycle” that responds to the actions taken in the pictures. If you answer right, you’ll get a point for your group.

13 Donate old toys. (捐贈玩具)

14 Walk to school. (走路上學)

15 Bring a shopping bag. (攜帶購物袋)

16 Recycle dead batteries. (回收電池)

17 Wrap lunch box with old newspaper.

18 Bring your own chopsticks.

19 Turn off the water when brushing teeth.

20 Buy second-handed books.

21 Recycle cans. (回收鐵鋁罐)

22 Good Job!

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