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The keys to Unit 2 Section A 趣味英语

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1 The keys to Unit 2 Section A 趣味英语
1.U.S.dollar . 2.Renminbi yuan or Japanese yen . 3. Euro . 4. British pound

2 The keys to Unit 2 Section A
Ⅱ 价格大考察 1.It’s forty-four thousand one hundred yen. 2.It’s two point three pounds. 3.It’s three point five Euros. 4.It’s two hundred and ninety-nine dollars. 5.It’s twenty-two yuan. 4 .

3 The keys to Unit 2 Section A
pound 英镑 franc 法郎 dollar 美元 credit 信用 Euro 欧元 sign 签名 coin 硬币 passbook 存折 exchange 交换 password 密码 note 票据

4 The keys to Unit 2 Section A
Ⅰ秀秀词汇 (B) 1.ID card paper money 3. Four point eight Euros 4. Credit cad nonety dollars 6. Draw out 7. Exchange ten dollars for coins 8. Put into 1.

5 想想译译 1.时间就是金钱。 2.省钱就是赚钱。/省一文就得一文。 3.财富不是属于拥有的人,而是属于享用的人 4.人世间所以的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。

6 The keys to Unit 2 Section B
Ⅰ单词我行 (A) account 账户 pocket 口袋 deposit 储存10.experience 经历,经验 current 流通 task 任务 check 支票 leaflet 传单 succeed 成功 nervous 紧张 special 特殊的 simple 简单的

7 The keys to Unit 2 Section B an account a deposit account 3. a time deposit account 4. a credit card account 5. a current account 6. a checking account 7. a special experience 8. decide to do sth succeed in 10.come up with

8 The keys to Unit2 Section B
快乐会话 ( A ) 1 C 2 A 3 E 4 F 5 G

9 The keys to Unit1 Section B
1 A 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 B

10 The keys to Unit 2 Section B
深度理解 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. T 5. F

11 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
课内阅读拓展园 D C B F In China They were round and had a square hole in the center

12 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
课外兴趣园 ( A ) 1 C 2 D 3 D 4 A 5 D

13 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
课外兴趣园 ( B ) 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 A

14 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
找对象 1 E 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 C 9.J 10.H 6 I 7 F 8 G

15 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
填字迷 1 succeed 2 experience 3 decide 4 special 5 account 6 deposit 7 money 8 realize

16 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
秀词组 1.the history of money used as paper money 3.elephant tusks 4.string together made in made of 7.a square hole 8.somthing expensive

17 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
补单词 1 made 2 expensive 3 coin 4 succeeded 5 deposited 6 decided 7 exchange

18 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
选佳人 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10.A

19 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
纠错园 1.a---- an 2. many--- much do--- doing 4.with--- for 5.from--- in 6.important something----- something important 7.get--- getting

20 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
1. 我想开个账户。 2. 这是我的存折。 3. 你想取多少钱? 4. 在这次经历之后,所有的学生都意识到即使只挣一份简单的午餐也是不容易的。

21 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
翻译园 ( II ) 1.Could you exchange ten Euros for coins? 2.She came up with a new idea at the meeting. 3.He succeeded in inventing the new machine. 4.Now mobile phones can be used as cameras. 5.This cup is made of gold.

22 翻译园( III ) 后来,国家开始制造金币和银币。但是人们认为如果他们要买一些贵的东西,金币和银币很不方便。然后我们知道人们开始使用纸币了。

23 Exercises for Section C
语法园 A (Ⅰ) 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F

24 语法园 A (Ⅱ) 1. why 2. who 3. that 4. how 5. how soon 6. whether 7. if 8. what 9. why 10.what

25 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
语法园 A ( III ) 1 that were 2 that travels 3 if/ whether would be 4 if/whether they can speak 5 if/whether are playing 6 if/whether he had finished

26 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
语法园 B 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 B 9 D 10 D 11 B 12 C 13 C 6 A 14 A 7 C 15 C 8 A

27 The keys to Unit1 Section C
女娲补天 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 D 7 A 8 C 9 D 10 B

28 The keys to Unit 2 Section C
小作文 How to spend pocket money Nowadays, most middle school students have pocket money every month, and I did a survey in my school. As for results, most students spend their pocket money on buying snacks and mobile phones. However, only a few students save their money or buy some books. Everyone has his own plan with pocket money neither on mobile phones nor snacks, but in buying all kinds of books. As for reasons, reading is my favorite hobby and it can not only make me relaxed but also teach me a lot of knowledge that can’t be learnt from class.

29 The keys to Unit 2 单元小测试 词义配对 1. D 2. C 3. E 4. B 5. A

30 The keys to Unit 2 单元小测试 单词拼写 1 string 2 Africa 3 besides 4 decided
单元小测试 单词拼写 1 string 2 Africa 3 besides 4 decided 5 experience

31 The keys to Unit1 单元小测试 单项选择 1 C 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 D 8 B 9 B 10 C

32 The keys to Unit1 单元小测试 完形填空 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 D 9.C 10.D

33 The keys to Unit1 单元小测试 阅读理解 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 C

34 The keys to Unit1 单元小测试 补全对话 1 A 2 D 3 C 4 F 5 B

35 The keys to Unit 2 单元小测试 小作文 W hat money can bring us
单元小测试 小作文 W hat money can bring us Money is very important in our life. W e can do nothing and can’t even live on without money. So some people think money is everything. W ith money, they can buy everything they want. Someone even gets money by stealing or cheating. Of course, they will get punished in the end. So in my opinion, money can bring us only happiness, but misery also.

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