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居家日常生活照護指導-身體正確的姿勢與移動 correct body posture and movement

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1 居家日常生活照護指導-身體正確的姿勢與移動 correct body posture and movement
修訂1.1版 居家日常生活照護指導-身體正確的姿勢與移動 Home care guide – correct body posture and movement 使上身稍高時,可用各種墊子、大枕頭、棉被等放置於身下以墊高上半身,並於足部給予適當支托。 Use all kinds of mattresses, large pillows, quilts etc. to place under beneath body to lift upper body higher and give foot area with appropriate support. 採半坐臥位時,需注意頭、背、腰和足部的支托。 Pay attention to support head, back, waist and foot when place case at half-sit-lie posture. 側臥時,需利用枕頭增進病人的舒適,分散其體重,並維持合宜的姿勢,於頭部和腹部給予支托,同時注意足部的支托。 Case of side lying (left-flank-lie or right-flank-lie), use pillow to improve comfort and spread case’s weight, and maintain right posture, give sufficient support to head and abdomen and pay attention to support ankle area. 採半坐臥位時,在頭、肩、上臂、腿和腳踝的地方都特別加以支托。 Case of sit-lying posture, use special support on head, shoulder, upper arm, leg, and ankle. D8119

2 一般的側臥,可於胸前放一大枕頭,然後於背面用大枕頭或大墊子、浴毯等頂住病人的背部;雙腿間夾放一個枕頭。
Case of side-lying posture, put a big pillow in front of chest and use big pillow or big mattress, or blanket to support case’s back side; put a pillow clamped between legs. 俯臥時,手臂的位置和肩部的支托很重要,可採一手伸直、一手屈曲或兩手屈曲的位置,肩下需墊一小枕,手臥捲軸。若為女性,尚需考慮分散其體重及維持女性適當之肢體位置,分散於肩下、腹部、大腿和小腿處支托,並於足掌上加支托板,以維持踝關節之正常功能位置。 Case of prone posture, arm location and shoulder support is very important, may have one hand unfold and flexture for the other hand, or have two hands both at flexure position, put a small pillow to support shoulder and use hand to hold scroll bar. For woman, needs to consider case’s weight dispersion and appropriate body location, spread support over the shoulder, abdomen, thigh and calf, support carrier board on foot palm to maintain normal function of the ankle joint position. 採半坐臥時,在頭、肩、上臂、腿和腳踝的地方都特別加以支托? When patients are in semi-sitting positions, should special support be put on to the head, shoulder, upper arms, legs and ankles? 側臥時,需利用枕頭增進病人的舒適? When patients are in side-lying positions, can you use a pillow help them feel more comfortable? 俯臥時,不需任何的支托? When patients are in prone positions, they do not need any support?

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