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(1) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測

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1 (1) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測
耶穌大愛深不可測, Vast, unmeasured boundless free! 廣不可量寬無邊! Rolling as a mighty ocean 滾滾尤如遼闊海洋, 1-1 (1) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測

2 (2) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測
In its fullness over me! 如衆水將我身淹! Underneath me, all around me, 在上遮蓋,四圍環繞, Is the current of Thy love ; 在主愛中得安詳; Leading onward, leading homeward, 引導前行, 走向天家, To Thy glorious rest above 安息在榮耀天上! 1-2 (2) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測

3 (3) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測
耶穌大愛深不可測, Spread His praise from shore to shore! 走遍四方去傳揚! How He loveth, ever loveth, 祂有慈愛長久的愛, Changeth never nevermore! 永不改變亙古長! 2-1 (3) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測

4 (4) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測
How He watches o’er His loved ones, 主眼看顧祂的兒女, Died to call them all His own; 捨身向他們呼召; How for them He intercedeth, 親自代禱,時常關照, Watcheth o’er them from the throne! 從寶座上顯榮耀! 2-2 (4) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測

5 (5) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測
耶穌大愛深不可測, Love of every love the best! 愛中之愛愛無量! ‘Tis an ocean full of blessing, 賜福衆多大過海洋, ‘Tis a haven giving rest! 是避難所有安詳! 3-1 (5) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測

6 (6) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測
耶穌大愛深不可測, ‘Tis a heaven of heavens to me; 遠超太空天上天; And it lifts me up to glory, 將我高舉,在榮耀中, For it lifts me up to Thee! 歌頌讚美到永遠! 3-2 (6) O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 耶穌大愛深不可測

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