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Chapter 19 Electrochemistry 電化學

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1 Chapter 19 Electrochemistry 電化學
Chemistry English 100-2 Semester

2 19.1 Redox Reactions 氧化還原反應
Vocabulary and Phrase 字與詞 Electrochemistry Balancing Redox Equations Reduction Oxidation Half-reaction Ion-electron method 電化學 平衡氧化還原反應 還原 氧化 半反應 離子-電子法

3 19.1 Redox Reactions 氧化還原反應
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 Electrochemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the interconversion of electrical energy and chemical energy. branch deal withreate interconversion 分支 處理 轉換 中譯: 電化學是化學中的一個分支, 處理電能與化學能之間的轉換。

4 19.1 Redox Reactions 氧化還原反應
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 In ion-electron method, the overall reaction is divided into two half-reactions, one for oxidation and one for reduction. 中譯: 離子-電子法中, 全反應可被分為兩個半反應, 一為氧化, 一為還原。

5 19.2 Galvanic Cells 加凡尼電池 Galvanic cell Voltaic cell Electrode Anode
Vocabulary and Phrase 字與詞 Galvanic cell Voltaic cell Electrode Anode Cathode 加凡尼電池 伏特電池, 電極 陽極 陰極

6 19.2 Galvanic Cells 加凡尼電池 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 The experimental apparatus for generating electricity through the use of a spontaneous reaction is called a galvanic cell. 中譯: 利用自發反應產生電的化學裝置稱為加凡尼電池。

7 Electromotive force (emf, E)
19.2 Galvanic Cells 加凡尼電池 Vocabulary and Phrase 字與詞 Voltmeter Cell voltage Cell potential Electromotive force (emf, E) 電壓計, 伏特計 電池電壓, 槽電壓 電池電位 電動勢

8 19.2 Galvanic Cells 加凡尼電池 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 By definition, the anode in a galvanic cell is the electrode at which oxidation occurs and the cathode is the electrode at which reduction occurs. 中譯: 定義上, 家凡尼電池中陽極是氧化反應發生的電極,而陰級則為還原反應發生之電極 。

9 19.2 Galvanic Cells 加凡尼電池 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 Experimentally, the difference in electrical potential between the anode and cathode is measured by a voltmeter. 中譯: 實驗上, 陽極與陰級的電位差以電壓計測量。 The voltage across the electrodes of galvanic cell is called the cell voltage, or cell potential. 中譯: 加凡尼電池(兩)電極間的電壓稱為電池電壓或是電池電位。

10 19.2 Galvanic Cells 加凡尼電池 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 Another common term for cell voltage is the electromotive force, which, despite its name, is a measure of voltage, not force. 中譯: 電池電壓的另一個用詞為電動勢, 無論其名為何, 電動勢是測量電壓(voltage)而非力量(force)。


12 19.3 Standard Reduction Potentials 標準還原電位
Vocabulary and Phrase 字與詞 Standard reduction potential Standard hydrogen electrode Standard emf of the cell 標準還原電位 標準氫電極 電池之標準電動勢

13 19.3 Standard Reduction Potentials 標準還原電位
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 E0 is the standard reduction potential, or the voltage associated with a reduction reaction at an electrode when all solutes are 1 M and all gases are at 1 atm. 中譯: E0是標準還原電位, 當所有溶質濃度為1M 所有氣體均處於1 大氣壓電即進行還原反應所產生的電壓。

14 19.3 Standard Reduction Potentials 標準還原電位
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 The standard reduction potential of the hydrogen electrode is defined as zero. 中譯: 氫電極的標準還原電位定義為0 。 The hydrogen electrode is called the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). 中譯: 氫電極被稱為標準氫電極。

15 19.3 Standard Reduction Potentials 標準還原電位
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 By convention, the standard emf of the cell is given by Where both and are the standard reduction potentials of the electrodes. 中譯: 按照慣例, 電池的電位差由下式可得: 其中 均為電極的標準還原電位

16 19.3 Standard Reduction Potentials 標準還原電位
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 The more positive E0 is, the greater the tendency for the substance to be reduced. 中譯: E0 越偏正值(或正值越大), 物質被還原的傾向越大。

17 19.3 Standard Reduction Potentials 標準還原電位
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 The half-cell reactions are reversible. 中譯: 半電池反應是可逆的。 Changing the stoichiometric coefficients of a half-cell reaction does not affect the value of E0 because electrode potentials are intensive properties. 中譯: 改變半電池的反應係數並不影響E0值因為電位式是示強性質。

18 19.4 Thermodynamics of Redox Reactions 氧化還原反應的熱力學性質
Vocabulary and Phrase 字與詞 Faraday constant (F) 法拉第常數 1F=9.647 × 104 C/mol e- DG= -nFEcell DG0= -nF

19 19.3 Standard Reduction Potentials 標準還原電位
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 The charge of one mole of electrons is called the Faraday constant (F). 中譯: 一莫耳電子的電荷數稱為法拉第常數F。 The measured emf (Ecell) is the maximum voltage the cell can achieve. 中譯: 所測得的電動勢是電池可達到的最大電壓。

20 19.5 The Effect of Concentration on Cell Emf 電池電動勢的濃度效應
Vocabulary and Phrase 字與詞 Nernst Equation 能斯特方程式 The Nernst equation enables us to calculate E as a function of reactant and product concentrations in a redox reaction. 中譯: 能斯特方程式讓我們能將還原電位視為氧化還原反應反應物與產物的濃度的函數來進行計算。 (也就是還原電位會受反應物及產物濃度的影響)

21 19.5 The Effect of Concentration on Cell Emf 電池電動勢的濃度效應
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 During the operation of galvanic cell, electrons flow from the anode to the cathode, resulting in product formation and a decrease in reactant concentration. 中譯: 加凡尼電池運作中, 電子由陽極流向陰極, 導致生成產物以及反應物濃度的減少。

22 19.5 The Effect of Concentration on Cell Emf 電池電動勢的濃度效應
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 Q increases, which means that E decreases. Eventually, the cell reaches equilibrium. 中譯: 反應商值(Q)增加, 也表示還原電位減少, 最後電池達到平衡。

23 19.5 The Effect of Concentration on Cell Emf 電池電動勢的濃度效應
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 At equilibrium, there is no net transfer of electrons, so E=0 and Q=K, where K is the equilibrium constant. 中譯: 在平衡時不再產生電子的淨轉換, 因此電位為0, 反應商值等於平衡常數。

24 19.6 Batteries 電池 Dry cell battery Mercury battery
Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 Dry cell battery Mercury battery Lead storage battery Lithium-ion battery Fuel cell 乾電池 汞電池 鉛蓄電池 鋰離子電池 燃料電池

25 19.6 Batteries 電池 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 A battery is a galvanic cell, or a series of combined galvanic cells, that can be used as a source of direct electric current at a constant voltage. 中譯: 電池是由一個加凡尼電池或是一組加凡尼電池作為固定電壓的直流電電源(的裝置)。

26 19.7 Corrosion 腐蝕 腐蝕 Corrosion Cathodic protection 陽極保護
Vocabulary and Phrase 字與詞 腐蝕 陽極保護 Corrosion Cathodic protection

27 19.7 Corrosion 腐蝕 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 Corrosion is the term usually applied to the deterioration of metals by an electrochemical process. 中譯: 腐蝕一詞通常用於經由電化學程序所導致金屬的惡化變質。

28 Cathodic protection is a process in which the metal that is to be protected from corrosion is made the cathode in what amounts to a galvanic cell.

29 19.8 Electrolysis 電解 Electrolysis Electrolytic cell Overvoltage 電解
Vocabulary and Phrase 字與詞 Electrolysis Electrolytic cell Overvoltage 電解 電解電池 過電壓, 超電壓

30 19.8 Electrolysis 電解 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 Electrolysis is the process in which electrical energy is used to cause a nonspontaneous chemical reaction to occur. 中譯: 在電解的程序中使用電能引發一個不自發的反應得以發生。

31 19.8 Electrolysis 電解 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 An electrolytic cell is an apparatus for carrying out electrolysis. 中譯: 電解電池是進行電解的裝置。

32 19.8 Electrolysis 電解 Definition and Reading 定義與例句閱讀 The overvoltage is the difference between the electrode potential and the actual voltage required to cause electrolysis. 中譯: 所謂過電壓是電極電位與能引發電解的電壓間之差值。

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