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one Counting units 2 ones 3 ones.

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2 8


4 10

5 1 one Counting units

6 2 ones

7 3 ones

8 4 ones

9 5 ones

10 6 ones

11 7 ones

12 8 ones

13 9 ones

14 10 ones is 1 ten.

15 10 ones is 1 ten. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 10 ones. 1 ten is

16 12 Write: Read:twelve 1ten and 2 ones make12.
制作说明:利用小棒图,通过数、捆、写结合,突出捆,理解12是1个十和2个一组成。 12 Write: Read:twelve

17 15 Write: Read:fifteen 1ten and 5 ones make15.
制作说明:利用小棒图,通过数、捆、写结合,突出捆,理解12是1个十和2个一组成。 15 Write: Read:fifteen

18 3 ones 1 ten 13

19 15

20 17

21 16 16

22 18 16

23 16 2 tens is 20. 20 is 2 tens.

24 The numbers within 20

25 Look at the ruler, count from 0 to 20.

26 Count from 7 to 18.

27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I can do: (1)1 more than 10 is( ),1 less than 17 is( )。 11 16 15 17 (2) ( )is before 16.( )is after 16. (3)( )ten and ( )ones make 15. 1 5 直尺 3 1 (4)( )ones and( )ten make 13. 17 (5)Between 16 and 18 is( )。

28 13

29 What you have learned today?

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