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Unit 5 What do they do? (Period 4).

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1 Unit 5 What do they do? (Period 4)

2 I’m a reporter. 记者 在本节课中表现好的同学会获得小记者奖章,加油哦!

3 Learning aims 1. 2. 3. 4. I can talk about jobs. 我能正确地和别人谈论职业 。
I can ask and answer “what do/does…do?”. 我能用句型“what do/does …do?”进行问答。 2. 3. I know verbs sometimes end with ”s”or “es.” 我知道部分动词三单形式以-s或-es结尾。 I know the sound of the letter “Y”. 我知道字母y的发音。 4.

4 Try to know me How old are you? Can you…? What do you do?
做个小记者来采访下新老师吧! How old are you? Can you…? What do you do? What …do you like?

5 Play a game 看到图片请站起来大声说出单词!

6 希望 I wish I could fly!

7 y / ai / Sound time I wish I could fly! High , high in the sky,
I can see a butterfly. High, high in the sky, I wish I could fly ! y / ai / 字母y在这些单词中发什么音?

8 Sound time try why my fly sky cry
1.你能尝试读一读下面的单词吗? try why my fly sky cry 2.你能选择合适的词完成这个句子吗? Hi, ____ little boy, don’t_____,just have a ____.

9 I know the sound of the letter ‘y’.

10 What does she do? She is a reporter. She interviews(采访) famous people.
一名好记者应该做到: 声音响亮 语言准确 自信大方!

11 帮助杨澜给他们做个人物报道吧!做个优秀的小记者哦!
Mr.Zhong is a ________. He_____________. doctor helps sick people She is a ________. She loves her students. teacher They are________. They ___________. policemen catch bad men

12 帮助杨澜给他们做个人物报道吧!做个优秀的小记者哦!
He/She is ________. He/She________.

13 Survey time 1.小组内采访时你会用到: What does…do? He’s/she’s…He/she…
采访任务:调查小组成员家人的职业。 1.小组内采访时你会用到: What does…do? He’s/she’s…He/she… 2.汇报时你可以参考句子: …’s father/… is a … He/ She… 最佳汇报人评价标准: 语言准确 声音响亮 自信大方 获得小记者奖章的同学还可以采访老师们哦!我们会为你的勇气点赞哦!

14 Writing time 小记者不仅要会说,更要会写哦!

15 Family Album I have a happy family. My aunt is a cook.
My uncle is a driver. He works for a bus station(车站). He drives a bus. My aunt is a cook. She works in a hotel. She cooks nice food. My father is a worker. He works in a car factory. He makes cars. My mother is a teacher. She works in a school. She teaches Chinese. Family Album

16 My happy family 动词三单用法要注意哦! I have a happy family.
My father is _________. He works in ___________.He_____________. My mother is ________. She ________________.She____________. My uncle ___________. He___________________. He_____________. My aunt ____________. She__________________.She _____________ They love their jobs and they love me so much! a worker a car factory makes cars a teacher 你可以用到以下词哦! works in a shool teaches Maths hospital restaurant 餐厅 hotel 宾馆 police station 警察局 station 车站 is a driver works in a bus station drives a bus is a cook cooks nice food works in a hotel

17 我知道部分动词的三单形式以-s或-es结尾
I can talk about jobs. I know verbs sometimes end with”s”or”es” 我能谈论职业。 I can ask and answer”what do/does…do?”. 我能正确提问并回答 我知道部分动词的三单形式以-s或-es结尾


19 People work hard to make our life better.
人们努力工作创造美好生活。 Love my job, love my colourful life. 爱工作,爱美好生活!

20 Try to know more words about jobs.
Homework Try to know more words about jobs. 上网或查阅字典,收集更多职业类的单词到自己的单词库。 2. Make a family album, introduce your family. 制作家庭相册,并介向朋友介绍他们的工作情况。


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