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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
週六崇拜 Saturday Worship 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日學 Sunday School 主日 Sun 9:00 am 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 我今天為你祝福 耶和華必天天看顧 你在家在外 你出你入 耶和華必一路保護
你在家在外 你出你入 耶和華必一路保護 I bless you today, my friend May the Lord take good care of you Wherever you go, whatever you do May His grace be sufficient for you

4 你當除去恐懼的心 因為這不是從神來 靠著耶穌 永不搖動 我們一生蒙了大福
靠著耶穌 永不搖動 我們一生蒙了大福 Perfect love casts out all fear Because fear is not from God In Jesus, we will not be moved All of our days We are blessed, blessed, blessed

5 我感覺主恩膏 充滿我們中間 神的聖靈正在運行 帶下醫治的恩典
I can feel a great anointing in this place Yes the Holy Spirit’s moving Bringing healing through God’s grace

6 I can see the Holy Spirit To awaken all the people of God
我看見主聖靈 正澆灌眾教會 興起衪所擇選 榮耀子民 I can see the Holy Spirit at work right here To awaken all the people of God

7 今天是主所命定的日子 自由的時刻已來到 罪的鎖鍊衪完全都斷開 來歡呼讚美衪聖名
This is the day today the Lord has made The time of freedom has arrived The bonds of sin He comes to break away Let’s shout aloud and praise His Name, Hey

8 新酒澆灌帶下新鮮恩膏 說不盡的喜樂充滿我 新油流下帶出大能恩膏 來宣揚我主榮耀彰顯
New wine falling bringing fresh anointing Filling us with over whelming joy Oil that’s flowing with a great anointing To declare the power of the Lord

9 耶和華賜下歡欣快樂 無限的喜樂充滿我 新的膏油已澆灌下來 哈利路亞高聲歡呼
We sing and dance in celebration Praising the Lord with songs of joy He’s pouring out the oil of gladness Hallelujah let us rejoice

10 我領受神的應許 賜給猶大的後裔 稱為禱告的子民 來敬拜歌頌讚美
This is the promise of God For the tribe of Judah For all the people who pray Who praise and worship His Name

11 這是期待收割的時刻 神的話語如今已成就 莊稼成熟各處在收割 已臨到全世界各地
Yes this is the time we’ve awaited That the Word of God shall be fulfilled All over the world we can see it The harvest is being revealed

12 我獻上我生命給你 我走到你聖潔之地 獻上我的生命 成為馨香活祭
I offer You my life, oh Lord I come into Your Holy place My life in sacrifice today Upon your altar lay

13 用新生命充滿我心 渴望新鮮恩膏降臨 在你心意恆切禱告 清楚聽你聲音
Lord fill my heart with life anew I want that fresh anointing too To speak your will in every prayer And hear Your voice so clear

14 使我成為禱告殿 聖潔禱告的殿 讓各方各族都聚集 來敬拜尋求你
Lord make me a house of prayer A holy house of prayer That every nation every tongue Will come and worship You

15 父神 創造的主 顯明你創造心意 興起你所揀選的百姓 在這地同心前進
Father of creation Unfold Your sovereign plan Raise up a chosen generation That will march through the land

16 宇宙萬物都在嘆息 等候你能力顯明 求主釋放你的恩膏 哦 神就在這時刻
All of creation is longing For Your unveiling of Power Would You release Your anointing O God, let this be the hour

17 願你榮耀今降臨這裡 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願你香膏充滿在這裡 我們同心尋求你面
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face

18 The full release of Your promise
統管萬國的主 這世界仍要看見 你的應許完全彰顯 教會要全然得勝 Ruler of the nations The world has yet to see The full release of Your promise The church in victory

19 求你憐憫觸摸我們 使我們靠你剛強 勝過我們一切軟弱 使我們奮勇爭戰
Turn to us, Lord, and touch us Make us strong in Your might Overcome our weakness That we could stand up and fight

20 願你榮耀今降臨這裡 讓它從我們中間流到萬邦 願你香膏充滿在這裡 我們同心尋求你面
Let Your glory fall in this room Let it go from here to the nations Let Your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek Your face

21 神的聖靈降臨 降臨 哦 安慰師 朋友 渴望再次觸摸我
Holy Spirit rain down, rain down Oh, comforter and friend How we need Your touch again

22 神的聖靈降臨 降臨 降下你能力 聽到你聲音 改變我心意 靠你話語堅立 神的聖靈降臨
Holy Spirit rain down, rain down Let Your power fall, let Your voice be heard Come and change our hearts as we stand on Your Word Holy Spirit rain down

23 眼未曾見 耳未曾聽 無人知曉神奇妙旨意 大開天上窗戶傾倒在地 臨到教會 臨到我生命
No eye has seen, no ear has heard No mind can know what God has in store So open up heaven, open it wide Over Your church and over our lives

24 耶穌求你進入我的心 用你大能的寶血遮蓋我 開啟我心靈 得著我生命 在你寶血裡我就得潔淨
Jesus, come into my heart, I pray Cover me with Your precious blood Open my heart, receive my life In Your precious blood I’m completely cleansed

25 耶穌求你進入我的心 用你大能的寶血釋放我 進入你同在 領受你大愛 在你寶血裡我獻上敬拜
Jesus, come into my heart, I pray Deliver me with Your precious blood Into Your presence, receive Your love In Your precious blood I offer my praise

26 領我到你寶血裡面 所有罪惡必得赦免 更新我生命 在你愛的寶血裡面
Lead me into Your precious blood All my sins are forgiven Renew my life In Your loving precious blood

27 領我到你寶血裡面 領受豐盛奇妙恩典 更新我生命 在你愛的寶血裡面
Lead me into Your precious blood Receive Your amazing grace Renew my life In Your loving precious blood

28 I desire Your anointing To break of all that binds me (2x)
我真渴慕你恩膏 現在降臨我身 解開我身上的軛 (x2) I desire Your anointing To fall upon me To break of all that binds me (2x)

29 Holy Spirit, come anoint me now (2x)

30 因祂活著 我能面對明天 因祂活著 不再懼怕 Because You live, I can face tomorrow
Because You live, all fear is gone

31 Because I know You hold the future And life is worth the living
我深知道祂掌握明天 生命充滿了希望 只因祂活著 Because I know You hold the future And life is worth the living Just because You live

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