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頌讚主尊名 Blessed Be The Name 聖徒詩歌 164首.

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Presentation on theme: "頌讚主尊名 Blessed Be The Name 聖徒詩歌 164首."— Presentation transcript:

1 頌讚主尊名 Blessed Be The Name 聖徒詩歌 164首

2 被殺羔羊, 完成救贖, 被神高舉天上; 罪人朋友, 榮耀救主, 配得永遠頌揚。
All praise to Him who reigns above In majesty supreme, Who gave his son for man to die, That he might man redeem! 1/11

3 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。
Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。 2/11

4 超乎萬名之上的名, 已經賜給耶穌, 天上地上一切生命, 無不稱衪為主。
His name above all names shall stand, Exalted more and more, At God the Father’s own right hand, Where angel hosts adore. 3/11

5 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。
Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。 4/11

6 天使下拜天軍俯伏, 萬有也都屈膝, 敬拜救主高舉基督, 頌讚羔羊不巳。 Redeemer, Savior, Friend of man
Once ruined by the fall, Thou hast devised salvation’s plan, For Thou hast died for all. 5/11

7 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。
Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。 Blessed be the name of the Lord. 6/11

8 蒙恩罪人也要歡呼, 同聲頌讚救主: 為我流血將我救贖, 使我永遠得福。
His name shall be the Counselor, The mighty Prince of Peace, Of all earth’s kingdoms Conqueror, Whose reign shall never cease. 7/11

9 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。
Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。 Blessed be the name of the Lord. 8/11

10 All wisdom, riches, might and pow’r, Be unto Christ the Lamb both now
但願能力智慧豐富, 尊貴榮耀王權, 歸給羔羊救主耶穌, 直到永永遠遠! All wisdom, riches, might and pow’r, All honor and glory, Be unto Christ the Lamb both now And through eternity. 9/11

11 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚主尊名, 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。
Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。 Blessed be the name of the Lord. 10/11

12 哈利路亞! 哈利路亞! 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。
Hallelujah, hallelujah, Blessed be the name of the Lord; 頌讚, 榮耀, 歸主尊名。 Blessed be the name of the Lord. 11/11

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