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因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂死 我得永生 因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕

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Presentation on theme: "因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂死 我得永生 因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕"— Presentation transcript:

1 因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂死 我得永生 因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕
因祂十架  因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂死 我得永生 因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕 WITHOUT HIS CROSS Without His tears there is no comfort. Without His death there is no life. Without His blood there is no pardon. Without His cross there is no crown

2 祂蒙羞恥 帶來了榮耀 因祂憂愁 我得喜樂 祂受鞭打 使我得醫治 耶穌十架 換來冠冕
Without His shame there is no glory. Without His grief there is no joy. Without His stripes there is no healing. Without His cross there is no crown.

3 神羔羊 神羔羊 祢帶來救贖 祢的恩典 祢恩典 充滿我心 主慈愛眼淚除去我的愁煩
Lamb of God, you bring salvation, and with your grace our hearts are sealed. Lord, with your tears of love you bathe our sorrows.

4 祢眼看清我一切 因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂受死 我得永生
In your eyes we stand revealed. Without His tears there is no comfort. Without His death there is no life.

5 因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕 X 2 耶穌十架 換來冠冕!
Without His blood there is no pardon. Without His cross there is no crown.  Without His cross there is no crown !

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