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Module 12 Western music 第2课时.

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1 Module 12 Western music 第2课时

2 Detailed explanation Drilling: Key points: Difficult sentences:
Activity 2&3 ( Acting out can be done.) Key points: the elder, the youger. even more successful, two of the most important composers, not only …but also…,what sort of, in addition to Difficult sentences: But he died in 1791 when he was only 35. Additional new word: center

3 教 学 设 计 思 路 1.Warming up: 在学习新单词的之后,做单词与图片的匹配练习,从而巩固所学单词并为下面的阅读做好铺垫。
2.Lead-in & Presentation: 通过施特劳斯的图片导入,帮助学生大致了解本课将要阅读的段文内容,并向学生呈现短文。 3.Drilling & practice: 学生通过听说及阅读,复习一般过去时,了解世界著名音乐大师,提高阅读能力。 4.Consolidation: 从听、说、读、写四个层面加强学生对本课新知识的学习,基本掌握人物介绍的写作方法。

4 New words centre n. 中心 *drum n. 鼓 guitar n. 吉他 organ n. 管风琴 trumpet n.
*violin n. elder adj. waltz n. 中心 吉他 管风琴 小号 小提琴 年长的(尤指家庭成员年幼的 (尤指家庭成员之间 华尔兹,圆舞曲

5 New words 中心 centre n. 鼓 *drum n. 吉他 guitar n. 管风琴 organ n. 小号
小提琴 年长的(尤指家庭成员年幼的 (尤指家庭成员之间 华尔兹,圆舞曲 centre n. *drum n. guitar n. organ n. trumpet n. *violin n. elder adj. waltz n.

6 New words younger adj. 年幼的(尤指家庭成员之间) die v. 死,去世 addition n. 添加;添加物
in addition to rest n. 年幼的(尤指家庭成员之间) 死,去世 添加;添加物 除……以外 剩余部分

7 New words 年幼的(尤指家庭成员之间) 死,去世 younger adj. die v. 添加;添加物 addition n.
除……以外 剩余部分 younger adj. die v. addition n. in addition to rest n.

8 Activity 1: Match the pictures with the words:
drums guitar organ piano trumpet violin violin piano guitar trumpet drums organ

9 Practice: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
blues classical composers drums guitars jazz opera piano violin Beethven was one of the greatest (1)______________ of (2)__________ music.He wrote lots of pieces for (3)_______ ,(4)_______ and organ.He also wrote one (5)__________ called Leonore. In pop music, the(6) _______ give the rhythm, composers classical piano violin opera drums

10 and the(7) __________ play
the tunes(曲调 ).The trumpet is a very popular instrument in the slow and sad Black American songs,called the (8)_______.It is also one of the important instruments in (9)_____. guitars blues jazz


12 √ × × √ × × Activity 2: Read and check:
1.Many composers and musicians came to study and work in Viena. 2.Strauss the younger played the piano, the violin and the organ at the age of six. 3.Mozart wrote his first opera at the age of 14. 4.The family took Mozart around Europe. 5.The father Johann Strauss died in 1791. 6.Mozart wrote the Blue Danube. × × × ×

13 Activity 3: Answer the questions: 1.Where is Vienna?
2.Which family was the most famous family of 4.What was Johann Strauss the younger’s most famous piece of music? It is in Austria. musicians in Vienna? The Strauss family was the most famous family of musicians in Vienna. 3.What sort of music did Johann Strauss the elder write? He wrote waltzes. It was The Blue Danube.

14 6.What did Mozart write in addition to operas?
5.When was Mozart born? 6.What did Mozart write in addition to operas? 7.How old was Mozart when he died? 8.Who do some people say was the greatest European composer? He was born in 1756. He wrote hundreds of pieces of music for the classical orchestra. He was 35. Some people say Mozart was the greatest European composer.

15 key points 1.come---came is---was are---were write---wrote make---made
take---took give---gave 2. make sb +adj. 3.two of the most important composers 4.not only…but also… 5.hundreds of 6.But he died in 1791 when he was only 35. 7.what sort of addition to

16 Activity 4: Writing:use the notes to write a passage about the composer Xian Xinghai: Xian Xinghai/famous for the song The Yellow River/wrote it in 1939 in only six days/music describes China to the rest of the world/used traditional Chinese music/studied in Paris/one of the great composers of classical and traditional music/brought western and Chinese music together/born in Macao,China,1905/songs have been popular for more than 60 years/called the People’s Musician/died young,1945 Xian Xinghai is one of the great composers of classical and traditional music.He was born in….

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