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你是榮耀君王 You Are the King of Glory by Mavis Ford (From: 新歌頌揚#359)

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Presentation on theme: "你是榮耀君王 You Are the King of Glory by Mavis Ford (From: 新歌頌揚#359)"— Presentation transcript:

1 你是榮耀君王 You Are the King of Glory by Mavis Ford (From: 新歌頌揚#359)
你是榮耀的君王, 你是和平之主, 你是天地萬有主宰, 惟有你聖潔公義; 天使都向你跪拜, 敬拜尊崇你; 因為在你有永生之道,你是主耶穌基督 You are the King of Glory, You are the Prince of Peace You are the Lord of heav'n and earth, You're the Son of righteousness. Angels bow down before You worship and adore, For You have the words of eternal life. You are Jesus Christ the Lord.

2 和散那歸於大衛的子孫! 和散那歸於萬王之王! 願榮耀歸於至高神, 耶穌是彌賽亞!
Hosanna to the Son of David Hosanna to the King of kings Glory in the highest heaven For Jesus the Messiah reigns From: 新歌頌揚#359

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