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我要等候耶和華 I will Wait for the LORD 我的拯救 我的高臺.

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Presentation on theme: "我要等候耶和華 I will Wait for the LORD 我的拯救 我的高臺."— Presentation transcript:

1 我要等候耶和華 I will Wait for the LORD 我的拯救 我的高臺

2 我要專心等候耶和華 也要定睛仰望祂 來到主施恩寶座前 必蒙憐恤得夠用恩典
I will wait for the LORD wholeheartedly I will look up to him with my trust I come to God’s throne of grace so that I shall receive mercy and find grace I wait for the LORD 1/4

3 我要耐心等候耶和華 如守夜等候天明 在夜間歌頌祂信實 每早晨高唱祂的慈愛
I will wait patiently for the LORD as watchmen wait for the morning Praise His faithfulness at night proclaiming his love in the morning I wait for the LORD 2/4

4 唯獨祂是我的磐石 我的拯救 我的高臺 在祂面前傾心吐意 我的幫助從祂而來
Truly he is my rock my salvation, my fortress I poured out my heart to him my help comes from him I wait for the LORD 3/4

5 我要耐心等候耶和華 如守夜等候天明 在夜間歌頌祂信實 每早晨高唱祂的慈愛
I will wait patiently for the LORD as watchmen wait for the morning Praise His faithfulness at night proclaiming his love in the morning I wait for the LORD 4/4

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