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Life Straw GROUP 3 10214022 蕭定閎 10214037 陳廣陵 10214055 胡翔然 10214133 陳瑩媜.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Straw GROUP 3 10214022 蕭定閎 10214037 陳廣陵 10214055 胡翔然 10214133 陳瑩媜."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Straw GROUP 3 蕭定閎 陳廣陵 胡翔然 陳瑩媜

2 What is Life Straw? Life Straw uses seven filter, including mesh, activated carbon and iodine. It can block the virus, bacteria and parasites so the dirty water can filter into the potable water disinfection. LifeStraw使用7種過濾器,包括網絲、活性碳和碘,可以阻絕病毒、細菌及寄生蟲,因此再髒的水都可過濾消毒成可飲用的水質。 甚麼是風力發電? 利用風轉動風車,使發電機產生電能 2

3 Let's watch the video 放影片

4 Advantages Portable Cheap Easy to use When depletion exhausted,
straw automatically turn off water feature. 優點What are the advantages of wind power 1.建造費用低廉 2.對環境污染造成的影響較小 3.是再生能源 4

5 Disadvantages Limited Water Filter amount It’s a expendables.
缺點What are the disadvantages of wind power 1.對生態或景觀的破壞 2.噪音大 3.需要風很大又空曠的地方 5

6 The end

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